Nukes Top 10 SCARY videos of GHOSTS and CREEPY things ! Scary ghosts, creepy apparitions, poltergeists, Japanese ghost videos, SCARY tiktok videos, AND ghost hunters investigating HAUNTED houses. We go through the full list of ALL sorts of paranormal activity. There are evps, poltergeists, and everything bizarre and supernatural for yo freaky enjoyment. These are, without a doubt, the creepiest scary videos on the internet.
So IN this week’s video! Japanese ghost hunters explore an abandoned building haunted by a ghost girl and do a paranormal investigation . They get some weird evp s. A woman’s house is haunted by a strange shadow figure, and she catches paranormal evidence of the apparition. A poltergeist seems to still roam the grounds of an old construction site. Strange paranormal activity caught by Russian ghost hunters. A ghost in a creepy basement. A dog and a cat are freaked out by a strange supernatural entity. Next, caught on a nanny cam , or baby monitor – some sort of spirit seems to yank on a child’s ear. Caught on Reddit- a woman has a shadow ghost caught on camera. And a bizarre figure caught on CCTV in a Singapore bus. ALL of this and many more scary encounters in this week’s video.
If you enjoyed this video, you should also check out these other Nukes Top 5 usually features the top 5 scary videos, but also check out these parnormal video lists TOP 20 SCARIEST Ghost Videos of the YEAR ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi0WAVT2KjM
And also!
Top 10 SCARIEST Ghost Videos of the YEAR ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nt7ic6JJNZ4
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Suggest videos: NukesTop5@gmail.com
Twitter: nukestop5
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Reddit: NukesTop5
My dad told me of a similar story like the dead guy helping the worker. Kinda sad that workers still linger around the job site even after they’re gone
Post New clips faster nuke pls. Almost seen them all before. But your voice and thrill still the best
Why didn't that guy check inside the first stall in the bathroom. It would have been so easy for someone to hide there. Seems pretty fake to me.
Right at 2:44 what is that little light that pops up??? Was not there at first and only once the camera passes back it shows up
Omg! In the first video someone off camera made a moaning sound! Then someone inside waves at the guy!! Insane! Lol. I love nukes top5 but come on..
Bro is even working when he's dead💀
Did you see the skin walker in 10:15
@7:55 heck that woman could be screaming from the women's bathroom or outside the bathroom…
Around 17:55 right about when she goes down you ''can see'' a pair of eyes where shouldn't be eyes and there's nothing that could reflect it back like that. Also you can see that the left hand disappeared first when she comes closer to whatever that is but you just can see this if you slow down the video to 0.25x
PS.: I'm so sorry for my English. It's my second language so I'm not as good as a native English speaker
love u nuke🤍
what is the music that you use in your videos?
Great video
Thanks for your Help Alan Lopez 10:19
The one with the woman screaming has gotta be fake, like "Oh I hear a desperate woman screaming for help let me whip out the phone randomly for no reason to record then proceed to not call the police or anything like that"
im small baby
Wat I don't get is why there wearing masks when covid is fucking over
You can see orbits everywhere when the black shadow comes up from the coffin.
Whhhy do I always watch this sh!t before bedtime?! Whhhyyyyy…?!?
The voice of a woman screaming for help was so clear! It had to be a hoax, just had to be! The video in Russia of the abandoned funeral home was really creepy! Something was definitely with her in that room and it was evil. It slapped that cross off of the table and then the black shadow is clearly seen!! Great videos as always! Thank you!
I think the guy that heard the woman screaming for help in the rest room was a set up and here's why. I've studied and researched the Paranormal for 3 1/2 decades annualizing thousands of hours of footage and examining thousands of photographs (too many to count) and I what I know about how spirits communicate verbally is not by screaming that loud or clear. You may hear them but most times it's at a lower octave that most times the human ear cannot pick up and the only manner to hear them is with a voice recorder of some kind. This was far too loud and clear, and secondly, 2 of the stalls he filmed very briefly had the doors closed making it possible for someone to have perched on the toilet when he entered the bathroom. whether he set it up or someone else did it was most assuredly faked. About 90% of all so called paranormal activity is faked by the public and the 10% of actual evidence is sparse and not easy to obtain, most paranormal activity or evidence isn't planned… it's by coincidence that the person filming or taking these photos that this evidence is obtained. Most of this is just entertainment and shouldn't be taken as anything but. It astounds me the amount of people ho think most of this is real.
#6 is obviously fake.
The others…who knows.
6:46 u can see the hand too not just the hair of the ghost…
4 individual ads in the first 6min. Takes away from the vibe of your videos
@nukestop5 where have you been buddy? It's been awhile but always happy to see a new video from you. YouTubes becoming a bit waterdown with top 5 and 10 videos but your still the original OG and the knockoffs can try but they'll still never come close to topping your channel try as they might. Everyone knows Nukes top 5 is still number 1 even if it takes a little time to get a video it's still a treat when we do.
I am 35 years old man living alone in my apartment and I admit I am a big baby because I wait for the sun to rise to watch the video. It's true.
I gotta stop watching these on solo night shifts lmao
At this point whenever Nuke asks us "could it be this place is haunted?" we already know what we gonna answer to that question
To the Malay bus driver at #1: Lu memang berani la siak! 💪🏻
Wow! Amazing ❤
Zoomers and there damn skin walker go tos….
Not everything is a skinwalker
Oh at 7:47 you can hear someone's voice there too. Plus at 8:08 there's a woman's voice
Lotta people may have not heard this but at 6:19 you can hear a girls voice. I hope everyone hears this. I don't think anyone else has caught this.
As much as I like Nukes video, I hate when he includes tiktoks.
Those are absolute garbage
YAAAAASSSS….finally there's a Singaporean one🤟🏽🤟🏽
i dont even know how to gain the courage to go in those places
i work at construction site before it was commisoned, i can confirmed that wooden cable reels is pretty heavy and u need to carefull when u move it.
When the hand is waving it looks so skinny
11:44-12 mins 1. The reel to debunk is way bigger! 2. He’s pushing it on rocks.
Guys we need to get Nuke to 4 million subs. He deserves it
I PROMISE I check my YT notifications just because of NUKE😂
I like how nuke doesn’t say “ITS REAL” but just gives the viewer the opinion