Is my house haunted?
One of the things people go through when having Paranormal activity in their homes, is the fear of not being believed. Which is why, one of the key aspects of any investigation is understanding, that whatever your own personal beliefs are, whether sceptic or believer, you have to understand that a person reporting activity is having an experience. Our job is to determine why?
We were called in to help a lady in the South Wales area who was experiencing such activity, for the purposes of this video we will call her B, so not to reveal her identity.
Like most of our house cases, it starts with one of our mediums, picking up on impressions of what they feel is around the person and around the premises in general.
I am Jared from Paranormal Now, and if you like this video please subscribe to the channel, click the bell and add your thoughts to the comments below.
On occasion, the spirits will determine just how the investigation goes, this was the case here, as the mediumship session was being interrupted by spikes on the K2 Metre, was a spirit trying to communicate with us?
Both myself and Richard had picked up on multiple people, some associated with the family others, associated with the land. However none of which able, or perhaps unwilling to communicate with us through the device, leaving two questions that needed answering, why were myself and Richard getting multiple spirits and conflicting information, and why were the spirits unable or unwilling to communicate through the K2 device.
Finally some validation, the sickness I was picking up in the bedroom was associated with Richard, something that commonly happens when two mediums work closely together, we pick up on what is happening around each other, but we finally found something associated with the land, which may point to why the spirits are haunting the property.
As Richard and Martin returned to the bedroom to continue the investigation, I stayed to show B some techniques as to how to manage her psychic sensitivities, by going through some basic grounding and protection techniques.
So what was happening on this investigation, with technology acting up and multiple spirits making their presence known, predominantly though this older gentleman, linked to the land? We the answer is actually something quite common with those who experience activity in their homes, as the saying goes, people are haunted more than places, and this seemed to be the case here. Essentially B was becoming increasingly more sensitive to spirit, possibly triggered by a personal event of some kind. As her sensitivity grew, so did her light on the radar so to speak, spirits who for whatever reason or another, want their story to be told are drawn to those sensitive, so that their message can be heard.
Will we find out any more information as to the identity of this gentleman, and why he is unable to rest. Join us next time to find out, and remember we present the evidence, it is up to you to determine if this is Paranormal. Im Jared from Paranormal now and ill see you for Part 2.
Please watch: “CREEPY ghost box Messages & Spirit orbs caught on Camera, Afterlife proof – NI#1”
Hey guys PLEASE SEE The ghost of evil witch haunts flat in Wales comments I left you a message that is HUGELY IMPORTANT Guys please I need help…
music spoils this so annoying I had to put it off, pity.
Ok number 1 she's showing fear. A person should never ever be scared. The energy they put out feeds it. She's a nervous person easy target for souls to scare to feed off her fear. I use jokes and comedy to counter act fear. I never show fear cause im not scared of anything cause i have the creator with me at all times . If you truly believe your untouchable with the creator and show no fear then nothing can touch you or bugg you. I make jokes n laugh every single day . i never worry or freak out i just make jokes it always work . She should just relax and think about happy funny shiot and it'll be better to deal with her fear.👍
Thank you for sharing I always enjoy