From dancing bower birds to crossdressing cuttlefish, animals will go to great lengths to find love in the natural world.
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Welcome to BBC EARTH! The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder. Here you’ll find 50 years worth of entertaining and thought-provoking natural history content. Dramatic, rare, and exclusive, nature doesn’t get more exciting than this.
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00:00 Cuttlefish Mimics Being Female to Mate
04:57 Emperor Penguins Fight Over Mate
07:30 Flamingos Display Their Best Moves
10:27 Loving Wild Dogs Hunt Together
14:16 The Bowerbird’s Grand Performance
18:20 Bizarre Mating Ritual Of The Frigatebird
22:52 Brutal Fight for Dominance Among Guanacos
24:51 Courting Tigers Form a Tight Bond
28:37 Spider Dances For His Life
32:33 Frog’s Incredible Mating Technique
Extremely amazing and wise what the frog did….I could write down entire lists of humans who wouldn't have thought doing that…😳😳😳🤯🤯🤯🤯😯😯😯😲😳🤯😮😯😲😳🤯
The spider part is so relatable to life. The one you trust,kills you anyway:/
20:44 Just like with human females 😂
love this animals
Penguin flipper fights are hilarious! And that poor bird froze when he saw his rival, ya shoulda kept dancing man, lol. And the frog sounded like radar lolol.
' Even for the giant Cuttlefish, it seems, size doesn't matter ' ~ Sir Attenborough being a bit naughty😅
One thing in common with them – they're all straight, even the animals are straight. Humans r becoming unnatural compared even 2 animals.
😂😂😂😂 the way he stopped and stared at his rival like “what the hell are you doing here!” 17:40
17:05 we’ll that’s weird!
7:10 “get her baby! That’s my boo!!”
6:47 “move B , that’s my man!!”
3:50 she’s for the streets!………excuse me, in this case the oceans!
Contrary to giraffe, keep a head down for some while also may be a physiological challenge. A sudden head up action for detecting danger? They fare well, naturally.
the frog one was just wow that's so smart
Watching wildlife videos is fascinating. Hello, God will bless you and your family always happy and healthy.
Oh poor bird 🐦😂😂😂.
I feel it's pain 😎
Felt bad for the spider
He shallowed him like a damn happy meal 1:30
Those cuttlefish sure know how to cuddle alright!😊
Why is the “dip in the pool guaranteed to impress?
Absolut der Wahnsinn was unser Schöpfer alles gemacht hat 🙂👍
Here for spider 🕷️ ❤
We’re so toxic as human beings that even the coddle fish are transitioning to another gender for attention. 😂
even females animals kingdom gold diggers we males suffer since birth from this vicious creature