Since the glaciers retreated around fifteen thousand years ago, rock fall has been the major force of change in Yosemite Valley. Geologists work to understand this force of nature in order to protect the millions of visitors who come here each year. For an audio described version of this video, go to https://youtu.be/2lt5iYVWUL0.
Is there a way to manually dislodge problem areas, so they aren’t falling randomly?
We have earthquakes happening every day, I would think some of those would cause cracks in the granite as well…
You know,,,,,,,,,, ,…….now………,,,,,,,,,,you have drones to look at all of this,,,,,,,,,,,,why????……why????????.😯😯
Only time when squirrels would run down a tree for their lives.
Rock slides don't care who is beneath them. They don't know anything, so it's not like they have brains to think things out!
As long as we keep throwing tax $$ away. So many better things to solve. It’s a beautiful place!!!
Great Video. 🙂
Wonder when ancient aliens gonna do a show and claim that's an inter dimensional doorway in bottom left
Man, what a view at 8:03!
Aging like everything else are causes of these rock falls. Imagine pieces of our face falling with age instead of wrinkles. Duhhhhh? Did I just say dat?
Surah Mulk is indexed with 67 number and 30 verse number.
1 He is in dominion, and He is almighty.
2 He is the One who created death and life to test which of you will do better deeds. He is Mighty, Forgiving.
3 It is He who created the seven heavens in pairs. You cannot see any contrast in the creation of Rahman, so direct your gaze to see if you see any cracks?
4 Then, from time to time, direct your gaze, and it will return to you, humble and helpless.
5 We adorned the nearest sky with candles and made fires at the devils, for whom We prepared a painful chastisement.
6 The punishment of those who deny their Lord is Hell. what a miserable place it is!
7 When they are thrown into it, they will hear its roar and it will boil.
8 "He will be almost torn to pieces by anger. Whenever a crowd is thrown at him, the guard asks: "Didn't a prophet (warner) come to you?
9 They said, "Yes, a messenger came to us, we denied him, and we said: 'God has not sent down anything, and you are nothing but a great loss.'
10 – They say, if we had heard and understood, we would not have been among the people of the fire.
11 Thus they confess their sins; The people of fire are far from mercy.
12 – Those who fear their Lord without seeing, for them is forgiveness and a great reward.
13 But hide yourselves or speak your word openly; Surely, He knows what you hide in your hearts.
14 Does not the Creator create when he knows that he has descended into the depths of secrets?
15 He is the one who made the earth suitable for you, so travel its parts and enjoy His blessings, for the future is His.
16 Have you been assured by God in heaven that when the earth shakes you will not be shaken?
17 Have you reassured what is in heaven that it will not rain stones on you? Well, you will understand what my punishment is!
18 Even those before them denied, what was my punishment?
19 Have they not seen the birds with their arms outstretched above them, and when their wings are folded, none but Almighty God holds them in the air. He is all-seeing and all-knowing.
20 Who is your army, other than the Most Gracious, who can help you? It is true that the disbelievers are engaged in a great deception.
21 If he is withholding your sustenance from you, who will feed you? No, but they persist in arrogance and disgust.
22 Who walks with his face to the ground on the right path, or who walks on the straight path?
23 Say: It is He who created you, and gave you hearing, sight, and intellect, but you give little thanks.
24 Say: "It is He who created you and multiplied you on earth, and before Him you will be gathered."
25 And they say: When will this promise come true, if you are truthful?
26 Say: "Allah alone knows, and I am only a warner to you."
27 "When they see it (hell) approaching, the disbelievers will grimace and it will be said to them, 'This is what you seek.'
28 Say: Tell me, if God takes my soul and those with me, or has mercy on us, who will protect the disbelievers from a painful chastisement?
29 Say: He is the Most Gracious, We have put our trust in Him and we have put our trust in Him, and you will know who is the loser.
30 Say: Tell me, if the water is lost in the depths, who will raise you above the groundwater?.
Our family arrived and walked this area days before and then after the 2008 rockfall at Yosemite. It was incredible how much material collapsed.
Those mountains are geologically young.
Eventually the are will look like the Appalachians. It several millions of years…..
The Appalachians are the oldest mountain range in the world.
Watching someone stand that close to the edge of a cliff with no railing just freaks me out.
Watching someone climb under a sheer overhang like that gives me anxiety.
I can predict rockfalls, if it's a granite cliff or dome… The rocks will keep falling…
For GeoSci106 folks: photography & laser-mapping cliffs
sounds like a good taxpayer study. Study something you'll never get the answer to.
that grigri rappel down a double rope looked terrifying in the beginning, hoping that was a fixed rope!
Amazing what the ice age can do pushing boulders thousands of miles and making the Grand canyon
I haven’t been to Yosemite since 1972. In fact back then I was waiting for the internet to materialize so I could write a blog on it on this youtube some 48 years later. And even since then they have now labeled the National Parks as racist (even though nobody was smart enough to figure that out then). And since then Portland and Seattle have been turned into hell-holes on earth.