Incredible Orca Hunt | Frozen Planet II | BBC Earth

Incredible Orca Hunt | Frozen Planet II | BBC Earth
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This orca pod uses incredible tactics to hunt seals protected by rafts of ice. Only around 100 orcas in the world use this remarkable technique.

Meet the animals inhabiting our fragile frozen worlds. ❄️ #FrozenPlanet2

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Frozen Planet II
Frozen Planet II Behind the Scenes
Planet Earth
Blue Planet
Planet Earth II

Frozen Planet II (2022)
This six-part series – narrated by Sir David Attenborough – explores the wildlife found in the world’s coldest regions: the Arctic and Antarctic, high mountains, frozen deserts, snowbound forests, and ice-cold oceans. From polar bears to penguins, and from snow monkeys to Siberian tigers, each species must overcome a unique set of challenges to endure its extreme environment.

Welcome to BBC EARTH! The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder. Here you’ll find 50 years worth of entertaining and thought-provoking natural history content. Dramatic, rare, and exclusive, nature doesn’t get more exciting than this.

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  1. Kobe Bryant said that they we're all Lucky that Allen Iverson wasn't six-foot-six we are all Lucky that Orcas are stuck in the water… really intelligent serial killers they hunt everything that they can find all across the globe including leopard seals, whales, great white sharks, you name it

  2. As much as I love seals (I really do), orcas are my favourite hunters of the wild nature. The strategies they make are reaches human levels, and their appearance is so elegant as well. Poor seals got the worst possible predator on the earth.

  3. The look on the seals face was hilarious "welp, it's over…" and the orca pops up "yeah this snack looks delicious"

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