REAL Ghost Hunter Shares The Secret To Protection From Evil Spirits

Spread The Viralist

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In this exceptional episode of TRS, we present to you a very special guest – Sarbajeet Mohanty. He is a paranormal investigator and demonologist. He researches the existence of ghosts and spirits and investigates paranormal activities by visiting different places. He also travels to places containing myths and figures out whether these stories have any truth.


As you might have noticed lately, our content (reels, podcasts) has become much darker. It’s much more inclined toward the paranormal now… That is because I’m personally exploring these subjects in depth. Have they taken over me completely? Not yet. But I am definitely altered by the things I am learning about.

The one thing I know for sure is that ghosts, monsters, torture, darkness, and everything in between… They’re all modes of some sort of (dark) self-discovery.

In this episode, we speak about the life of a paranormal investigator, his scariest experience, ghosts that attack objects, meditations that can settle in the effects of the paranormal, and more. Stay tuned for a sequel episode with Sarbajeet Mohanty on TRS very soon.

#paranormal #1818

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TRS Clips is a collection of SHORT CLIPS from The Ranveer Show podcast. Enjoy our latest knowledge-fueled videos from the BeerBiceps team. Every conversation on #TheRanveerShow is intellectual, deep & progressive. We cover everyone from entrepreneurs to Bollywood film stars to even athletes.

Today, The Ranveer Show or TRS – Happiness Through Curiosity. A show where we host the world’s greatest success stories and try digging out their secrets to success. Every conversation is an EXTREME learning experience for the viewer.


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  1. As everyone is sharing their experiences good or bad I want to also share a story of myself.

    I’m living with my parents and my younger brother in the same house since my birth and me or even my parents never witnessed any kind of scary stuff in our house. But almost 1 year back I usually don’t wake up at night but that night i wake up suddenly and opened my eyes the lights were turned off as usual but i was feeling something huge shadowy thing standing beside my bed and strangely I wanted to see whether it was an illusion or something real. But for strange reasons I couldn’t move my head to see it but i could sense it with my strong senses that someone was standing there, i tried to get up but couldn’t so it scared me alot, usually in India whenever something bad happens to us we call for Maa but that night I wanted call for Dad who was sleeping almost next to my room, but strangely i was trying so hard to scream out Dad but no words came out of my mouth. I tried many times but not a single word came out from my mouth. At last I tried everything but nothing happened and still now i could sense that, that thing is standing beside me I just prayed to lord Shiva and started to chant “Om Namah Shivay” in my mind continuously. And after some time of continuous chantings i fall asleep. The next morning i told this to my parents and they were shocked because such thing never happened to any of us. Few days later we performed some puja and all to bring some positivity in the atmosphere. That was the first and last time i had experienced any such thing in my life.

  2. He keeps mentioning his physick Pooja… U should hv a seperater podcast with her. Also if u call sarabajeet again plz ask him abt Gaurav Tiwari.

  3. These things are absolutely dangerous and 1 yr back I started creating an imaginary world which affected my lifestyle I started seeing a burned face woman but my parents they helped me out of it because my mom she Is really religious and she worships 10 mahavidyas so she can sense negativity real quick and my father he worships hanuman ji so they started doing puja n all very strong type of puja which helped me out since then I really want to know about these things not for hurting anyone or myself but for them who are actually facing them and I got to know about these type of people who experienced these type of things in the past

  4. I can describe my own personal experience around 5 years back. I moved to Bangalore some 14 years back after college. My parents got a new apartment in Visakhapatnam. Being honest I don't have much attachment with that house as I didn't grow there or spend much time there. To set the context, its on first floor, south entrance, to the top left side of hall is the master bedroom and to the top right is the second bedroom, to the bottom right is the third small bedroom and adjoining to it is Puja room. My mother is a huge devotee of Maa Durga and does puja every day. One thing my parents do is expect the house entrance door they keep all the other doors and windows open for fresh air something which I don't like for reason it gets cold and mosquitos come in. Anyway in the plot next to our apartment building another apartment was being built and it was at the stage of building different floors, some 5 floors were built and no walls were built yet. This can be seen some the windows of the master bedroom and the second bedroom. My parents always sleep in the second bedroom as the bed there as no mattress and because of back pain they they prefer it. 5 years back while visiting for a week, one night I was sleeping in the master bedroom and in the middle of the night I felt a high degree of heaviness on my chest could not get up and somehow that night passed and I did not tell my parents. The next night the same happened sometime post midnight and there was a lot of heaviness on my chest, I remember very clearly I was trying to open my eyes and get up but was not able to. After trying very hard for sometime (not sure how much time but felt long) I was able to open my eyes and saw a green female entity standing there, as if she is in a nighty. A bigger than normal, wide, green female figure with loose air and she seemed very angry. I looked at her around 5 minutes, I am a very stubborn guy, then she disappeared from there and when I looked around saw the same figure on the first floor of building being constructed in the adjacent plot, I could see her from the window of the master bedroom which was open. I looked with concentration to see if its my eyes fooling me, I looked the building if it was some green light bulb. There was just one small white build near stairs on the ground floor, so it was definitely not some light from light bulb. What I could make was there is a green female entity with loose hair, not floating hair or something but looking raggedy, was looking very angry and was facing me. I looked for some 10 minutes after which it disappeared. I stayed awake for an hour post which went back to sleep in the same place, call me stupid, may be I am. Next day told my parents and they got shocked when I explained in detail. My mother told me that my grandmother (now late grandmother) when she was sleeping in that house one night she got up screaming in her sleep that someone is killing her or something. My father said he would bring a bhootvaidya (exorcist), my mom thought a little but I said no need. That night I slept on the sofa in hall and next day left for Bangalore. Post that I slept in that room many times, by then the next plot apartment building was complete and people were living and I never experienced the same again. Now I don't think it was some bodily trick by some environmental factor as it happened on two consecutive days and to this day I can recall it in detail. What was it, I donno.

  5. Dude go easy on posters of your show. They are pretty scary. Those visuals are just disturbing on the banners. Content is good, makes sense but dude please respect our sensitive souls and don’t put those banners up that are just so Hollywood. we will watch your show for content not visual esthetics, tell your team to cut the intensity of banners. We care about you and your host, drop those banner visuals dude seriously ❤beer biceps ❤

  6. Can anyone explain if the possession of a ghost happens to a certain person is it because the entity know that they can feed off on our energy or it does that because to communicate with us?

  7. Spirits can't kill directly, they messed with your energy level which creates multiple disease and the diseases kill in the eyes of world. Through diseases, your financial kingdom will be ruined as well. And that's a pattern which is working everywhere. Mental disorders becoming common in males, and females have multiple diseases. Basically they play with neuro system.

  8. I tried many people saying this and that about ghosts n aura n all, claiming his/her aura will become lyk this n that when u visit this place or worship this diety or ginn will capture you if u go n do this on this mazar, look into the mirror n say bloody maryy three tyms at 3am, Satanic things n many more, i tried it with my friends n person who is claiming about this n that but nothing found yet..a mango tree was beleived to b haunted in Ramnagar (thakur dwara)becoz at night Berries use to fall from it. We found monkeys use to shelter on that tree at night n they use to throw berries that they filled with their mouth n later can't eat.. i have many stories that we found r just rumours..we were afraid first while we r facing all these things but after facing 5 challenges one by one we grew confident sum of them even ran away when we confronted them, i didn't know that paranormal activities r true or not, may b they r present sum where but at least I wanna see it with my eyes..or able to record it..many videos r on internet but all are scripted or twisted

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