I think Kingdom Hearts 3 gets a bad rap. I’ve always loved it, so I’m gonna lay my cards on the table here and offer a different perspective on a game close to my heart.
0:00 Intro
8:47 Embracing the Crossover
24:47 Three Half-Pints
41:19 Destiny’s Crossroads
1:04:25 Kingdom Hearts
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Additional footage: https://www.youtube.com/@WillJV2
Script: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ebg2PB6F1RvUP-1ccn4K5roEFQMmR10lVB5OigeGk4g/edit?usp=sharing
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#KingK #KH3 #Retrospective
I also think attraction flow receives more crap than it deserves. I just wish they would pop like 30% less often, it would make them feel a bit more special. I love the magic mountain flow. Why? It pops twice. It just needed to be a bit more balanced. I love kh3 and have been following the series for over 20 years as well. Super excited for KH IV
I enjoyed the story outside the Disney worlds but most of the Disney worlds were mediocre or downright awful
I never needed validation this hard until this video, lmao. I had the same feeling, as if I was dumb to even like Kingdom Hearts 3. It does have its issues, sure, but calling it terrible, a waste, it didn't sit well with me.
It's not a masterpiece, but neither are the rest of the games, but it's not this conglomerate of everything bad about Kingdom Hearts
I wish I could have liked this game more than I did, but there's just far too much for me that drags it down, from pacing to story to gameplay. If nothing else as an overall package it at least stands leagues above pretty much everything the series squirted out in the 10 year interim.
I’ve played kh3 so many times and I never knew you could play rock em sock em robot 😭 or the bird thing
Damn that intro had me laughing, reminiscing, tearing up and giving me shivers. If it weren’t 4 in the morning I would watch it all right now but I cannot wait to watch the rest. I can already tell this videos going to be a masterpiece. Thank you KingK.
Have to unsubscribe for your takes on the Hogworts Legacy thing.
I liked the game but in my opinion it's the weakest of the three.
Thank you so much for this video.
Kh3 is SOOOO underrated. Such unnecessary hate man. I loved every second of that ending when I first played it my senior year of hs. 15 years of my life coming to an end
KingK, I doubt you’ll see this, but I really and truly wish I had a series like Kingdom Hearts is to you that’s flown under most peoples’ radar, but you chose to stick with it throughout its entire run so far. I deeply respect the amount of appreciation you have for the series and even though I know I’m pretty much too far out at this point to ever get into it, but maybe some day I’ll finally give 1 a try (maybe if they made the games more accessible)
First off I just wanna say I applaud you for even making this video. Secondly, this was very well crafted video, I really enjoyed it and was moved by the passion you put into making this video. And thirdly I’m actually working on a video taking about KH3 myself. Much like you I have mostly positive feelings towards the game and have felt a bit weird whenever I have someone I meet bring it up and say they didn’t really enjoy the game and felt disappointed with it. I kinda had a feeling this would happen prior to it’s release but the amount of negativity it’s gotten over time does sadden me. Unfortunately you can’t please everyone, that goes for not this game but other forms of media. I know for a fact that even tho the FF7 remake mostly got a positive reception, it still had its fair share of people who didn’t like it cus either it wasn’t a one for one remaster of the 1997 classic or the ending just the ruined the whole thing for them. Me on the other hand loved the game and can’t wait for its sequel. FFVII’s remake was another highly anticipated title and although it does have its fans it also has those who weren’t happy with the overall product. It’s kinda the same thing with KH3. From what I’ve gathered, most of the positive reception come from maybe the critics while it’s become mix with the fandom. Regardless I’m happy to see someone voice their opinions on this game regardless of whether its a popular opinion or not. And I’ve made a written review for it not too long after its release back in 2019 so now I’m going back to and reading everything I wrote back then and seeing if I still have a lot of those same thoughts as before. Since I’m finally making a review on it in a video format. I hope I can make mine just as great as yours but I don’t know if can articulate my thoughts and feelings on it as well as you just did. So I think the best way I can go about this is like I do with my cosplays; just do it my own way as well as incorporate some new thing I’ve learned as well when editing videos. Out of all the video reviews I’ve made so far, this will probably be my most important due to the connection I have for this game as well as my history with the Kingdom Hearts franchise as a whole. I’ve been wanting to do it for a while but a big reason why it’s taken me so long to make it happen is because I want it to be great, i want it to be special but I think I just need to continue taking my time crafting it together with the amount of care and passion you must have done making this video as well as the care and passion the devs must have done for this game itself. Everyone has their own perspective on this game and I certainly have mine and that’s all that matters. Again thank you making this video, I was already working on making my own but after watching yours it’s given me more motivation to make it happen. I’m gonna talk about the good and bad things about the game but most importantly I’m just gonna share my feelings about something I waited years for and how happy I was that it actually exist and it’s not just a dream anymore.
Kingdom hearts has been there since i was a little boy. as an almost 21 year old startung to live my own life, it's been there every step of the way. KH 1 when my babysitter showed me it as a child got me interested, i rediscovered the series after a few years as an early teen and have been in love evry step of the way. Its been there as a kid struggling with mental illnesses, a teen struggling with sexuality, in my late teens struggling with my gender identity, and now as a young adult knowing im a woman but having to face a harsh world. Just like you said in the video its dumb and cheesy, but thats why ive fallen in love with it. And thats why i love these characters, and this series, and it's music, and its story, and everything. And KH3 made me cry in a similar way you stated. I dont cry at media much, but it always hits me seeing them reunited. even in watching the scenes in the background of this video i got a bit teary eyed. thank you for saying these things, despite the negativity surrounding this entry.
While I do think it gets a lot of unnecessary hate I think a big problem for me personally is the lack of fighting Disney villains in each world. Every boss fight is just a giant heartless until the gauntlet at the very end of the game. It would’ve nice to get a couple fights with Org members in between too. Some of my best memories in KH2 are the fights with Demyx and Xaldin at mid points in the story. It feels like the game saved all of its important bits till the very end. I still love it though but it was a bit disappointing compared to 2
Sorry nah its dog shit story wise and a huge step down in the gameplay department from 2.
Plus no FF characters in the Disney worlds (the literal point of Kingdom Hearts) is inexcusable.
I still remember when I was 17, I didn't have a car yet. The nearest gamestop was about 4 miles away, the one I preordered my copy at. In the middle of the night, I rode my bike to it just to grab a copy as soon as the midnight release came out. The entire ride back felt like hours, and the ~5 hours that I played it before I had to go to school sleepless felt like minutes. I thoroughly enjoyed kh3, I had been playing kh as a series since I was 4. I met my best friend through my enjoyment of kingdom hearts. The series is so close to my heart and I would be an entirely different person had I never touched kingdom hearts. I have a tattoo of the kingdom key to commemorate that. Kingdom hearts always will be my favorite series.
I thought it was Dylan spouse
Kingdom Hearts has been in my life since I was like 5 years old. The wait for Kingdom Hearts III was absolutely painful but when it finally came out… I LOVED IT! I literally don’t see the problem with it, it checks every crazy KH box and met all my expectations for the elusive KH3
this video made me cry a bit several times i love kingdom hearts and playing through it all has forever changed my brain chemistry and for some reason so many parts of this vid just really struck a chord with me thank you truly this helped me a lot i think
KingK, I loved KH3 when it came out and admittedly cried a little at the end while also felt frustrated over Sora not being able to be with his friends. It was flooring to see how the game was hated and I was conflicted in the same way. Thinking I was wrong or blind/bias over something I loved. Bruh your video made me choke and let some tears flow. For real I appreciate this type of content because it make me look at things I love in a more deeper fashion. Thanks again my bruh. Love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What really got me here, was game progress moving like a game of chess. Consider I sometimes listen to your retrospectives if its something i've seen looked at a lot. I had to stop at that point and focus in completely, for how well you wrote this piece. great job, opening my eyes.
While I'm ultimately of the belief that I'll never return to Kingdom Hearts in the future, this video made me realize something; holding on to a petty grudge is pointless. There are so many videos that rip this game apart frame by frame, mechanic by mechanic, that it just gets frustrating trying to justify why I fell out of love with the series. But you reminded me that just because the candle of passion has been snuffed out, that doesn't mean it was all bad. So I thank you. For showing me the good that I forgot amongst the bad. For helping me come to terms with how I ultimately feel. And that there is a second side to a disagreement that deserves to be listened to.
It finally came out . I was so sad that when KH3 released , you just posted a reaction video with your friend about it and I thought you wont make a retrospective on it. Your KH retrospective is finally complete. I feel like I can ascend now to a higher plane of existence 😇
Hey this was a delight. Thanks for putting these words together.
This game made me cry. And in the end even though I think it sits just below the original two in my top 3. Its ultimately the game that made me excited for the series again and same as you excited for a new chapter in my life.
KH3 is a fine game. The worlds felt more linear than I would have liked, and San Fransokyo was a little under-realized. The combat was ok, but not what quite the evolution I imagined.
I've only played kh1 and 2 but the sheer passion you show for this game reminded me how important this medium is in connecting with our lives, you made me cry and you have my thanks