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Most people head hunt in a street fight, looking to get that 1-hit KO. So is it even worth throwing punches to the body in a street fight? In this video, I break down the pros and cons of body shots.
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Bro. That haircut… u been training with Aussie Bogans? You look like you belong in The Bra Boys
This is pretty much a Muay Thai type knee adapted for wrestler grappler. When close up, head to face like attempting a head-but & or hug around shoulders/ head jiujitsu style pull down and knee into any part from balls up to ribs mid or sides of belly, all while you are pulling
their torso down or forward toward your own body . To add enormous power (if it seems set up to well) eject and jump in with the knee, vision a similar to a scissor kick motion. Just warning you can brake many ribs and possibly cause internal bleeding
Only to string a nice combo together or if you’re targeting liver, spleen, ribs etc. Make that shit count, clench your fists, and dig those two knuckles clean through them.
No duh you can use body shots,as long as you know where to hit.
not the best vid shane
an instructor shouldn't be encouraging street fighting. 80% of the people watching this probably have no business punching somebody with their unprotected fist. Please consider using your platform to encourage people to be disciplined and do the boring shit that actually makes a person a better fighter.
Yes quick body shots and head combos work.
Where did you buy that vest?
So realistic
First off : I don’t know much about fighting. But I’ve seen something along the lines of a bodypunch ko in a streetfight many , many years ago. One guy told a bully to put his hands up , and VERY obviously to us spectators deliberatly signaled , and missed a left and a right to the face , followed by a fast left hook to the lower left side. The big guy bobbed twice and then folded like he was electrocuted from the third , and did NOT want to fight anymore. That must have been a hit to the liver , right ?
Always swing liver or the gut in those 1st few moments of a fight i swear best decision ever
well for me I wouldn't throw it. I am 5'3. IF I HAD TO strike then i am hitting first, head hunting. I don't think the law would be on their side knowing that i am much smaller than the average guy.
Right cross in solar plexus is my first choice
Yes, you should throw shots to the body including, kicks. You would be dumb not to; I have ended fights hitting the body.
Good tips, good points. Body shots are deadly if you know what you are doing.
Sup' guys shane here with a really bad sunburn. HAHAHAHA I love the humor
Is there a discount on the tanktop?
Do you still fight
Boxing in the street can easily result in a broken hand or wrist. When you train or compete, your hands are wrapped for stability. And still, boxers often wind up with a broken hand. Don't do it!
Clearly this guy don’t know shit about street fighting Because I probably been in over 100 lost 2 because I had long hair.
the question i’m asking is why the fuck are you shirtless
What I'd do is do my best to defend, slip, counter, and evade to the body and head. I certainly don't' wanna do excessive damage to the face, even though it's a street fight situation. But enough to throw blows at the chin or the temple to try and knock em out….if not, then I got to the body. If the fight goes to the ground then go full jiu-jitsu, rather than ground and pound, cuz that's concentrating all your shots to the face and that IMO isn't quite good.
I figure it this way knock them out or cause internal bleeding I pick internal bleeding because like he said it does not show as much or if at all
Do you have any videos of you really fighting or charges for it?
Most everyone turns into a headhunter after they get punched in the face… Everyone has a plan till they get hit in the face
I personally like this combo. Open hand jab or push to the face. Straight punch to the solar plexus. (Try to push him back with that one) and then finish with a low kick or a sweep if you are to close for the kick.
Are you fucking kidding me tho? If you get socked in the abs you don't have body armor. If they do t duck you will probly double over or maybe even throw up. Have you ever taken a clean shot to the stomach?
Interesting tan line. I myself have it so no hate tho
nice tanning line
Someone’s been outside a lot…….
1:00 this! I did boxing 12 years and 5 years ago some guy attacked me and landed a blow on my chin. We then exchanged fists at each other and in the end he had 2 swollen black eyes and I had nothing visible. He laid charges on me at the police department and eventually I got 40 hours community service as punishment! I lost my faith in justice since then.
Breaking someone's nose is rarely a fight stoppage…the same for breaking your own hand. Adrenaline rush, baby!
At least, to my experience…
IMHO, another PRO would be considering that very few opponents are expecting a body shot…
“You can use this to punch a drunk friend to put them in their place” remember this is all in self defense.
It's Joe Dirt….cool mullet dude.
This guy has heaps of videos.
Do you have any footage of you fighting a fight?
Throwing punches to the body are effective in yes you should use it especially when someone's leaning or trying to duck under you can quickly throw an uppercut right to the body or up to the chin
I do not believe it
Another advantage is that most people don't expect it
Would one con in street be the same as the con in mu thai i.e opened up for knee etc if you have lowered yer head?
Had a nice little pump going on, so you decided to make the video shirtless? 😂
Kick the balls.