From a scientific point of view, all the water on the planet isn’t enough to drown all life. But what, by and large, is the difference between them and us. After all, if a monstrous element flooded your city or your country or an entire continent – could you survive? Or would the fate of Noah be waiting for only a lucky few?
#eldddir #eldddir_earth #eldddir_disaster
A 13.0 magnitude earthquake is impossible, but if it would happen, most likely everyone would be dead.
What is that title, you didn't even mention it
G-man is that you?
The US doesn't need a natural disaster to set the wild animals free.
You are so wrong about the Flood and Noah. This video is not accurate in MANY WAYS!
not me googling "new orleans population by race" and matching the two and two together
They loved their sinful life more than GOD. And no it was not lucky few. Luck does not exist. Noah and His family found grace in the Lord's sight. If you want to know what loving sinful life means, see why JESUS came to this earth, died on the cross for our sins and rose again on the third day. GOD has provided salvation, a way out of this sinful society, a way out of our debt(sinful life). Search truth, and if you diligently seek it you'll find the door of truth, which is JESUS Christ. Repent, the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. Our current societies trend has almost exceeded the era of Noah. The seven years tribulation draws nearer.
Climate Change fear monger much?
1:35 my dirty mind 😭
humans are going to have to accept that one day regardless they will go extinct.
You can survive with dive gear underwater but this happened already in the past
The whole reason oh species is so successful is because of us being a community.
Too much imagination, too little science. This is simply fearmongering.
There is human involvement in every disaster on this planet. We want to dominate this planet and mother nature will not let that happen. Our growing and uncontrolled population is beyond its capacity and there is no room for other species. we kept ourselves blind to the fact that the natural beauty of this planet is the other species, not humans. Without humans, the world will thrive much better than ever, but without other species, the planet will die much faster than ever. Michael from Norway.
NOAH and his family were picked by GOD to build the ARK,everyone laughed at him,WHY don't you try reading your BIBLE,maybe you'll be saved when OUR LORD JESUS returns,but I have a hunch you work for SATAN seeing as how you started off telling LIES…
Everything was OK…but the main Thubnail didnt come up regarding 13.0 Earthquake…
There isnt any 13 earthquake. Richter scale is up to 10
Am I the only person that always assumed a magnitude 10 was the highest an earthquake could ever be, given that we would get between a low number and at most like 7-9 and 9 being really rare to hear of? I really thought the scale could only top out at 10…
Whole planet 🌍 will have a strongest earthquake,, & typhoon, on this planet,, our house anti clamity proof,, someday it won't work, because of worlds Climate change,,,,so we need a new home planet someday,,, 🌍
Im from Turkiye, we had a devastating quake. And this video pops up
It's amazing how different cultures react to disaster. New Orleans full of crime and looting. Japan full of cooperation and decency. It explains why some countries are so advanced and have a history of achievement and others are third world shit holes
It's too late to save the glacier
We should start digging desserts to accommodate the excess water or digging the ocean to build mountains.