Crazy dashcam moments that capture near misses on the road.
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That guy that jumped under that boat before it launched is the dumbest MF on this planet!
In all of these cases, I bet not a single driver ,applied the emergency brakes.
The Mum jumping out for her kids ❤
Humans drive like shit! Don't care no more!
I can’t drive a car so I guess I can’t completely relate. Whenever I’m on the road, I assume everyone is an idiot. This mindset has helped me predict and avoid collisions. (Pls ffs take a second to look around you before crossing the road).
The cyclist was at fault at in number 44
3:56 how are people supposed to see a bike coming through there???
1:36 how in the world did he not get hurt?
9:09 no way! I live 5 mins from here 😂
Whattha fuck was that? 5.06
The Dukes of Hazzard tune should be played to this video.
The father putting himself at risk to save his daughter 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Why call it a near miss? It's a near hit.. a collision is a near miss.
Can't believe there's actual adults out here crossing directly in front or behind buses?? I learned to not do that in primary school!!
theres clearly a god
2:38 are the most legendary woahs ever uttered on this planet
Most of these people are beyond oblivious and retarded
#12 why not slow down…..?
0:18 why is he driving in the wrong lane?
Flippin’ idiots—that’s why I always say that 99.9 percent of car (and ESPECIALLY MOTORCYCLE) accidents are largely avoidable. Because if these folks gave a care to how serious they’re reckless driving could be then they’d be more careful. Honestly, most of these clips look like people LOOKING to get killed or kill someone else. It’s insane.
No5 at 8:55 Both drivers – cam car and car in front – completely at fault
bro these ppl jaywalking making me sick fr
How many times can you demonstrate the word "oblivious" in a single video?
4:32 That was the British version of Anne Heche.
1:52 how the fuck does that happen??
5:57 – Isn't the big "left turn only" lane arrow big enough?
I thought motorbikes had to be fitted with brakes? You'd never think so watching some of these clips.
3:20 so she decided of the kids go she will go to.
5:48 Comedy gold ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
4:56 Dam those effective truck brakes and alert driver !
3:55 A cyclist with a death wish . Utter moron incapable of any sort of hazard awareness and posts his video as if he’s the victim 🤣
Most biker's drive far to fast
3:19 – this mom is badass and awesome…. she didn't even hesitate for one second to throw herself in front of this fast moving truck when those two kids nearly ran in front of it themselves…. It really looks like she would have quickly pushed them out of the way if they had continued out into the road, and it would have almost certainly led to her getting hit directly. What a rock star mom…. (and NO, it wasn't her fault that they ran out in the first place either, she couldn't have known her kids would suddenly jump in front of a speeding truck LOL)…. :)) (just give her kudos people)…. :))
Speed thrills but kills
Bicyclists want you to loo out for them because they don’t look out for themselves. Dudes just be peddling along.
Some of these are just terrible driving by the person with the dash camera(U.K.). For example clearly going to fast by parked cars. If you hit someone walking out behind a park vehicle then technically you're at fault despite the pedestrian own stupidity.
3:26 I think that lady wanted to end her life that day, I mean, who sits on the side of the road and waits for a large vehicle and runs right into its path? I hope she gets medical attention.
The adults are just as bad as the kids at crossing the street.
I’ve never gasped so many times in one video.
always make sure there is some cattle and ass on the road.