On August 22, 1999, heavy rain was pouring down from the sky with strong winds that made it difficult to see beyond a couple of meters away. The crew aboard China Airlines Flight 642 had been advised that the tropical storm was some 50 kilometers away from the Hong Kong International airport, but the conditions suddenly changed.
Previous flights had been diverted to another airport, but Captain Gerardo Lettich and his second in command decided they could land the aircraft safely.
As the McDonnell Douglas MD-11 began to approach the runway, both men realized it was not going to be that easy after all, but there was no turning back.
Footage taken by observers near the airport captured the exact moment the giant aircraft rolled to the right, crashed on the ground, and erupted in a ball of flames.
Amidst the chaos, one voice can be heard saying: “There’s gonna be casualties!” Fortunately, the rescue team at the new airport did a remarkable job…
Dark Footage showcases the most unbelievable photos and videos from history while telling the stories behind the camera. Featuring military, space, aircraft and real-life historic events caught on tape.
Md11 was build by Mc donnel Douglas not Boeing
Brilliant! That pilot should have to stand in front of the dead peoples families and all survivors Inc fellow crew and then be taken out and shot!! Even that is too good, you didn’t cover his post crash life!
We put our trust in a pilot when we board a plane we have no control none whatsoever as too what may take place! Crikey a person abusing her employers trust by stealing mere money (in comparison) got 10 months inside………..his punishment must be so much more 315 souls trusted in that man!
I am not a good flyer by the way!
Monday quarter backing but it sounds like extremely poor judgement on the part of the pilot and copilot.
One thing china airlines was come to my country so much aircraft (that time i was not born yet maybe)
maan that background music 2:44…love it. which one is it?
Let's put all the designers, engineers, corporate board all together in the same plane, take it to a ride with the same conditions after the crash, have them write a real report of what had happened.
Anything on the drawing board or screen is possible. In real environment it is not.
Don't bullshit the bullshitter when experience has giving us more than or fair share of knowledge.
Corporate greed is the principal factor in most accidents.
I like this guy's voice for storytelling. Some have it, some don't. He has it!
I really enjoy seeing props given to Neil Armstrong in your promos👍
You couldn't pay me to ride in a McConnell Douglas aircraft.
Anybody know the background music ?
Amazing the USAF never had an accident with a KC-10 other than a fire during a non flight event.
Captain had him a hot date.
2 things this video missed. This crash was caused by a microburst you can see in the video very the plane drops and then the decent is recovered before they incounter the tail wind which causes the plan to role to the right and the right wing and engine to come off which causes the plane to role over. The second thing this video missed is that the firefighters where already on the taxiway before the plane landed and started rolling to the runway before the plane even crashed.
Easy to say they should have diverted and been refused clearance to land. Must have been terrifying for all. RIP to the 3 people who didn't make it .
219 people plus 15 crew pooped themselves that night.
Operator error by Captain Ego. Diverting would not have been macho, eh?
I thought this was gonna be about N306FE, the MD-10 that went supersonic and did 2 barrel rolls, yet still managed to land and nobody died
Flew air China in the 90s and we had a near miss with another aircraft, close enough for me to read the aircraft number, as we were landing into Bangkok the pilot failed to tell the cabin crew to prepare for landing and they were all chatting in the galley. About a hundred feet from touch down, I shouted to alert them and the panic on their face I won’t ever forget. I never flew with air China again.
Im not a aviation expert but even over the runway they they could have aborted and went around. full throttle that shit
ATIS does not contact you , you contact it , its a voice recording on a channel /frequency you dial up , it does not contact anyone !
stop taxing your music from heatblurs trailers
Only 3 people died?!?! Incredible! I figured everyone was a goner as soon as I saw the fire
Captain Ho Lee Fook should have listened to co-pilot Wee Too Low and diverted to their alternate airport.