Drone footage shows Alex Murdaugh’s South Carolina property where his wife and son were brutally murdered on June 7, 2021. The video illustrates the vast size of Murdaugh’s 1700-acre Moselle property, showing the distance between the house and dog kennels where Maggie and Paul were killed.
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I'm starting to think he's innoncent.
He wasn’t at all concerned that the killers could still be there. Also Alex was a lifelong hunter, he knows when something is dead. Paul’s brain was literally laying on the ground. Alex knew he was dead, there would be no reason to check for a pulse.
He sounded really distracted in the background 2/3 of the way through the call. I think he was changing his clothes and getting the gun several minutes before he said he was going to the house to get a gun. When he told her to hold on one second almost at the end, I think he was taking off one shirt and putting on another.
Sad to see this place unkempt..the grass is dead and long..all the love is gone..
Operator: are they breathing?
Alec: no
Operator: can they talk?
Alec: no. They're shot bad. I can see his brain.
Operator: are you sure he can't talk?
911 lady please shut it up
I wouldn’t even live there even for free .
Can you believe that the dispatch person ask if they were breathing after he told her the brains were on the ground 🤔
Alex Murdaugh, sentenced 2 full life sentences back to back, he’s finally being put away for his atrocities for GOOD!!! Interesting to note too how he gave his full name before address, when usually you just give an address. Was he trying to declare and clear his name from the start as just the one that found them? Alex, you are caught!
Can't stand 911 operators repeating the same questions over and over. Drives me crazy!
I will always wonder if they begged for their life.
That's a bleak,creepy looking place imo.
No gardens, no pretty trees. Where's their house?
He obviously didn't suspect that anyone else may also be murdered? Or that the killer may be close? His acting abilities are zero.
What I got out of all of this is Alex is guilty asf, and ISSA HOUSE!
Would've liked to have seen the house and kennels in the same shot to get a better understanding of how far apart they are from each other
Why did she ask if he was breathing AFTER he said his son's brain was on the ground?!?!
Does anyone else notice the big dark shadow over the property at 2:36 it comes from the left then over the kennels maybe just a plane or something but that plane must be terrible low and big for a shadow that big to be over the property..might be something simple to explain but just scary to know what happened there and this dark cloud going over the property scary
should have been an actor very convincing..
This is when he changed or discarded the clothes he was wearing, if he was wearing anything at all.
I searched up murder drones and this is what I get?
What was he doing during all the time on the phone….going around cleaning up the shells and stuff?
He never said, I’m scared
As the drone moves up and you could see the entire kennel/land all I can think about is that is what their souls same as they are spirits were leaving their bodies.. knowing they were betrayed and who took their lives💔😤
Wow how the rich live! I see why people are such evil. They want that good life !
"I've been up to now, it's bad" This makes me think someone carried out the hit while he was gone and heleft the scene to establish an alibi, he got the okay it was done and he returned to see it for himself
I feel genuine sympathy for Maggie's sister, Maggie was at their beach house and didn't want to go to the house on Moselle when Alex called and asked her to come. When she called her sister, her sister convinced her she should go, how terrible to live with that!
There's drone footage of Buster and his uncle removing multiple guns from the house at Moselle, immediately after law enforcement left the property from searching house. I've seen it online, he's a YouTuber. Can't imagine for one second that law enforcement saw these and said ok you have them when investigating double murders and no murder weapons found at scene. Must have been concealed and missed, no other explanation…
I can only imagine his response if she had sad "is it a trailer park"…⛳😳
If that Snapchat video hadn't been discovered on Paul's phone he never would have said a word! That was all I needed to know 😐
What a circus! This man got his just reward!
“He’s shot in the head”
“Where’s he shot at?”
pause “ma’am I don’t know!” With an irritated inflection.
“Okay you said about two hours ago you talked to them?”
pause “approximately ma’am, *approximately*!” Again, with irritated Inflection.
He snaps from frantic grief to irritation very quickly and it should be noted how he finds it necessary to repeat “approximately” twice. He very clearly doesn’t like being asked questions that could be potentially incriminating, and is bad at hiding his urgent annoyance at them.
There’s…a moment. A quick one, but one nonetheless when she asks “did they shoot themselves”. It’s just a quick moment where..perhaps..he’s questioning that angle before registering how absurd that’d be. Whatever that little pause was… whatever was going through his head.. were not the thoughts of a innocent man who didn’t just shoot his family, and genuinely found them like that.
That Murdaugh place is creepier than the skin walkers ranch.
Immediately noticed The FIRST THING he says to the dispatcher is his Name & Address and proceeds to say he needs the police to come immediately. Who HAS EVER called 911 and told them their entire name and address BEFORE saying someone’s been shot, (let alone their own family) killed, accident on the road, whatever …. this entire story starting from the boat accident is beyond bizzare
Sir…Is it a House, or Mobile home????
IT'S A HOUSE!!!!!😤😡🤯🥴😵💫👹
At 2:10 2:11 he says "HERE"
Clear as day.
Evil family. They all deserved what they got.
He should receive the Razzie award for worst acting on that 911 call. His life of luxury while illegally living off clients settlements he stole has come to an end. Beans and Spam now!
Where exactly was the kennel in correlation with the house? The video is great but breaks away from showing this.
If only dogs could talk…..
tHeYvE bEeN hUrT bAdLy
Can't listen to his BS! 🤮
My apologies in advance, that this commentary might be a bit of stretch, Americas Jounalism Gods, find totally ridiculous. But the legal infrastructure responsible for convicting Alec Murdaugh, ENABLED that depraved mind due to his celebrity, and were indirectly complicit, in those murders. Alec Murdaugh committed enough decades old financial crimes in my opinion, that he should have still been in incarcerated, when he took his wife and sons, lives. Do you agree? We as American enablers, are so obsessed with celebrity and power, that it blurs our moral judgement at times, to "Do the right thing"(Spike Lee Movie, title). And I'm just as guilty. I was an Apprentice fan for years. Nearly got whiplash at the sight of the so-called real estate tycoon on the streets of NYC, previous to 2016. While I didn't vote for him, others did and looked the other way when he bragged of violating women, on "Access Hollywood." The same holds true, for any other celebrity, accused of serious crimes, and walked. Would Nicole Brown Simpson and Mr Goldman still be living, if those LA. police officer's called out to the couples home too many times to count for domestic violence, had insisted the court issue restraining orders, and incarcerated OJ? Even if it meant he wouldn't be commentating their "Monday Night Football" game that week, it could have saved two lives. Again, we must stop obsessing over celebrity and power. They see it, and know you'd drop to your knee's and glorify their poop, if they asked you to. So what's the next celebrity, obsession? Poop of the stars? Alec Murdaugh knew by taking the stand, that his awe shucks "Gomer Pile," decades old celebrity in that courtroom where his grandfather's picture hung, would exonerate him. So what say ye, about this commentary?
R. U.1.2. ?
Those calling this place beautiful, wth. This place is so isolated, scary & literally the reason why Alex even probably bought it to commit horrible crimes & be able to get away with them. I bet this wasn't his first time doing something so sinster either.