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Sofia is a beautiful doggie and she is very gentle with kids She has a lit of love to give to a Family that will adopt her 💝
A lovely dog should be adopted by a lovely family 💖
Such a sweet pup.
What is the adoption cost and process of adopting from there to the UK please ?
Good luck 🍀👍
She is a beautiful dog !
I hope, she find a forever home! 🍀🍀🍀
Sofia 🐕❤️❤️❤️❤️
She's a beautiful dog. Someone will grab her soon.
What a lovely girl! And so gentle with a small child! Shouldn't be difficult for her to find a furever home!💜🐕💜👍👍👍🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘🙋♀️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🍀🍀🍀
She not camera shy lol 👍👍👍👍👍👍❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Csodálatos kutyus ! Elfogadnám!
I send a email to adopt her🥰
Beautiful! I'd love to adopt her.
I already have 19 rescues.💔
A linda Sofia, logo encontrará sua família e viverá feliz para sempre.🐕💞
Mi niña preciosa 😍😍😍👏👏👏
Espero que Sofia encontre seu lar definitivo!!! Esta linda garota merece um lar cheio de amor….Adotem SOFIA..💝🐕
Nice girl….
What a beautiful girl. Oh, I wish that I could, but I have 8 right now- 6 rescues, and that is all that I can care for- along with a family. I cannot imagine her not having a family soon.
Sofia we're all rooting for 🎉you and that's gotta manifest something good !❤🙏
Sophia is an angel. She obviously loves kids. Please take her into your family. ❤️🐾
But what happen to Sofia's owner,who took her to Germany and adopted her. I saw in one of your video where she🐕was taken from your shelter for adoption.
Linda ,adorable Sofía ,por favor que una familia responsable le de un hogar ,gracias 🦮💝💖💓💗💞💕🤍🥰
Lovely 🐕😍😍
Que coizinhas mais fofa ❤❤
I hope you hear something ,beautiful soul who lives babies and people
She is lovely ❣️💕💘❤️
You are a sweetheart Sofia! I know you will find your perfect family soon, until then you have an awesome foster family to play with!
Up Sofia!
Graças a Deus vcs são iluminados takis🌞🌞🌞🌞❤❤❤
viel Glück Sofia Schatz 🐕☄🍀💞🙌😍👍.
Please adopt Sophie she is a beautiful pup
Tan linda🤩 pronto alguna familia o una persona se enamorará de ella💞
I’m praying kind loving humans will adopt her🙏👼🏼🥰
❤❤Was für eine süsse Hündin. Hoffe sie wird bald adoptiert und findet ein Zuhause. Bussi für Sofia❤❤
Lieber takis. Ich hoffe Sofia findet eine eigene liebe Familie. Die süße hat es verdient. Vielen lieben Dank an die nette pflegefamilie ❤️
She is so lovely! She will find a new home soon!!💖
Good luck for Sophia she deserves the best home 🏡🍀❤️🤞
Какое счастье что Ваши ,Такис..питомцы имеют свой 🏡… Спасибо Вам и новым родителям! До слёз!
I hope she finds a beautiful, forever home 🙏❤️🏡 God bless the foster family 🙏❤️🐕