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35 Hero Animals That Saved Human Lives Caught On Camera!
In this video we’re going to show you some of the most beautiful and emotional moments when animals that saved human and other animals lives!
For copyright matters please contact us at: miniminter1992.29@gmail.com
Not a dry eye in the house!
A lot of staged clips especially the ones where robbing the store.
4:02 – Whoah! I would never have given a turtle credit for the brains to understand physics enough to know that a properly applied shove would flip its friend back onto his (or her?) feet!
Red pants, bad idea!
well dogs are good to find sheeps and horses and humans under snow , rescue services in iceland train them also to find humans as Avalanche happens and farmers use their dogs also to help livestock and dogs are used to be around them.
I'm savannah😄😊
It is clear that some of these clips are staged. if human life was in danger, would you help try and save them or just carry on filming it on your phone!
This is absolutely amazing! And it is obvious to me that these are not staged or fake, but actually happened as described.
My dog saved my life from 3 vicious dogs when I was a year old
He also kept me from drowning in a creek when I was 3 years old
Animals come to the rescue while humans stand around and film.
I don't like when some of them are clearly setups or training.
5 years ago one day my grandmother came intlo my room and said you are wasting time like the person who is reading this comment
1:45 stop calling this thing a human. Humans care about their animals
That hawk at 10:50 is lucky he didn't become food
Amazing video about animals
1:26 you treat anyone or anything well and you will get good things in return an example in this video 😍
Some of these shows the stupidity of humans. Taking a video when there's a life threatening situation, for exaple the turtles. Fuckin stupid humans
bro fucking send the snake to space XD 1:30
So heartwarming! I think I am going ta cry!
Just incredible I am hoping to adopt a dog soon from the shelter ❤love animals dogs are really special 😊
half these videos are animals saving animals not humans
How the fack did the rotty save the drowning man, what a joke grabbing his hand ✋
Wow animals are so brave
I had a dog named Lizzy and when I was like 1-4 and she never left me never and let me stand on her one time I got stuck on her leash and she went to my dad and would not leave even when my dad yelled at my dog. But now shes gone and I can never forget how kind she was to me!🥰🥰🥰
Uhm… the shorts of rescues 8s mixed up with the voice it's weird
Sound track is off by a few seconds.
Your video is off by one video 😂😂😂😂
what Wrong with ved your voice don't meet with the ved
That's all beautiful but the audio is two stories off. Its hard to pay attention.
i like how you still include the fake animal rescue its interesting that you are fooled by those videos
great video…but please repost as the sync is off starting at about 6:12.
We have a rottie pup and I hope he will be like that
Coyotes do not chase after an attack people. The coyote was lured by the dog. I guess anything for a good story, right?
The Dover man I Counted how many seconds it took to defeat the snake and it took two seconds
Video out of " sync "
1:45 I just wouldn't be leaving my dog behind to save myself in this situation
Video and voice coordination is confusing.
Damn, that snake went flying 😂
9:54 😮😮
Great content!