A couple found themselves in a dangerous situation when their truck lost control on I-70. Vicente Arenas reports.
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Yeah, you can appear in court when you live in entirely different state. It is a scam. If I was them, I'd hire lawyer to appear by proxy for them and have the charges dismissed, then they can freely sue the state.
What an absolute joke their highway division is for not fixing those!!! Holy crap!!!
The roads being neglected caused this accident……as they are repairing them after people are almost killed…..
100% Pothole. I've driven over that in my van and been rocked around quite a bit. I can easily see someone towing ending up in the situation like this. I'd encourage anyone on here to contact CSP and CDOT about it and the driver to sue CDOT over the accident.
Pothole? Nahhh…..
yuppie, soy-boy driver? Yes.
Driving too fast and not exercising the Smith-System. If you were going slower and actively maintaining an out you would've seen that pot hole and could've avoided it. DOT maintains speed limits are not a reflection of actual safe speeds and the condition of the road may change just as the ambient conditions under which you operate your vehicle may change.
Wasn't the tax money from all the legal weed supposed to go toward road repair and infrastructure?
I’m a truck driver, that section of I-70 from the tunnel all the way to George Town, is a “pot row”. A POT-ROW! Not just a few pot bad holes. You have to straddle the line and ride the shoulder to stay on flat pavement. I’m regularly piloting 80k lbs down the lower 48’s most dangerous highways, barely saving lives, and The State isn’t doing their due diligence.
Roads have gotten so bad where I live in the Pacific Northwest. My bro in law had a popped tire from a deep pothole
Judging by the initial footage, it looks like he was traveling with the speed of traffic which means he was doing at least 70 thru there. Even with an old F250 and a lightweight camper that's too fast, which is probably why he got a ticket.
The pot hole isn't the issue it's the 5-7 inch rut's in the pavement along that 2 mile spot in the right lane when you leave from loveland pass/loveland ski area same with hwy 6 going east from the i70 exit . I rode the shoulder last weekend trying to avoid it.
Going way too fast, flat out.
It's very unlikely that a pot hole would throw a trailer out of control, and notice that no one else in the video is swerving to avoid this alleged pot hole. It's much more likely that the driver fell asleep, woke up and lost control. Of course, he's gonna blame it on a pot hole.
Terrible choice of video cutting. You show the truck rolling along fine, and then over and over the same breif shot of it already out of control and then coming to a stop. Would've been nice to see if the truck jostled first or the trailer
im guessing they trailer sway from unbalanced load. driver fault. also going down hill the trailer pushed the truck
Make sure your load is balanced over the axle of the trailer and tires are inflated to the correct psi
Appears to be another case for our buddy Pete buddajudge
Driving too fast with an unbalanced trailer and a super light truck. In the fast lane trying to merge when he lost control its literally called jackknifing fing noob.
Pete Davidson didn't get cited for hitting a house but this couple gets cited for hitting a pothole…
Why edit out the part of the fucking video that would show anything of value.
Yeah. As soon as they showed the accident, I sorta knew where they were. Yup
While I certainly can agree some of the roads need some help (true anywhere in the world) I cant see blaming something that is your fault on a pothole. It's the drivers responsibility to remain alert to the road surface and other conditions as well as anticipate all possible variables by driving in a reasonable and prudent fashion commensurate with your rig and its weight, size and capabilities. It seems to me like someone drove WAY outside their experience level. Pulling a 5000+ lbs travel trailer with a light duty single cab Ford "truck" likely rear wheel only over some of the steepest and highest most treacherous grades in the country coupled with excessive speed for that size and weight vehicle seems like far from the fault of a pothole in the road. Speed limits are that, a maximum limit for an average vehicle not a pickup pulling a house sized trailer down a 6% grade with a vehicle that is underrated for the task at hand so driving the speed limit in this circumstance was obviously WAY too fast. The careless driving charge is more than warranted and certainly glad that nothing more than their pride and accountability was hurt.
The driver was obviously AT FAULT. He was driving TOO FAST for conditions, he was driving TOO FAST while towing over 5000 Lbs. Those trucks are NOT manufactured for towing that HEAVY LOAD.
If you are towing a trailer you should be driving AT LEAST 15 mph BELOW the speed limit and with your emergency lights ON.
If people dont know how to drive in Colorado they should pay a moving company to move their belongings.
I almost crash at the same spot.
I blew out a tire and messed up my bumper the other day from a big ass pothole out of nowhere. These denver area streets are something else
I believe it…These roads are getting horrible out here and the highway workers are nowhere to be found