Man Had Motorcycle Crash,Went To Heaven And Shown Millions Of Hidden Planet With Transformations NDE

Man Had Motorcycle Crash,Went To Heaven And Shown Millions Of Hidden Planet With Transformations NDE
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Man Had Motorcycle Crash,Went To Heaven And Shown Millions Of Hidden Planet With Transformations NDE

Some People dismiss near death experiences (NDE) as dreams or the hallucinations of a dying brain, people generally do not have the same kinds of hallucinations. In contrast, the descriptions of near-death experiences are remarkably consistent across culture and time. Many people do think when they do had their Near death Experience, they saw past life regression, out of body experience, angels, heaven, met jesus, afterlife and testimony of jesus e.t.c..

For more NDE narrations, please see below.

Women Who Lost A Son Didn’t Believe in God Until This NDE | Near Death Experience | suicide

So Different Than I Expected Near Death Experience| NDE

Man Died For 45 Minutes And Went Straight To Heavenly Realms – Near Death Experience

If you would like for us to narrate your personal near-death experiences, Please email us at :
MUSIC: StoryBlocks/Audio Library
FOOTAGE licensed through StoryBlocks and Filmpac.
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Disclaimer: This video is taken from an interview by us and our channel, not taken from another channel, and it is all original content.

Man Had Motorcycle Crash,Went To Heaven And Shown Millions Of Hidden Planet With Transformations NDE


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About the Author: NDE Diary


  1. God says, when we repent and come to him…. He God forgives our sins….. And forgets. I don't want to go through hurts…. Forgiven sin again.

  2. Every time I listen to one of these heartfelt testimonials I say the same thing, this is the best one I've ever heard. Right now this is the best, most interesting I've ever heard. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Can you still not find any Islamic after life experiences?? Not one story where a Muslim met Allah or Muhammad and was rewarded for being a devout Muslim?
    Or maybe a Jewish experience? A Hasidic Jew would be good to hear

  4. According to Christian faith, no one ages past the age of 33 because Christ was crucified at age 33. Interesting fact, there are 33 vertabrae in the human spine.

  5. Thanks for sharing this message! A lot of my relatives have passed away in recent years, and it helps to know that life goes on, although the thought of a life review is sort of frightening because of all the mistakes I've made. 😅

  6. Some thoughts as a person who has seen a lot of these but is also very science- and technology-minded (I'm a software developer):
    The medium Sylvia Browne (RIP) also claimed that we're all in our early 30's "over there".
    I think others have, too.
    While two pieces of correlative evidence do not prove this is a real experience, it is interesting.
    The other thing I noticed is that another NDE experiencer also claimed this is one of the hardest experiences/planets, and we picked it partly because of its difficulty… which is incredible… and if we pull it off, we get a lot of "cred" somehow. (SO LET'S GO FORTH AND KICK ASS, FELLOW HARDMODE PEOPLE!)
    What is personally amusing to me is that I enjoy computer gaming and I also enjoy picking the hardest difficulty… so I basically freely elect to pick the hardest difficulty in a game, which is of course a simulation of some aspect of life, that is apparently running inside another physical simulation (this one) that is already at the highest difficulty… LOLOL we're going to have a good laugh about that
    (and then about me writing this comment)
    He said "How is it possible that everything is being recorded?" I found a physics paper (I have to bookmark these things, sigh) which stated (from a computational or information-physics perspective) that "all of the information present inside the universe, is also present at its surface/boundary" which means that if this whole darn universe is inside "the mind of God", then that being doesn't even have to be inside it to know what's going on at every moment within any part of it, and also that since there are likely no physical limitations to data and bandwidth "over there", ALL of this information can be recorded in some kind of ethereal medium, and wherever there is data, there are technologists/librarian types, and that of course means THERE ARE SYSOPS IN HEAVEN, PEOPLE! My job security is assured for all eternity… Or for at least as long as the universe exists… LOL

  7. Wow! It sounds by far more majestic & blissful than it would ever be here.
    I believe that everyone who passes over in having a near death experience is to be shown various different heavenly scenes so they can be a witness to everyone else still living in this world.
    But it's basically all of 'The All in God'
    Thank You for your Testimony & may God continue to bless you always & forever! 😇 🙏

  8. I would like to hear more in detail about the 'millions of habitable worlds'. We know from science that statistically that should be correct, because as far as we can tell, the universe is infinite. It's just REALLY FAR BETWEEN said planets. So maybe those worlds he saw was just a fictional image of these worlds as if they were close, which they aren't. Or maybe he saw 'ghost worlds', or spirit worlds that don't exist in the physical world.

  9. Cool thing that you could watch every incident in history like a movie, I would check out the building of the pyramids, the Roswell incident, the JFK murder, Jack the Ripper and Kaspar Hauser just to start.

  10. Here is the thing. In the word of God, Jesus warned us about death. The second death is when people end up in hell. Spiritual death is very real! Hell is very real! We are told to stay on that very narrow path to heaven! We need to be baptized in Jesus name, be filled with the Spirit and living a Godly life before the Lord. Allow the Lord to Lead you! 😊

  11. What a pleasure to listen to your story. I'm listening to it for the second time, because I can't get enough. Already when I heard it for the first time, I had immediately those pictures in front of me. Thank you for sharing this experience with us ☀️🌻

  12. How could you see planets and "galaxies" when such things do not exist!? We live on a flat and stationary plane, and heliocentric theory is a lie!

  13. I hope he's wrong on some of it i definitely do not want to be reunited with abusive parents again and who wants a life review after all the abuse received from parents ill pass thank you. i definitely do not believe we choose our life on eath. who would choose a lifetime of abuse ridiculous.🙄

  14. Jesus was added into KJV Bible in 1556-9 4th version as the letter j is less than 500yrs old in any language and never appears in original scriptures anywhere, so you met. Jesus did you??
    YAH is on all our faces YAHUWAH put it there family name YAH no Allah Budda Jesus etc etc only YAH.
    YAHUW was the saviours true name now risen it's YAHUWAH same as his and our father YAHUWAH The Most High, YAHUWAH 7 letters 7 days rest land every 7 yrs jubilees 7 yrs it's his number.
    NO j's , so I'm sure you were just tripping on drugs from the hospital

  15. Fantastic story bud! I thought I’d share a little story too. I’ve had many spiritual experiences but recently a new one. I woke up one night but not physically. It wasn’t a dream either. I was awake and having a vision. 100 % aware. I was viewing about 15 aboriginals. I was a maybe 5 mts away from them and could not believe they couldn’t see me! They were chatting then started some hopping ceremony down an embankment on our property we own. It was SO REAL. As soon as I woke I realised I HAD JUST VIEWED A MEMORY OF THE PAST. An imprint that registers on some electrical matrix! For all of time! An event recorded somehow. It gives me goosebumps when I think of it! There’s SO MUCH to life! And one thing I do know, we’ve planned this life and it’s experiences. Roll with it…don’t fight it

  16. What if you didn’t really have anyone in this lifetime? Who do you have reunions with? I want to go home but I don’t want to feel lonely

  17. It just dawned on me that Jesus was 33 when he died so maybe that’s tied to why we all are in our 30’s when we die??? Just a thought.

  18. I had to think about this for awhile about why I would pick the hardest planet, is my soul insane? It took a day but it hit me the reason why. Dogs. Those who love and adore dogs will understand this.

  19. Thank you for sharing your experience. Of all the miraculous aspects of the afterlife shared with us today, I gravitated to "Earth presenting the most difficult of all the planets to incarnate to", and to this I can attest. Most of my 68 yrs. was lived in fearlessness, divinely assisted, protected and prolonged many times.. only to watch myself fail. I cannot imagine why I would intentionally do that myself, but choices were made. A truly wonderous and magical place to live thru eternity, but my only hope is that knowledge and wisdom are measured equally by our failures and our successes.

  20. Soon Artificial Intelligence will be able to upload your consciousness and replicate every and any NDE event – so is it already happening?

  21. I heard John’s NDE before and I think this is the best NDE I have ever heard. His experience is very detailed, I continue enjoying listening to him. Thank you for sharing. ❤❤❤

  22. 💖🧡💛 Blessings to everyone who is watching! Thank you for a beautiful account of The Spirit World!!! 💛🧡💖

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