The Texas Mexican Mafia, also known as Mexikanemi, was formed after the creation of La Eme in California. As the gang has grown through the years, it became powerful enough to divide up San Antonio into four quarters and demand a 10% tax from all local drug dealers. Despite its propensity for internal violence, the gang has no trouble recruiting new members, even from the other side of the law.
I have been to San Antonio once or twice. It’s a dirty ishhole
New subscriber earned. Great video. Wow.
“San Antonio Takeover”….. lol
Crazy jerry idrogo is my dads cousin I’m related to him
Life’s a risk carnal
It's called a tattoo machine brother.
That PD looks like it needs to be audited, look at all their officers 😂 what a joke.
San Antonio is a shit hole. I spent 53 days there back in 2017 for an MOS qualification l course at Fort Sam Houston and couldn't stand it. The military presence in the SA area is the only element of significance and without it the city would be even more irrelevant than it already is.
"They dove in to the back seat an drove away" What ?
"Rise the ranks of the gang but keep it legal okay"🤣🤣🤣
Both are dangerous. Cops And gang
They can be cops have tattoos mm ean trouble maker
What not man know don't protected people jus him self. Not smart
4:31 is a picture from the movie, “Blood in Blood Out”
Come to the real Mexican Mafia San Diego California Los Angeles to not Texas there white people
Excellent post!
They should make a movie about this
Why does this guy keep using a still from the movie "American Me" when he's trying to show the Mexican Mafia? Edward James Olmos is in the first row kneeling far right, SMH
Finally this asshole uploaded another banger
man,…..what a $H1+ SHOW!!! those WE put in positions of authority ARE THE REAL criminals. I NOW UNDERSTAND WHY THE government IS GOING AFTER RAPPERS, INSTEAD OF GOING AFTER THE REAL criminals. amerikkka IS IN SERIOUS TROUBLE, THAT SAME government THAT’S POSING TO BE DOING their jobs, HAS SOLD amerikkka TO china,…..SO WHO’S THE REAL criminals??? 😈s.
New Sub – well done 👏👏👏born and raised in SA
I cannot understand why he joined a violent criminal gang without disclosing that he was a cop. They were going to find out eventually and then he was going to be dead meat. not the sharpest knife in the drawer that’s for sure.
damn thats down the street from where i live lol.
This is what u call captivating story telling
Don’t we have American gangs that can protect the corner which will protect the whole city? What happen to blood and krips? Stand up bitches. Stop blaming the white boy and open your fucking eyes. While you bitchin to us. They stole your cities. Wake up dumbass. White boys aint your biggest problem anymore. Get up and fight.
So something seems really off about this. You don't become a cop and just decide to moonlight as a gangster. It sounds like they implanted this guy set him up with a tattoo shop in the gangs neighborhood and then washed their hands of him after the gang found out. You can't convince me this guy had those tats prior they were fresh in a coverable spot for after the op
Another 'dirty cop' . . . He's not the only!
'Street Justice' has it's rather unique way od cleansing the department from scumbags.
All cops are worthless some more than others
Texas cops are cowards with cowboys hats..
May he rest in peace but how did he not think they would find out he was a cop?