If the war in Ukraine goes bad for Russia, Putin could see Russian citizens take up arms in an effort to overthrow the mad dictator. What would a civil war in Russia really look like? Check out today’s epic video to see how an epic showdown within Russia territory would go down!
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Russia,people of this country and goverment dont know what a real democraty,they live in 1920 when Bolshewiks come to authorities,then the history of Russia began without a monarchy, but with an authoritarian regime, which is an oasis in a number of countries
A civil war in Russia. IS NOT GONNA HAPPEN GEE. It’s just common sense 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Xi Jing Ping is patiently waiting for that moment to strike, then with Russia out of the way comes the US.
Siberian region 1000 bc.
Sounds good to me, Russian's already saw a little capitalism, and seemed to enjoy it, democracy isn't perfect but is better than a dictator, the important thing is to watch who you vote for,, and watch the money 🤑💰, it corrupts all men sooner or later , look at the USA troubles ,,,, money and power causes this trouble , decent leaders are hard to find
Not going to happen. Russians are too cowardly to rise against their "tzar".
LOL What a vivid imagination.
Russia only has one Merritt… they do produce some BEAUTIFUL women
There was the first Russian civil war in between 1918 with the Russians and the Soviets and the war ended in 1922 that’s where the soviets won
I don't think Ukraine is getting Crimea back.
Russia needs a Revolution, a true one (not like the staged coups of 1991/93) meaning people taking charge of their own destiny. Euromaidan showed the way, and that's why Putin was so scared that he seized Crimea with no other purpose than to humiliate Ukraine
Now. Let’s do a video of the upcoming US Civil War. The US is much more divided than Russia.
The Bear Dies, The Dragon Rise, The Eagle and Her Entent Waits for Antiquity
We can all hope this is what happens.
In all of this I have only one question: WHO IS CONTROLLING THE NUKES ???
Not how it is going to happen. It will be warlords and private armies. The Russian Federation will break apart. First the ethnic republics and regions. China will grab territory in the East. There will be an ethnic Russian heartland, but there will no longer be a Russian empire.
11:10 No lie here, Xi is sending troops and materiel to secure key locations in Eastern Russia… He just omitted that he was not securing them for Putin.
Believable scenario. May it happen.
Vladimir Putin: " Bring me the Cheget! If I can't have this world, THEN NO ONE CAN!!! "
retardation at it's finest – sponsored by Pfizer
Utter fantasy.
Zelenskys Mind be like:
Who ever gets the total control Natural gas,oil wins
Those in Orcsia enjoy being slaves, does anyone think any single soul would rise up?
sad fact is russia their whole history even if a republic one day a another dicator will come to power and cause horrible stuff to people that will never change its always been their history its been tryed to change but hasent
this is a joke?
Civil war part 2 Electric Boogaloo
😂😂 keep dreaming
But if anyone on this planet truly deserves to be punished the most right now, then Vladimir Putin is definitely on the top of the list, in my opinion.
Even in this hypothetical scenario, like always in any war, a lot of lives will be ruined and lost.
I think if this happens putin will be replaced by Gennady Zyuganov. The communists are the strongest faction in the country.
The scenario laid out in the video is very optimistic.
And I believe there will be infighting among the rebels too
Big what if's this is a display of low IQ and intelligence, all for views 🤦🤦😂
lol this is a theatre play
The only thing you’ve got wrong abt Putin is portraying him as a big coward. He’s an ex kgb agent and keeps himself in shape and trains with guns.
Idealistic fantasy
You know he’s X KGB
Civil War in Russia is very unlikely to happen. There is no opposition that is ready to use force to remove Putin. For example, before the Ussr, there were "Bolsheviki," which were fighting on the Russian empire and other radical groups of people. Right now, the strongest opposition I Russia is "ФБК" with their head of Novalny(politition, which was poisoned in Berlin). And they are not using force.
im three perscint russian and 21 perscint german so WEHRMACHT!
I cant help but wonder if there is a civil war brewing in Russia right now. Think about how displeased the population is with the war and the repercussions that will follow. Further more, this is a great moment because they will be forced to fight a war on 2 fronts. In Ukraine and at home. That could have the potential to be favorable
This has Escape From Tarkov written all over it. Lol
Me wonders what will happen to Russia's nuclear arsenal during this civil war.