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About the Author: Karzi


  1. All fun and games until someone connects just “right “or just wrong. Guy falls and hits his head on the concrete. Dead.
    Fighting is for fools.
    Absolutely no good can come if it for either guy except for one feeling like he is the “Victor” strutting around with his chest out, and perhaps a couple of missing teeth or broken nose.
    Well done sir. Well done.

  2. im 14 in the 9th grade, I just had my first fight ever yesterday and he sucker punched me in the back of the head while I was walking. I couldn't lift my arms up after that and I was trying to turn around but I couldnt. He hit me about 4 times then ran away. any advice?

  3. Man that is the pussy as far as ever seen. Women can fight 10 times harder than that no fuck that 50 times harder than that..Shit my little niece is gonna fight harder than that

  4. When the guy in yellow was hitting the other guy, they all jumped in to separate them. But when the younger guy was punching, no one jumped in. Now, who’s the true winner here?

  5. I was going to comment this ain't right, the guy in the tank top should leave that man with disability alone, he looks like he can't even stand after a punch and than BOOM he dropped the man with the dreads LOLOL.

  6. The guy in the work vest looks like he's been falling over since the beginning of the video 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🤔

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