He Cried for Help after a Car Hit Him Until This Happened

He Cried for Help after a Car Hit Him Until This Happened
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We received a distress call about a small puppy. When we arrived, he was stillness and not moving at all. However, after we visited the ER, he recovered rather quickly and is now in great spirits and health. For more information, visit: https://www.pawsquadron.com/dog/snow/

#Puppy #Cry #Rescue #Car #PawSquadron #HopeForPaws #TheDodo #help #after #hit #him #until #this #happened


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About the Author: Paw Squadron


  1. What a beautiful puppy. He loved getting his belly rubbed… pushed the other pup away… "This is my time!" Name him Zoey which means the miracle of life. Wishing him and you a blessed life. Thank you

  2. Everyone in the world shouldbe as kindhearted as you so thank you so much and btw you should name is ruuxa (another language for hope)

  3. God bless you. My heart was breaking. I do not usually watch these videos because I can't cope with what humans do. I can deal with taking care of people because they can tell you what is going on, but animals have no way of telling anyone what happened to them. My mom never understood why I chose medicine instead of Vetinarian med. That was the reason. Humans are generally responsible for their problems and animals, not so much.

  4. You know it's very disappointing that how people can be so cruel .
    Please love such abandoned animals they too Carry souls .
    I think they are better than humans 😢😢

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