
Sweet Popcorn โบ https://goo.su/8UZak
Funny elevator incidents, epic fails and a bit of mysticism: start watching this selection of security camera videos to relax to the max!
Sweet Popcorn โบ https://goo.su/8UZak
Funny elevator incidents, epic fails and a bit of mysticism: start watching this selection of security camera videos to relax to the max!
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Tesla self manovour
Every t.v. in Mexico or south america either still has the protective film or the stickers on the side of the screen that say "Maximum HDTV, BLAH BLAH WHATEVER" They HATE taking those off… definitely a latin thing.
Do you think when the horse landed on the car she was looking for a Bronco, Pinto or Mustang?
4:36 how is that possible
Oh that guy on the horse ๐ in the bldg, I guess he thought it was a drive thru so he "drove" his horse!
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10:00 There goes out one thousand dollars worth of Eggs lol
Just kidding eggs aren't that expensive yet.
๐๐คฃ๐ Watching videos like this I often wonder not how weโre a dominant species but how the hell did we survive.
Gujrat is in India!!!
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@6:50, how can 2 drivers be stupid minutes apart?????
So much random stuff we gotta deal with
5:57 sasan gir, Gujarat
that was such an incredible moment! i just realized i've been spelling 'banana' wrong my whole life.
1:35 you must be too drunk
The channel is a drug, once you get into a video there is no going back
Ma se tu stai trasportando delle uova, almeno guardi dove metti i piedi? Idiota!
The guy who threw the bucket of water on the lady acted like he was the one that got wet.
That little kid throwing shoe over the curry and being chased by mum ๐๐คฃ๐