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When the bulldog walks by the camera snorting 😂😂 I’ve always wondered how the little dogs keep up on these long hikes, especially the chihuahua!!
Angel. Man🙋😁
It lifts my heart to see so many happy dogs all sniffing smells and wagging tails – and little Tommy carrying his red Ball xxx Way to go Lee, what a wonderful person you are xx
5:50 Tommy runs by snortin…😂😂😂
Hi Lee. I recently subscribed to your channel and I have inspired to volunteer at the local animal shelter where I live. I picked up 2 dogs that were left at a kill shelter. At least euthanasia is no longer a probability. I feel so bad for these two, Latte and Frappe. They are some type of hound and were used strictly for hunting. They had numbers to discern who was who. They don’t know how to be dogs. I’ve been working with the female, Latte. She is very rigid and seldom makes eye contact . I could go on and on. I know you probably get asked this all the time. Would you consider adopting them. I want them to learn to smile and play with other dogs. Thanks
I am looking for a small dog for my 9 lb fur baby to play with. If you hear of any in Miami Florida send the word.
another golden!!!
Great advice about age related development people NEVER seem to consider. That’s how I got my Quinn,they didn’t have time with his level of energy as a puppy, they had two small kids and worked. I’m glad we got him!
So happy he found his forever home.
This dog is now on good hands. Maybe part of the problem was the dog was escaping because he wasn't fixed yet.
You are so right! All 3 of my dogs were rescued at 6 months old. I call them “puppy fails”. They were no longer baby-cute & had become so energetic! I love them dearly!! 🥰🥰
He seemed so happy with you and the pack after getting used to all of you! That goofy smile during the lack walk 😊
4:20 The little one's breaking the ice with him.
Wow what a lovely dog with a lovely temperament.
No wonder he ran away Cooped up in a dark cave with NO LOVE but THANK YOU OWNER FOR REHOMING HIM Now we can see SMILING EYES
what a nice dog ! who would give this lovely dog up…. i own herders but before had golden retrievers, also as SAR dog, etc. they are such good dogs! and he seems to have a great body to be active. not like those modern line with the huge chests.
He is a beautiful golden retriever I dought a 6 foot fence will hold him. They can clear a six foot fence no problem.
Bless you Lee 🙏 ♥ 🇨🇦
I wish I lived closer to you. I would donate tons of time. Thank you for all you do and posting amazing videos.
A runaway Golden Retriever?! I didn't even know that was possible. Mine is "gum on my shoe", I joke I should get a window installed on my rear end so he could see better because he follows me so much lol. No, in all honesty I love that he is a velcro dog but I guess I assumed they all were. Glad this handsome boy was rescued.
I miss the smaller dogs…are you going to adopt more? The one I miss the most is Pom Pom. 😢
My husband and I drove a 17 hour turn and burn trip from Fairbanks to Anchorage Alaska. All to rescue my cat Thomas O'Malley. People laugh that I did that for a cat, but he's more than that to me. He's been given a second chance. I'm in love! I wish more people would rescue.
he looks so happy with your pack🙏
Thank you for your love and care for our dogie brothers ❤😊
Why keep these dogs from mating
God bless you Asher for saving these beautiful, deserving dogs!!! We have always adopted senior rescues! Such deserving, wonderful dogs that just need love, compassion, shelter, consistent food & a loving family to recognize as their own👍🙏♥️💕❤️
My daughter got a goldendoodle and he has hit his terrible two's he's been neutered but man does he have energy and he's so defiant terrible two's. I can't wait until he has gotten a few obeintant training under his belt.
My sister used to have a dog that looked just like this. They still lock the dog up. I tried so hard to get them to let me have the dog even though I already had three because I couldn’t stand it the dog would run away over and over and the last time they moved while the dog was gone they didn’t even look for the dog. I am so glad when I found out that a neighbor took the dog in and didn’t say anything. Sometimes they need to get away.
Il et super beau quel dommage que les gens abandonne les chiens en période de fête le garder 2 ans pour l'abandonner après c'est triste 😥
Dude could be a good replacement name for Duke…
Thank you Lee for all the wonderful work you are doing helping dogs and animals in need, it is so beautiful seeing you offering them all a chance at living a loving life ❤
Question: My dog has seizures, the vet here in Thailand can't seem to help her, I saw a video with one of the dogs also suffering from this and Lee said gives CBD oil ? I have got some and been giving her 2ml every 2nd day ? She is 15kg. Any one advise me on this ? Thank you
Awww, Lee you are an Awesome guy, rescuing Doggies etc!❤
Hisvwhoke face looks happier – – big eyes smiling ☺ 😍😍😍😍💋💋💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️💯💯💯
I have been binge watching your videos and am so jealous of your life. I wish I had had the finances and health to emulate all the wonderful good you do. I have to say all your dogs are gorgeous but one of my favourites is Tommy. He is such a goof ball! So best wishes to you and your team, and keep on doing the great job. 😁🐶
What a beauty! So docile and sweet. 😍
Calli, walking along the side, carrying her ball, steady as the sun, wagging her tail, so content😭💗
The way happy little Duke comes right up and puts his giant little paws all over Dave's face and gives kisses🥰
The bulldog taking its red ball with em on walks cracks me up. I love all the different personalities 💕
Dave!!! ❤️
This dog is really cute
When obedience schooling is done properly there is no problem. People are lazy and they really only wanted a dog for "five" minutes. Honeymoon is over. I've watched this nonsense for 77 years in my work with dogs. Pisses me off! Same nonsense with horses. IQ tests should be required to have these animals and humans need schooling themselves.
I hope this means there'll be MORE episodes to this show!?? Love this guy and his approach to all animals!!! I certainly hope, sadly, there'll always be more needing rescuing but I hope to see more of the show it's great to see the focus on all animals and how they all get along w/Asher's help and his energy towards all the animals! God bless him and all the rescuers of the world!! 🙏❤️✨
My first German Shepard, the best dog I ever had. But his terrible twos was awful. He challenged me so much I called the period the third world war. I was so happy when he just gave up and became a normal obedient dog.
I'm fairly new to this channel, so can somebody please tell me: Are these dogs for adoption or do they live out their days at the sanctuary?