
2016 marked the end of one of the strongest El Niño events ever recorded. It triggered unprecedented floods all around the world. But all of that was to change as the planet experienced the hottest August on record. Extreme droughts in several regions sparked massive wildfires. The high surface temperature of the oceans fuelled severe storms in the Atlantic and the pacific.
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#ElNiño #Flooding #Himalayas #Vanuatu
I am not support Ukraine , but i am support Russia ,, bravo Russia , uraaaaaaab sampeu
At 1:10:00 you see a kid falling xd
As soon as I heard the term "Global Warming," I shut it off!!!!
The Fort McMurray fire in Canada was started by arson. It took about a year of investigation but they found the point of origin and the tools used to start it. So no, your global warming narrative is bunk. 2016 was likely a test year for HAARP.
There will be earthqakes, sunvulkanoes as big as almoust every life on the planet will be burnd of raviations. The simple fact. Everything goes in cirkels, or elipses. Now we are at the end of times during tha mayacalender. And who cares! It is not going to be better if we kill each other! The place we are in univerce now is at the end of the elipce. And here can everything hapen. If the sun gets bombarded by huge meteorits.. Wel it has happend before. Everybody know abouth isage, and that they comes and goes. Buth nobody seems to understand why it happens. And somebody will be insane rich by talking about climatechanges, and selling products that is good for climate. So is the human nature…
This will only get much worse
The only thing you can do is levertate. The houses six feet off the floor
This is the sign , that KING JESUS CHRIST Is Coming Soon ❤
34.00 It happens without warning??? Our only Living and Almighty God is warning you already for a very long time, but you won't listen or accept Jesus Christ in yr heart, that's why this happens without warning,according to you. But : repent yr lives to Jesus Christ, your Creator, the only Almighty Living God, He died for you, so that you could live an eternal life. Repent before it is too late.
is climate change a hoax yall dont do to good proving otherwise
North America isn’t just USA 🙄
"Hurricanes hit's the poor so much more than the rich" – oh my oh my, here we go again with this 21st century cliche 'it hit's the poor so much more than the rich' – GIVE US A BREAK WITH THAT NONSENSE. Guilt complexes are not welcomed here. Oh the poor don't have yachts like the rich, oh, the poor drive less Mercedes than the rich, oh, the poor don't eat in same restaurants as the rich, on and on and on with this 'poor' saga of life. Solution: get a job, work hard, save you money, don't have kids, become rich!
MMM? El Nino Means The Nino Which Translates To Child ? Jesus Cristo! Yea Maybe ?
I see funky weather systems.
The Earth under Neath is too hard. Water not being absorbed.
I was surviving a nervous breakdown and losing my house at the same time. Much better now but yes bad memory.
Alberta is a province not a state!!!
Just choose to believe in Yeshua, He is the only begotten Son of God who died and rose three days later and loves all of you. He took God's wrath upon Himself, that was the punishment for everyone in sin. He died and rose to give you new life in Him. Born again, a new creation. He died for everyone and wants you with Him, to know Him and live for His glory.
By belief in Him alone you can be saved, you receive eternal life and you need to spend time with Him to know Him. Attend a church, read and obey the full gospel.
Be saved, free, forgiven, healed, delivered, baptized, whole and have peace with God. Let Him show you how He is everything you need. He alone satisfies. Seek God and see your worth, how loved you are and know who He is 💕
We are to live righteous and Holy because He said to and He paid for our way to live like Him. Ask anything in His name and the Father will do it amen. Hallelujah Praise the Lord God Almighty 🙏 Thank You Yeshua. 🙏
God is awesome, He is always so faithful to His word and He is always awesome💖🔥🕊️🙏
God Almighty, the only God, the true living God, the only one with power, the only one who can save,the only one who can hear, love, feel, cares, heals, delivers, fights for us, the only one who can always be there in every way, the only one worthy of worship, Honor and praise, Hallelujah Yeshua praise the Lord God Almighty 💕 🔥
Seek, obey, believe and you will receive, trust God and obey His word. He will move, heal, deliver and change things in your life and the world around, keep praying too.
Father God Help people to be rooted and grounded in Your love and to obey Your truth. That they are living in the truth being taught by You. That they know Your voice and word. Knowing truth from errors, discernment. We use discernment by judging what we know from scripture. Take scripture and decide if God said it and if God would do it or not. Use the full context too. Rightly judging because you know from scripture.
We are to live righteous, doing the right thing always and living in obedience to scripture, every word of it.
We are ambassadors of Christ. We represent God, when we are seen Yeshua should be seen, His ways not ours. We should be living for and showing God, living for His glory. A city on a hill. We are to be an example of God, for the world to see Him and want to know Him and know Him more. 🙏 🔥
2 Chronicles 7:14 says, if My people humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways I will hear them from heaven and heal their land. 🙏 💖
People need to turn from their wicked ways, Yeshua paid for it. That's God stating it in that verse and there are more verses.
People need to repent, to be cleansed by His blood and live Holy because He's Holy and righteous because He's righteous. Our God said to stop sinning in many many scriptures and He paid for everyone to be cleansed of sin (Isaiah 53), and to live how He said. He dwells in the Holy temple (your body) and said not to defile the temple.
He said to defile the temple is death. He's always serious about everything He said to do. He's just as serious about what He said not to do.
We are to live in obedience to His law, which is all of scripture, every word of it! He dwells within us all to be with and lead us in His ways. 💕🙏🔥 🕊️
Deuteronomy 28 there are blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience. The whole chapter, and verse 46 is one example of generational curses. These go into the following generations, the 3 and 4th. Our children pay the price for our sin.
God has said to stop sinning. Scripture says how you are sending consequences to yourself and to your loved ones, children. By God's law you are.
Yeshua is worthy of everything He said and paid for, so I implore you to do as God said.
Yeshua said If you love Me you will obey My commands. Love Him with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.💖🙏🕊️🔥 obeying His every word and in that is life more abundantly. Praise God so Awesome!! Hallelujah Yeshua 🙏
God loves all of you and you are worthy to Him, Yeshua died for all because God loves everyone he sent Him. Come know Him, Yeshua call upon Him 💕 the world knows Him as Jesus, He answers 💕
Thank You, Yeshua for Your obedience and love, even unto Your death You obeyed the Father 🙏 Hallelujah Praise the Lord God Almighty 💕 In Yeshua's mighty name 🙏🔥💖🕊️
God is always faithfully Himself and so awesome. Every way He said He would be in scripture He is. Every day, ages and ages of Him never changing. Hallelujah Yeshua Praise the Lord God Almighty so awesome and faithful. Keep believing and keep asking Him in prayer, because He will always show up and help us all. If you give up asking in belief, if you give up praying, or if you quit on God you will not see a blessing, stand on what He said, trusting Him and growing in faith, patience and character. Obey His every word and wait patiently, while growing in the knowledge of God every day and watch God show up in your life.
Hallelujah Praise the Lord God Almighty 🙏 🕊️💖🔥 call upon Him for everything and wait for Him to move, He will. He always shows up, remember that and all the times He has shown up. Read scripture and see it too. Praise the Lord God Almighty Faithful one.
God bless all the rescue workers stay safe you deserve medals for what you do, rest in peace all those poor souls lost in these disasters my heart goes out to all the families who lost loved ones I pray this never happens again x
Heartbreaking my heart goes out to these poor souls to lose so much to flooding, I pray to god things improved for you all god bless and keep you all safe
2000 Private Jets Fly to DAVOS [WEF] this week January 2023 with 2500 Attendees using FOSSIL FUELED Jet Engines with REQUEST of NON-VAXXED PILOTS for jets. Attendees to discuss CLIMATE CHANGE and Human Activity usage of Fossil Fuels—Rules for me but NOT for thee. Oh yeah also 5000 Military Troops to PROVIDE THEIR "SAFETY"–do as I say NOT as I do. Freedom for the super rich?
this lookslike one of the sets off ofgameof thrones
At the 14:00 mark that gentleman called the previous woman , a liar. cant watch any more.
That 'Epic muic' is not needed
Except for the lights, the bathroom and the illness, life is good. What a way to think.
This is laughable. Get a clue idiots! The climate has not changed. So full of lies.
Alberta is a Province , not a State
Climate change is another slush fund. Total farce.
It’s all about the geographics where you live.
Record cold summer in Australia to date, finally some sunny warm weather for Christmas Day on the way. In Australia our eucalyptus tree multiply as a consequence of bushfires and our fires dwarf what’s shown here. Sadly many bushfires in Australia are due to fire bugs but usually it’s due to lightening strikes. I don’t buy the global warming fear mongering. We’ve had a triple La Ninia partly due to the Tonga eruption. It’s unusually cold in Australia’s east and south east. But keep up the fear mongering won’t you!!!!
This is what I don’t understand about the “Climate Change” argument by activists. Some natural disasters today are similar to records from long past or are part of Earths natural cycle, which could take 1000’s of years, like “Earths wobble” & ongoing tectonic activity.
Then, in the early 80’s, awareness of environmental impacts from increased emissions & lazy public pollution, resulted in the evolution of stricter laws on factory/business emissions & pollution awareness. But as trade began moving overseas for bigger profits, to countries that don’t share the same care or awareness of environmental damage & have now become the worst environmental threat from high emissions, strip mining, pollution, habitat destruction & animal extinctions, all totally unchallenged by activists!? So, while western countries find ways to stop cows burping & farting, making unrealistic sacrifices to electricity, gas & fuel, which won’t make any difference if the biggest polluters are exempt because activists don’t want to offend others or face facts!
Avoiding facts because they’re offensive will only make things worse.
Forcing immigration from poor countries into richer countries will only destroy the rich countries too. Better to keep them separate & bring education to them instead. If they choose to abandon it, it’s their choice.
Alberta is a province not a state. U.S.A. has states Canada has provinces. DUH!
The hubris of humans thinking they can predict ANYTHING this planet will do is hilarious at best and just down right stupidity at worst! The planet HAS ALWAYS done what IT WANTS TO DO in spite of puny humans trying to control it! Control will never happen because we do not try to work WITH the planet! How do you stop a hurricane? How do you stop an earthquake? How do you stop a volcanic eruption? YOU MORONS CAN"T! The best we can do is cope with what we do know…if the planet wants us to die you will die! So stop spending our money on pathetic bullshit "climate change" crap and figure a way to divert the planets pissed off attitude towards our neglect of co-existence with it! My biggest beef is this how much toxins do volcanic eruptions spew into the air yearly? I've read from "science" guys on the average 55-120 eruptions a year! The amount of toxic goop that yields per eruption is more than ALL our vehicles in the world and then some every year! LET THAT SINK IN, YOUR SCIENCE GUYS SAY THAT NOT LIL OL ME! Yet we get scolded like wee lil idiots that we are destroying the planet because we drive to work like good lil worker bee's, by you "science freaks"! NO get real, PEOPLE with an IQ of 10 should be seeing exactly what yall science turds are doing and if I had a say in climate change it would be this… fire the science morons and put them to work in real jobs! Save the planet hell!!! It will save itself by killing us all if we don't do it to ourselves first! I have lived in Alaska all 74 years of my life and seen nature at its best and worst through multiple earthquakes, wildfires (because of stupid humans) avalanches, blizzards that last days on end freezing temps to the degree you can't breath without freezing your lungs…it goes on and on! But its home we adapt with it! Never trying to control it! Science can suck it! They have done more harm than good for this planet!
4:46 why can't the plane fly and dump water at night?
Excuse me Ukrainian, your diamond mines can’t fund a gasoline spill from Russia.."
Often wonder if there is any where on our beautiful planet, that doesn't have a problem with mum nature, she's telling me that humans are expendable, I suppose we deserve the khama🤔
Awe! The state of Alberta. 😂
If it is Climate change it is natural, In Australia, the undergrowth was burnt off by the aboriginals continuously, like smart farmers who farm in dangerous fire areas, now with really bad management by National Parks and Wildlife they let the undergrowth build up to seriously dangerous levels and when a wildfire starts there are devastating fires. But the stupid Activists blame Man-made C02, just crazy fools.
the only thing I can say about wild fires is during droughts have sea water or treated wastewater released from planes like fire fighter planes it could be used as training flights to water areas that are effected from drought and are high risk wild fire areas and when weather allows burn areas that need it as I was in I think it was 2003 or 2004 fire that went through alpine san diego ca and had burns that was like very bad sunburns on my body the fire was 40 meters or so away from where I was staying I was in group home and they sent a bus to get us and they could not get to us and they did not tell dispatch that is why it got so close they sent a new bus driver they had to tie string to the bus as there was so much ash you could not see a foot in front of you to let us get to bus from are front door and they had to drive slow enough to react to what was 1 foot in front of us it was he🏒🏒
Possibly earthquakes are God’s way (whatever you call Him) of telling us all that we should not build houses on the ground. We should build only safer Tower cities connected to maglev Trains worldwide.
oh building not billing
i watch these videos and i feel so sad for the people involved
how on earth do cars end up under a billing like that. especially one of that size. does that mean it lift off the ground.. i can't get my head around physics of that
omg i hope no one was in those cars
Natural disasters !
then do not claim they are due to man made climate change !
I do not & cannot feel sorry for people who live in dangerous areas that cause major flooding
or fires that burn out of control, then to compound this injustice they rebuild where their home where it once was, now, how stupid is that, to me, only an idiot would do that.
"" MANKIND "" !!
p.s- Thank You 4 this Program 2 Promote Awareness !!