WARNING: Some of the video could include images and situations that could be disturbing to viewers.
The Farmington Police Department is holding a press conference with updates on a March 1 officer-involved shooting that left Chase Allan, 25, dead.
MORE: https://kutv.com/news/local/farmington-officer-involved-shooting-police-body-cam-footage-deadly-chief-eric-johnson-chase-allan-diane-allan-resisting-commands-noncompliant-illegeitimate-license-plate
one less antifa Brat in a BMW flaunting their indolence….buh bye.
Suspicion is mounting that this was a preplanned execution. Look at all of the people – sympathetic to the executioners – who are referencing Chase Allen’s family and mother. They mention their belief systems, over and over. Then also indicate that said belief systems made the costumed executioners “scared”, like frail women. And remember, the clown actor weaving through the gaggle of other clown-costumed baboons, only to scream like a frightened teenage girl, “GUN, GUN, GUN!”, thereby creating a cover for the execution. We’ve reached 3rd-world levels of corruption, folks. Create a ruckus at city hall, offend the satanic goons dawning black robes otherwise referred to as “judges” – and you too could be wacked by the criminal justice mafia!
I see Allen was in his seatbelt WHICH required him to unbuckle it . The buckle of the seat belt is Located near the holster. How were the cops going to extract him out of the vehicle? Did the cop ask him if he was armed? This video is more damning to the cops then helping. Hope the Family gets a good attorney.
Oh he’s traveling for good now. Nobody gonna ask him for his license now 😂
All the people saying "he pulled a gun" need to check their eyes. Conveniently, they are missing the video where they glove up.Thanks for your narrated transparency video. Now we DEMAND the unedited versions and Chase's phone for independent investigation….Not your good ole' boys investigation. STAGED, RETALIATION, and MURDER.
A public shooting range! I hope they all go out just like the victim did!
Blue Steroids Matter
If you wanna fight the police, do it in court. You can actually win millions of dollars against police departments and that's happened in many cases. But you fight them on the street, you gonna lose and you gonna lose bad. Only stupid fools choose to do it this way.
When I hear sovereigns talk to cops, I hear nothing that I can find in our current laws and Constitution. It really sounds like made up crap. Does anyone have a source for what they say?
Taser, rubber bullets, etc. They'd rather shoot
After he is shot by 5 guys with several bullets in the chest, they yell, show me your hands, (they know they're on cam. Then they handcuff the corpse
Another asswipe that escalated things when there was no need to, and now people want to cry that he was killed! Yeah, fuck him! Got what he deserved
Smells like a "sovereign citizen" to me.
Stupid game, stupid prize.
play with fire you get burned. People like this need to move to Thailand or a country they can become free range chickens
Thin Blue Line drawing Thin Red Circles to support the Blue Clowns Matter agenda.
Behold that clown costume with all the Bozo buttons and flair.
Can you say excessive?!!! I understand they were concerned about the gun but they should always have a plan. I mean wtf!! Those cops should have huddled-up should have had his gun ready and on him, and the others as back-up. 4 fricken officers?!!! That was a lot of bullets!!! Such a shame!! I am not, nor have I ever been anti-cop but that was excessive.
Sovereign Citizens are the Flat-Earthers of politics.
Change my mind.
new way of take your own Life i guess. he kind of commit suicide.
another justified homicide by peace officers nothing to see here 🤔 something really wrong with society, Smh
Is it the Thin Blue Line, or the Thin Red Circle gang? C'mon, man, stop playing with my emotions!
Shamwow execution video: "We can kill 'em when they're in a boat, we can kill 'em when they're in their RV. But can we kill 'em when they're in their BMW? …Fugetaboutit!!! But wait! There's more! If you buy our lies in the next 15 minutes, we'll throw in an extra 36 red circles, absolutely FREE!"
Shamwow execution video: "We can kill e'm when they're in a boat, we can kill e'm when they're in their RV. But can we kill e'm when they're in their BMW? …Fugetaboutit!!!"
There is a back story to this, this was a RETALIATION STOP! These cops planned this.
Shamwow infomercial for an execution; "But wait! There's more! If you act in the next 15 minutes, we'll throw in an extra 36 red circles, absolutely FREE!"
The driver never had a gun in his hand.
I'm pro-cop, but in this case, the cops were too pushy, too aggressive, and too quick to shoot and kill.
Blacks get away with not showing ID quite often, and they don't get shot. . . Well, , , not all of them get shot.
Isn't this at most a ticket? Why wouldn't the cop give a ticket instead of escalating it
New officers 'trained' to shoot now and ask questions later. Trained to respond immediately to 'Gun, Gun, Gun'. LOTS of rounds fired including firings after cease fire was called. Expect nothing to happen because of the nature of, the murdered citizen and race of those involved in the stop. Ordered to shut off body cameras to ensure that nothing said after the shooting was recorded.
Lt Michael Byrd was so pussified that he Murdered Ashli Babbitt! A young woman frightened a Well Armed, Well Trained Capitol Police Officer! A Lieutenant!
Notice the Dead Dude has his foot outside the car! Looks like he was getting out of the car to me! He has to take the seat belt off to get out.
SNAFU Government & Cops Earning the Hate… Again! Back the Blue… we have a Bullet for you too!
The Cops & Government have a Pattern & Practice of Abusing Citizens Rights!
We don't need no stinking RAS or PC… we got shiny Badges & Great Lies!
You can Beat the Charge… You Can't Beat the Ride. You May Live through the SWAT Raid… Your home will be Destroyed.
Instead of "Defund the Police"… "Hold the Cops ACCOUNTABLE & Abolish Qualified Immunity (Institute for Justice) & Establish Mandatory Minimum Punishments!”
The WAR on the pesky citizens continues! The Cops will find a Crime for every pesky Citizen! Back the Blue and get your crime too!
Cop tells pesky citizen… Your Constitutional "Rights" & Life does NOT mean a Damn thing out on the Streets… Sue me … We have Qualified Immunity, we have copsplain & Lies, we control the narrative, we will investigate ourselves, the blue line of corruption & Police Union will protect us, and there is NO Accountability for anything I do… so fook you pesky citizens and your BS “rights”!
BTW… the MSM will spew forth copaganda that we feed them.
The Beatings Will Continue… Until Your Compliance Improves… the Government wants good Obedient Slaves! Privacy, Freedom, & Liberty is VERBOTEN! Pacification by Force!
If I have to Follow the Law the Government has to Follow the US Constitution!
Michael Malice – “There is no law so obscene that the police would not be willing to enforce it, up to and including the mass execution of innocent children.”
There is NO such thing as Government Safety & Security. "Safety & Security" is a Nanny State phrase designed to justify whatever control the government wants to inflict on the pesky citizens.
The Venn Diagram of "Privacy, Freedom, Liberty, Safety, Rights, & Security" is a Big Single Circle around the Government and You ain't in it!
Everything is Malum Prohibitum. Let’s Charge the pesky citizen with… Resisting, Obstruction, Interfering, Failure to ID, Disorderly Conduct, Breach of the Peace, Blocking the Sidewalk, JAYWalking, Failure to Follow Commands, Pedestrian in the Road, I smell something, Fighting Stance, Bladed Body, It is a Security Issue, you are Suspicious, I am Butt hurt, and/or Trespassing. We need to cover up our crime!
Filming the Cops… When Exposing a Crime is Treated as committing a crime, you are ruled by criminals.
Never ever, talk to the Cops! They are going to do anything they want. You can't talk your way out of Jail but anything you say will put you in Jail. The Cops will use Copsplain, Lies, & Threats to get you to talk!.
Tell the cops you are invoking your 5th Amendment "Right" to remain silent and you want your Lawyer.
Tell the cops you will NOT be talking to them without your lawyer present. Then… Shut up, Keep Shutting up, then Shut up some more!
We are the Government Enforcers… We do any damn thing we want! LMAO… you think you have "Rights". We have Copaganda, Copsplain, The Blue Line, The Police Union, The Prosecutor, and the City that will all back anything we do! The Government has got our back not yours! We Protect & Serve Government not the pesky citizens!
BREAKING: WV State Police IMPLODES | Whistleblower Tells All (Civil Rights Lawyer)
Where is the victim's cellphone footage
Is there a video that just shows the entire sequence of events without the 'official version' showing the police narrative?
At least in the 🇬🇧 you don't die from a traffic incident. America is a cruel country .
If chase was black, how many of y’all would have different comments and opinions
Why didn't the police just shoot out the four tires? It's unlikely that Chase would have driven away on the four rims. "You don't have an option" is not a good statement to someone whom you recognize as irrational–as I say Chase obviously was. It's a statement by someone who wants to prevail in a confrontation. Chase was not stopped for being an imminent danger to Farmington. The training of this officer strikes me as tragically deficient. He wants to "win." That has become the officer's controlling concern, and he enlarges his team in order to achieve it. That is not the way to be a source of order. Utah has had four police executions in this year. At that rate, Utah will end 2023 with about 24 police executions. This should advise people to avoid entering Utah. I just looked back to review the Moab interview of Gabby Petico. It was not impressive.
This is definitely a gray area incident. However, too many police are breaking laws, violating rights, and killing that major change is necessary. They have zero skin in the game. Don't tell me they put they're lives on the line either. It is, at the end of the day, a job that they're paid for and no one is forcing them to preform. That is a conscious choice.
get out your check book. Y'all gonna pay this one.
Well die if you're good with Jesus. It's cool. Doesn't look like he was sinning. Kids get wrapped up in that sovereignty shit from the adults. To me there's no difference in this lost but searching kid and one with his pants low on a street corner screaming he's the victim of the system, then gets his ass shot off. It's Simpson's -Worldwide, baby. Prayers of consolation to his family.