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About the Author: Blakes Exotic Animal Ranch


  1. You're missing all the Blackouts in South Africa, 2 hour blackouts at least 3 times a day everyday and on a bad day its 4 hour blackouts in between!

  2. Yay! Congratulations on the upcoming baby otters. They will be so much fun to watch! Will you be keeping any of them?

  3. Please keep them once they are born, this will get you the ability to really train them such as target training. This will allow you once another opportunity to raise an otter.

  4. It’s shocking that you have that much responsibility on that piece of property yet you don’t have your own generator? That’s a bit strange don’t you think? Maybe it’s something you should look into for the future so this kind of stuff doesn’t happen again 👍

  5. Why don’t you like? It is so easy. Listen to me. Why don’t you though. See about getting a shoe bill. They’re awesome. and would suit the ranch off to a tea?✌️

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