What does the Indian tectonic plate have to do with the Himalayas, climate change and…whales? This Think video explores how plate tectonics put the Indian subcontinent on a global stage.
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Nice story
Wow! Great information.. guess we learn something about great yet mysterious nation everyday 🥰
Aap pure english media jaise bathkartha hai, super
these all scientists are copied indian vedas & grandas and sating now earth is round moon is white etc🤣🤣indian ancestors told this already and published on ancient temples
I imagine the earth to be made of cones. The different tectonic plates might be actually cones piercing to the centre and their base is the earth's surface. Or different pieces clubed together to form a ball.
Hardik Pandya
Jai Indus himalaya.as a dweller of Himalayas Uttarakhand 😢❤.
The whales part was the best "Today I Learned" ever.
He is trying so hard to sound like American
Madagascar:why did you leave me
A "mountain of knowledge thank you very much …interesting video…
In this in between 2023 years, there is no record of any land shifting here or there !!
Also in jainism
Hearing river ganga (गंगा )as ganges (गांगजेस ) 😭😭😭😭💀💀💀💀💀💀
Nice Spin ….? Another Lie to demean India…? 20 cms is the catch word…? Undermine Rich India …the Cradle and epi centre of Human civilization. And shift it to otherwise Silent Africa…. Conspiracy at work. ?
1yrs, playgroup 2yr,4yr junior kg ,5 yr senior kg ,1st 6 yr
So whales are made in India….thank goodness they not made in china they wouldn't have lasted this long
Wow great video never understood how India pick up speed the animals etc very well done. Thank you
Bhai tum pronounce nai karre ji sahi himalayas aur bi
There was nothing called India or even the world back then … Also what took more than 50 million years to occur cannot be so easily explained by a 20 second animation …
Nigel Hughes. I don't know many professors in my school at UCR but I just saw this guy two days ago talking to a student while I was on my way to ML class and now I am watching the video with his face on it today….
" 50 million years ago" ? Who has seen that. Is it imaginable ? . No scientist can predict . After all man is a finite being. His life time is less than 120 yrs. at the maximum. Such predictions have no value.