Extreme Weather Moments Caught On Camera
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► Music Licensed From SoundStripe/Envato Elements
For any and all copyright matters, please email me directly at UnderworldCopyright@gmail.com
Unless otherwise created by Most Dangerous, licenses have been obtained for images/footage in the video from the following sources; https://pastebin.com/2QefkSMq
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This is really Extreme weather😨
Good thing no one was hurt
That’s so cool but it’s also really dangerous
By bleeping out the sounds of the ladies swearing in the first video, my imagination wonders just how bad their words were!!
These women standing at the windows during a GD typhoon…I'm like wtf?
That tree said "Sup guys! Can I crash at your place?" and then literally crashed xD
Lets repeat the same footage over and over and over!
We really need more post from you, we are bored without you
Yesterday it was raining it was a strong wind
Your channel definitely deserves more subs than you have.
Ibiza is pronounced Ibitha.
Cool, I'm the first viewer on this video! 😮😮