Tornado Videos You Wouldn’t Believe if Not Filmed
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If you didn’t add commentary I’d have actually watched this. Douche
uThat's really scary bro it scared my daughter
This guy told me years ago that he saw a tornado from just several blocks away. I asked him what it was like to see a tornado. He said, "If you ever see one you'll never want to see one again."
I love how boomers share dates and memories of their tornadoes. Thank you for documenting this for future gens to reference back to you guys.
Tornadoes look and sound interesting for sure. But living through one tearing through the middle of your house…not so fun. I survived an EF4 completely destroying my house and by the grace of God I survived and only broke my leg and ankle. When they tell you to get to the most interior room and protect your head they mean it. It saved my life.
That is so scary
I was born in 2014 but that’s a lie I was born in 2006 and ye this crazy
I never encountered one before
Why are people staying still filming them or worse, still moving towards them?
Ma arse would be doing 100mph in the opposite direction!
As a Iowan we got some of the worst tornadoes and still people were just so chill about it. You could look out the back/front window and see them and everyone was just ‘woah, well I wonder if we shouldn’t make dinner right now.’
Wow! it was absolutely incredible images. It really was a perfect video. wow!
I live there…
These storm chasers are bout kill them selves what if they get snatched
Such a great demonstration of the Power of Allah (The One and Only True God).
"AW, HELL NAW"! 🤯😰😱
Give me a quick, old-fashioned 5.0 earthquake any day!!! 🙏😣✝️
…"..you wouldn't believe…"…? Whow how do YOU know what I will believe??
That cop has huge balls and a large headache. I would have 360d out of there so fast fuck those storm chasers
Why did you have to leave the sound in when someone said 'What the f.'? I would have liked to have shown it to my students.
Not gonna watch you talk over every clip instead of just showing the footage
The cameraman never dies
2:18 did anybody see that house getting picked up or is it just me? AM I GOING CRAZY CAUSE ISTG THAT WAS A HOUSE AN IF IT IS THEN TECHNICALLY THIS TORNADO IS AN EF5
Those tornadoes look terrifying! Yet beautiful! But I sure would hate to see one of those monsters coming twords my house. 🏡 That would be a nightmare! 😱
OMG at 2:16 on right side of funnel at treeline two MASSIVE objects come flying out of the funnel……. it looks like TWO ENTIRE HOUSES, and possibly a third right when the camera zooms out.
I wonder if anyone's found a distinctive hole drilled by a stationary funnel and how deep? It's literally a mile-high drill or auger.
R.I.P Bill Paxton
It's things like this that make it easy to understand how and why primitive society believed in the Gods and why they would think they had angered them in some way.
Such beauty and ferocity. You know, in the Bible, a whirlwind is often mentioned to describe the might and God. Tornados do remind me of His strength and majesty, stunningly beautiful and powerful, yet terrifying. I feel this describes God perfectly. I am in awe of His Majesty. 💕
@2:19 is that an entire house being tossed in the air?
I live in Nebraska and I’ve seen a few tornados😅and I’m sure you’ve heard of the night of the twisters there’s movies and books about it I actually live in a town 30 minutes away so ya 😅
Messi is the goat!
On the last last EF4 it was so big it didn’t really look like a tornado it just looked like a big cloud
Tornadoes are fascinating and very dangerous hope it doesn't decide to visit the neighborhood.
bro i saw blood on that go-pro
I live in Alabama, heart of dixie… I've seen tornadoes going over my house and I've had them luckily jump over where I work. Last year I was watching one heading right for me. Ran into my work cooler, called my mom and told her my life insurance info. Thankfully it jumped less than half mile and missed me
English curse words are Germanic,so it's proper for the Dutch to know them.
You talked about Pilger but you didnt even mention that it was a twin tornado event. Two side-by-side EF-4 tornadoes. That's what made Pilger so unique
I remember we were in the 2 grade and our teacher made us mesmerised by watching tornado videos for hours lol
this guy likes to talk holy fuck
so the Netherlands is the Oklahoma of Europe and Oklahoma is the Netherlands of the US
But a long time ago I got like more than 5 the same day I got more than 5 and I live it Utah salt Lake City
We in NL get waterspouts, not tornados, or are they basically the same? I always lived here and I have never had the news hit us with a tornado, not on land anyway.
Cool to get those images, but come on dear folks, your lifes matter more than tornado footage. Stay away from these things
that cop was like: “sir, you’re trespassing on this property, i’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
I love tornados because they cool but the fact they destroy like nah