Dogs and cats make excellent pets because they have been domesticated for centuries. However, many people like to go on the fringe seeking pets that are less traditional. Of course, there are risks that come along with these exotic pets. How would you deal with a Capybara pet? What about a Fennec fox? If you’re ready to take the plunge, then get ready as we count down 15 cute exotic animals you can own as pets.
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Baby Wombat
The Northern hairy Nosed Wombat is a medium-sized mammal that looks like a rodent and lives in Queensland, Australia. This little piece of work is in extreme danger of becoming extinct. There is only one colony of Northern Wombats left, so much so that they are guarded by a fence that protects them from Dingo attacks. Wombats are classified as exotic pets since they are a wild species that is only maintained as a pet in very unusual circumstances. People desire to keep them as pets because of their attractive and cuddly appearance. However, it’s important to keep in mind that adult wombats can be aggressive and deadly at times.
Wombats are thought to be unsuitable as pets. They have greater strength and are capable of tearing holes in fences, doors, and even walls. Wombats are normally not aggressive, but their long sharp claws or deep bites can cause puncture wounds in people. When they’re young, wombats can be incredibly cute, cuddly, and responsive. They do, however, become nasty and unpredictable as they mature. They also grow fairly large and gain tremendous strength. That’s why we’re concentrating on newborn wombats, but what happens as they grow up? They are vegetarians munching on grasses and leaves which provide great nutrition. Believe it or not, their main competition for food is the kangaroo, but their main predators remain Dingoes and the famed Tasmanian devil.
Before you go ahead and adopt a capybara, please reconsider your choices. While they are extraordinary animals and are very tame, there are many drawbacks to keep a capybara as a pet. But legal formalities aside, make sure you understand what keeping a capybara as a pet involves. As you already know, capybaras live in groups and are very social animals. Adopting a single capybara is not recommended. You would need to adopt at least two capybaras, but preferably more. First and foremost, in some places, it is illegal to keep them as pets. In Texas and Pennsylvania, it is legal to keep them, but in many other places, you would need to consult your local legislation to see if you need a special permit. Secondly, consider their size. They are huge. They are more than twice the size of a jackrabbit; they are the biggest rodents. Keeping at least two big rodents in good condition may be challenging and costly, but besides that, they have special needs as well.
Because they are semi-aquatic creatures, you would always have to provide them with plenty of water, some owners choose to create special pools for them. Capybaras also need plenty of space to roam around. It is not a wise idea to keep them indoors, as they will chew on everything they find. Your carpet and furniture won’t be safe with a capybara nearby. If you still decide to get a capybara as a pet and provide them everything they need, make sure you have a nearby vet who can take care of the pet if needed. And make sure to fence the place where
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Imagine being killed by a wombat.
Exotic pets HAVE to have exotic VETS which is costly!js
"Exotic animals you can own as pets"
Literally starts with an endangered animal that is illegal and unsafe.
I am a child so I can’t get some animals anyway because I have 2 dogs and 1 cat but tigers are my favorite favorite favorite favorite animal so I want one
Is there really a need for a fake thumbnail for this video?
13:12 the moron wearing a mask outside reading to animals.
Oh great let's just advertise more exotic pets who should not be pets…ever
Why even do this, despite the discouraging words? Gazillions of domesticated animals need homes. Leave the captive exotics to professional zoologists.
Wombats are MARSUPIALS, not mammals.
I believe that all the animals shown should be left in the wild for the love and respect of the animal!
Wild animals are not to be some status symbol. Stop showing such stupid videos of so called wildlife pets.
These become animals will screw anything and that’s how they’ve become a thing
Basically, this video is one of the many videos out there that encourage the exotic pet trade and illegal wildlife trade. 😠 It's awful what wild animals go through in these types of trades. 😕 Wild animals belong in the wild. Many people don't know how to properly take care of wild animals without proper training and certification.
I hope the capybara don’t go extinct.
I'll stick with a dog. 👍😎
Fennec Foxes are endangered. No one should have one as a pet.
incredible. i thought the thumbnail was going to be clickbait. even as an animal lover, i didn't know about a few of these.
great vid.
Watching this video made me so happy and lowered my blood pressure!!!! Fact!!! We should remember HIM who created all of these wonderful, beautiful friends of ours!!!!!! God does'nt make any junk ……………………………………….~!~
Once again Axolotls are forgotten.
Very educational. A lot of poachers take these precious creatures from their native homes and sell them on the black market. Knowing what they are how difficult it is to keep some of them could be a great deterrent for those looking to buy one. Sugar gliders are sold in numerous pet shops and are great pets. Any large cat should be left in the wild. Great video
Everyone always wants a pet because they see someone else with one.
Minecraft – Kids and adults wanted an Axolotl but didn't research. And found out it was hard to take care of them. So a lot of people reported their Axolotls dying.
Tik tok is the worst with everyone wanting a wild animal for views. They're called wild animals for a reason. And it's no wonder wild animals aren't afraid of humans. People get killed by their wild pet and blame other people when they want one. And say owning a wild animal takes a lot of work and responsibly. And those same people that say that are attacked by their so called "friendly" pet. People are stupid. 🙄
Woow beautiful animals ❤️🌹
If ull let them free when they were grow up thell die in nature wild
Great video. I'd also like to point out that it is ILLEGAL in every country worldwide to own, transport, or harbor any "red list" species, meaning those that are threatened, endangered, etc. (Excluding conservation zoos and programs with the necessary licensing and funding, as well as ability to meet the animal's unique needs.)
A quick note on llamas, alpacas, and donkeys….keep in mind that ranchers and stockmen often keep these animals with sheep, cattle, goats, free range chickens, and other livestock as flock or herd guardians. Adult llamas, et al, can be protective in the extreme, and can easily injure or kill single coyotes or wolves, and even big cats in some instances. Despite their gentle, benign appearance, they are capable of being fast, agile, violent, and lethal. Because of this, owners must be well informed and take care to raise the llama so these instincts aren't expressed inappropriately.
Exalant video
The making of this video and putting it out there is contributing to a massive world-wide problem. People famously ignore warnings. This channel is for profit, remember.
The exotic pet trade is gruesome and accounts for the suffering and death all around the world of tens of millions of these animals whose only crime is that they are cute and/or entertaining to us. Most people wouldn't support child slavery but somehow don't think much about what happens to the majority of these animals. They are real beings with real experiences and it's sad to see how their lives are considered meaningless by so many.
The majority die after short lives of fear, pain and misery. For every one you see here, a mountain of the same animal has died from neglect, improper nutrition, extremes of temperature, stress, and lack of vet care for injury or disease. They are expendable, those who are in this business are in it to make money, remember. Vet care is going to be impossible to obtain in the majority of cases even for a person who purchased one of them with good (although misguided) intentions.
Please find out more about this multi-billion dollar industry. Not only are these animals victims that you will never see, but as a result, there is much harm to domestic animals, native wildlife, our ecosystems, environment, and people. This dark industry is responsible for about 40% of currently threatened and endangered species just in the U.S. alone.
To care for any animal is full of understanding, research, most important is the best for the animal. Anything else is purely selfish within the human psyche.
Poor sentient souls! Animals are so adorably precious, and I feel very sorry for them ALL, due to so many evil humans. May God bless those who help animals to survive.
YOU CAN HAVE A TIGER 🥺 i wish my state let me have one😢