According to the mayor of the city, such a natural disaster has not been seen at the resort for at least 50 years. Antalya has already created a special crisis center to deal with the consequences of devastating downpours. Heavy rains have caused flooding in the resort town of Antalya in southern Turkey. Water on the streets blows away cars and in some places there was no electricity.
As specified, part of the bridges collapsed in the city due to heavy rains, enterprises and residential buildings were flooded. In the Kumluca region, hundreds of damaged greenhouses of local residents are known. The mayor of Antalya Kumluca, Mustafa Koleoglu, canceled classes in city schools.
Currently, a special crisis center has been set up in the city to deal with the consequences of the flood. At the same time, as the mayor said, construction equipment for clearing the territory cannot work yet.
The city authorities also turned to the national emergency department for help.
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Since the end of the Ice Age, temperatures have changed….duh
Алла сақтасын 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
Que pasa q el destino se ensaño con Turquía no terminaron de salir de una catástrofe y hay otra Virgen María miralos con dulce mirada no los olvides gracias
I pray for the people of turkey, may the lord have mercy on their souls 🙏🏿
Наконец-то бог наказал Анталию, как же там зажрались наглые люди на туристах
Cet la punition de peuples Turquie .car Erdogan Terroriste 👹👹👹 et Agresor 👹👹👹
Jesus Cristo está voltando, apocalipse, 🙏💚💛
Questo è il karma negativo accumulato in centinaia di anni di traffico di oppio è di eroina,adesso tutto il male fatto ritorna indietro,tutte le persone morte con la vostra eroina turca reclamano vendetta,la sofferenza dell' astinenza indotta deal vostro oppio,i palazzi costruiti con i soldi della droga
Straszna tragedia
This is actual footage of storm weather but certainly not where it is said to be or have taken place. What is its clear intention. Maybe to bring forth the realization that mother nature is very very very pissed at us human beings for wrecking this planet with all the destruction we have caused. So in return she is wreaking havoc on what we have built on top and below her planet. It's called karma. May she have mercy on those who don't care.
Be aware that Satán is not only stealing from You but He is using You in order to steal, kill and destroy forcing You to use Fóssil fuels and hiding the UNLIMITED RANGE EV and more,…
по этому у кого нет машин не расстраивайтесь толку что все пахали чужой б изнес крали что бы на машину заработать и вот чем закончилось. с какой жопы поднялся на ту и сел
Что за бред я живу в Анталии нет то кого…
Откуда такое у меня знакомые в Турции нет там ничего подобного. Че уж ерунду показывать. Смонтировал или что показываешь?
Кому-то выгодно всё утрировать или просто выдумывать,кому-то невыгодно,что для отдыха выбирают Турцию,так что не всему верьте,что здесь выставляется.
Алаах унижтожит такие грязние места и чисти ат шлухи руски амин
Армянам тоже было больно, когда их резали, насиловали и убивали. Вся земля Армении изстродалась, чувствую боль своего народа. Может сейчас в вас проснётся покаяние?