Ski Crash Compilation of the best most Stupid & Craziest Ski FAILS EVER ! 2023 #66 Try not to Laugh

Ski Crash Compilation of the best most Stupid & Craziest Ski FAILS EVER ! 2023 #66 Try not to Laugh
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*Only the Best Compilation of the Best epic skiing fails* Subscribe if you want more!

Editing/ Content: Best Ski & Snowboard Fails
Please Note: That this video does not Promote or Encourage reckless skiing, but serves as safety video to

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Ski Crash Compilation of the BEST Stupid & Crazy FAILS EVER MADE! 2023


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About the Author: Admin


  1. i d say on average 3 broken bones and 0.5 wheelchairs per clip. serious accidents. nothing to laugh about. if you laugh about this you ve never gone skiing
    Some of the clips arent that serious and quite funny since there s no real potential to hurt yourself.

    0:44 destroyed entire legs and knees probably
    0:59 probably broken back
    1:16 most likely broken back
    2:02 broken back again
    2:10 could have died easily (after close inspection it s a lifeless doll and no real person lmao)
    3:30 could have easily hit a rock and at best had serious injuries
    4:53 I d be surprised if that guy isnt paralyzed

    also you re reuploading the same clips over and over again which is getting quite odd

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