Footage shows the moment a horse was rescued from underneath rubble 21 days after Turkey was shaken by powerful earthquakes.
This video, shared on social media by local officials, shows rescue crews pulling the animal up to freedom in Adiyaman.
The Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry said the horse was treated by veterinarians and returned to its owner.
It comes after the death from two powerful earthquakes toll surpassed 50,000 people.
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Yes, rescue animals. Other things in Turkey are not important 👍
if turkey don't learn lesson can't help
An earthquake is called an 'Act of God" so allah is either evil or imaginary
To avoid death by more mag 6 earthquakes tsunami meteor volcano in the 6 continents non-Muslims to convert to Islam and Muslims to apply the Quran 100% March 1, 2023.
I'm glad they found the horse, but it hurts me to think the poor animal was almost a month in that situation. So much pain and fear 😔