Feel free try 5 Pairs of glasses at home for free at http://warbyparker.com/ALLIES 🥰
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Comment if you think we should get back at Noah for being sneaky!!
#viral #vlogger #vlog #trending #prank #reaction #house #fighting #fight #funny #youtubeviral #lifestyle #challenge #crush #siblings
If you think you guys are having fun now, just wait until you are all married with kids that you get to prank as much as you want!
It is definitely one of the best perks of parenting!
We didn’t know what true entertainment even was until all of our children were added to the mix!!! Wait as long as you can until you find the right person but just know that it only gets better!!
Love you guys!😘
I love Noah's facial expressions
Didn't count at all
I love everyone I love you guys ❤
I think it shouldn’t have counted cause she wasn’t like at the door or anything she was far away
NOAH IS A CHEATERRRR and actually , that doesn't count Mickala got there when the bet was exposed . Allie I am expecting an entire vlog pay-back for Noah near the pool so Carol can push him . 🤣🤣
It didn’t count cos Mikayla came out when the prank was already over!! Noah should get pushed in a pool in one of ur next vids
I agree with ally it didn’t count
It didn't count mikayla came after you revealed the prank
Stop lying to your family, loved ones, the world, and, most importantly, YOURSELVES. Yall are a couple! Come on, be good Christians, and be honest. Do you really think Jesus can't tell yall are a couple?
Why are they looking at Austin lmao 🤣
Allie needs to get back at Noah I didn’t think it should count anyway but Noah told her to come!!!! We need a revenge prank video
I love when you said nobody like you in the Group 😂 10:23
I love when the boys our laughing
If my boyfriend didn't have my back..i would be so over him
it counted
Yeah him
Ally and Austin should do a fight and Austin should FAKE slap Ally to see everyone reaction
You are all so fun and you are doing an amazing job😊 watching and following all the way from Denmark🌼
It counted!
The fact they all looked at Austin when Noah said “I’ll tell them what you did last night on the roof” is so funny
Am I the drama I don’t think I’m the drama 😂
Colby saying No and then laughing 😂 (7:45–7:50)
All the guys are telling her to be quiet 🤫 by the door lol
I don’t think that counts bc she came after the fight
That’s the funniest thing I ever seen 😂😂
HahHahahahh hihih
I don't know why 😂…but i like Noah winning 😂😂😂
What's the title of the song in the beginning
@AllieSchnacky You was right with what you said in your video you clearly won the bet. Noah cheated and should have been the one pushed in the pool, because Michaela didn't come out till after you guys was out of the bathroom and you told everyone it is a prank so nobody should have counted that !!!! Love your videos you and everyone are soo amazing 👏 ❤️
It's bout to go down
Mikyla broke girl code right there
Payback will happen for this bet insurance. The fun part will be the anticipation of the payback 😂
Carol :Should we stop it?
Colby: No.*hehe
I'm dying
There's something wrong with the audio for the first 3 minutes of the video… their voices sound deep as heck
Honestly the funniest vlog !! Love your videos Allie!!
Noah better pray right now because you certainly have to prank him back!
the prank was over when mickala came up so personally i don’t think it counts🙈
Allie's acting just keeps getting better!
Oh wow😂😂the twist at the end lol
Hahahahah it’s the running away😂😂😂💀
😂😂😂oh the pranks are getting real good 😂🙌🏽
The way carol got up to see if Allie was joking is amazing. 😂😂 she’s such a great friend.❤❤❤