From a mysterious video that might show a real life waterbender in action to scary footage of a possible shadow person caught on camera, we look at a mysterious video that has left viewers baffled. #Mysterious #Scary #SlappedHam
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6. redeemed.777 https://www.tiktok.com/@redeemed.777/video/7198958689791806766
5. One night I felt like being watched from this corner while I was in the bed… https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/98i93h/one_night_i_felt_like_being_watched_from_this/
General https://imgur.com/MNvWEnU
3. Can anyone help me verify that the man in this picture is not edited?
2. ¿Te atreves a seguirme? https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/t8lvf2/can_anyone_help_me_verify_that_the_man_in_this/
1. in the process of buying a house. my mom took photos throughout the whole house… https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/gbasvn/in_the_process_of_buying_a_house_my_mom_took/
Lightless Dawn by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100655
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
looks like a winding. Called you need to protect yourself now. smother yourself in flower
The Third Man Factor is your Guardian Angel or Jesus Himself. I was once driving my car on a country road, by myself. I heard a man's voice say "Slow down, there is a deer ahead." I slowed right down, and a huge buck walked out on the road in front of my car, seconds later.
In the picture with 3 children, the ghost has the same shirt as the child on the left.
and wow. so many people are recycling your uploads and posting them as "reaction videos".
It’s just the tide. The water started to ripple then he did his little magic show. It’s just timing.
i love your channel Kallen!🌸✨
You never disappoints us and im always hyped when i see a upload from YOU!🤩💗✨
Hi Kallen cool videos that shadow figure one looks like its actually holding a head too you can even see the face
11:46 is costco
its not God on the first vid its a familiar spirit which is witchCRAFT
LOW TIDE. That’s all.
the first clip if you see people in all red then its Black magic..
evil people
I am a long time fan of yours, Kallen, and love your videos! Thank you so much!
Yep.just another blurry pic
I find it really funny when someone of different faith happens upon a video of a ritual or a ceremony. I can almost certainly promise you that in the first video, these people are not worshipping any form of an abrahamic god, but most likely one of many gods, probably associated with water in general or that specific body of water.
Congrats for the 3 mill
@ 3:18 Anyone else noticed the ghostly figure one the bottom right corner???
Haunted super market is haunted by fishing strings
There's TWO figures in that picture
re: water draining
i saw another clip of another guy doing something similar with the same background. its in the shorts section of this chann
Death always walks with you, don’t fear him he is the angel who takes those to heaven or hell.
Tides are crazy yo 😂
It's called low tide
The supermarket clip is garbage. Unless the supermarket sells fresh air because all the stacked boxes were empty. Obviously the guys friends didn't want to hurt him pushing full boxes into him.
That second story of the entity watching the people sleep is weird. If you look closely you can see the white eyes but if you look down it seems to be holding a decapitated head.
So the Third Man Factor is a more science focused version of a guardian angel for those who don't believe in God or Angels?
I have been rescued twice in my life so far by angels. Once when I was 5 and once when I was 27. They appeared to me as two older ladies. Strange thing, it was the same ladies both times. The Lord looks after us.
Glad to be one of the 3 million. You make my day. You vids are never boring.
the photo of the children with the ghost behind,it looks like a little girl in a white dress and not an oldman
I'd buy the house and have a priest douche it with holy water.
Water spirits. It's black Magik: they have those White and Red clothes. It Is proof
People get these powers from the worship of the ancient gods.
I have tons of videos from my camera that's points outside to my driveway, and every night it captures a black mass shadowy figure. How do I email slapped ham??
I'd like to get a well trained shopping trolley to follow me around the supermarket. Where do I get one??
its not a physical or spiritual being. its your concience. its your fight or flight.
11:24 you can clearly see that the boxes are empty, looks fake.
Thank you for your story of the Third man factor that was fascinating loved it.
Another fab video full of great stuff. Thanks a lot Kallen 👻👻
That shaman in the bay should go to the Bay Of Fundy (Nova Scotia) and try their magic there.
(Its extremely high tidal range is the highest in the world. www)
The same powers that they want us to be afraid of we are gods
thanks 🤘🇳🇱👌
there's no magic, only editors
Hello how you doing 😁🖐️🙏 God bless you all , slapped piggy.subcribers.
Well deserved 3 mill!! Congrats!! Our fam loves your channel. <3
I've heard of ocean tides that effect rivers dramatically. I thunk that shaman? Knew that would be occurring at that time.
Great like we don't have enough problems with drought already 🤷🏼♂️
Since I started watching your channel my light flickers. I checked that it was turned off, but it came on and flickered again. Holy begeezus!
I was in a dangerous situation once, being loocked up by a dangerous man who violated me. I was fighting for my life and was able to hurt him wich made him very very angry. He started to throw things around the room in anger and i curled up in one corner of the room absolutely terrified. All of a sudden the fear went away and this love and peace filled me and calmed me down. At that point everything started slowing down like the speed of time slowed down, i felt this presence around me. I knew i had to stop fighting to survive so i surrendered, that most likely saved my life. The hours of abuse following is gone from my mind. I believe an angel saved me that day.
That clip @ 11:30 with the warehouse and the boxes flying, cart moving isnt a complete mystery. It's complete bulldookie.