The pouring rain clears and a bus driver calls…
“I see 6 young puppies out here by the road, they need help”
OMG we were not expecting this! These poor angels, our hearts! Here is the full puppy rescue video, with all 6 puppies, their warm bath, and look at them now that they are warm with full tummies…🥰🥹. These poor sweet little angels broke our hearts, but thankfully they will be ok.
With tomorrow being St. Patrick’s Day, we named them lucky Irish names. They are so lucky the bus driver saw them or their fate would have been so tragic.
Meet O’Brien, O’Keefe, O’Neil, O’Hara, O’Mara, and O’Reily.
All donations made for Round 3 of March Muttness will go to their medical care!
We’re looking for fosters! or email
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I really hope people aren't staging these puppies so the videos get views. I just find it strange how they slowly walk up to them and film them instead of going straight to helping them. Just seems a bit fishy.
It's a crying shame what people do to animals remember that Michael Vick what he did to the pitbulls rape stands and fighting them to the death and using we could dogs as bait tying it to the fence or other peoples could attack a defenseless dog and you remember when Whoopi Goldberg came to his defense and said oh please they do that as a sport in the South that's what you're dealing with today with these evil and then how Obama came to Michael Vick's defense and said well he paid for his wrongdoings give him another chance these people are absolutely evil
Wonder what happened to their mom. Hope she is alive and well.
Karma on these people so sad and cural.Bless you 🙏
Awwww so happy someone came to rescue these little ones it’s so sad how they got dumped like they didn’t matter but look at them they are adorable
These women are amazing – thank you, thank you, thank you. There is too much evil in this world. Thank goodness for you.
I prefer dogs over most people! What a heartless thing to do to innocent little fur babies. Thanks for saving them.❤
Poor little babies!
When they catch whoever is abusing an animal , the same thing should be done to that person. Of course, this will never happen — but if it was the law , I believe that we would see a lot less abuse.
Can Someone provide an update on the puppy that wasn’t doing well????
How can I rescue one of these babies? I will drive from SC to pick the baby up
How can I rescue one of them? I live in SC. I will pay to transport one to me. Or if required, I will drive to Saint Louis to pick one up.
OMG! Those evil people that did this🤬
Thanks so much for rescuing these babies!❤
I thought I saw bigger black dogs that you pulled away from filming was that the mother dog
So sad. Thanks for all you do. I got to be apart of a dog rescue once.
Omg, hoe could anyone do this to these lil babies 😢
Poor babys,but maybe momma was around too
If I could make the laws anyone & I mean ANYONE that does crap like this to animals would be punished the same way !!! I would of LOVE to get my hands on that person strip them naked & tie them to a tree in the woods & leave them to freeze, no water or food far in the woods you piece of S#@$@#@@t
Aww where is the mumma? Thank you for rescuing these lil cherubs.
Those precious little angels😢
The mother is very dumb😔
Poor babies! I don't understand how any one has the kind of heart that would leave them that way. Glad this time they were saved. 🌺
I'm glad to give them confidence you decided to eat with them
Thank you for saving them! And shame on the monster who left them.
Gorgeous pups. Love the ears. Thanks for rescuing them.
Glad to see the one pup eating he didn't look very good at first ❤
These. People are the scum of the EARTH.
Pups got each other. Siblings?
Omg poor angels they're in such bad shape wth is wrong with people
thank you guys for saving these poor puppies. it's ashame that someone so cruel would leave the poor puppies out in the cold. I can never do such thing.
I can't forgive the monster who did that.
They are evil.
Those precious defenseless there's no words for than
It was a sick individual to abandon innocent animals to a slow death. It is criminal. In these times there’s no excuse. Thank you for rescuing.