No chain. No cage. No kill. – Takis Shelter
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A miracle!! ..because of the mission of mercy and compassion!
Sweet baby ❤❤❤
So, am I to understand someone deliberately threw or dropped this animal into a large tank of water? Or did she fall in? I really need this explained please. And am so very glad someone spotted her in time and effected her rescue.
Poor baby I wish the people that left him could be found so they can be forced to get therapy the need it
This little one deserves lots and lots and lots of love. I pray someone with a heart of gold will adopt her. Thank you Takis!
Thank you Takis ❤
Danke Takis🐕♥️👍💋💋💋💋🥰
Thanks for the Rescue! 💖
So ein Süsser Schatz ❤❤❤❤
Hreat he looks better and now will begin his HAPPY LIFE!!!!!!!! Thank you Takis. GOD Bless you your shelter and every animal you touch.
❤❤😮😮😢😢 poor dog how sad
Beautiful little angel saved, thank you Takis and everone else who rescued her ❤
Takis does so much with all the animals, just look at Nala, he made sure he found her. As for this young dog, Ariel, she is still scared. It might take her a long time, Heidi also comes to mind. ❤❤❤❤
So glad he is doing better I was really scared for him
So scared
Thank you n God bless you Takis 🤗🙏🏻❤watching from Indonesia🇮🇩
Given that poor dog's expression I'd wager they were thrown into the tank by someone. That is not the look of a dog who wants to be near humans! I'm glad they'll be in Takis's care now and can learn to trust him.
Lucky soul to have you 😊
Yesterday this dog was shivering and moaning with its eyes closed, unconscious. Today – much better! Thank you to the person who pulled the dog from the tank, the vet and office staff, and Takis, shelter workers and supporters.
Gratidão gratidão 💚💚💖 A recompensa dos justos vem di Deus takis e equipe Saúde e vida longa pra vcs 🐕🐶🐩🐈🐾🐾
Pobre Anjinho 😔🐾🐾Levou uma vidinha miserável,Não Entende Que há Anjos que Estão disfarçado de Gente 🫶🏼
Takis ,vets and a man who was not ignorant and help to save this poor beautiful dog . Thank you ❤❤❤
This poor dog has suffered a lot 😞😢
Povera creatura che gli hanno fatto?
Yay, the puppy’s okay! Poor thing is so scared of people.
Good luck, sweetheart ❤ Thank you Takis ❤️
❤😊 xxxx
I'm so so happy she had pulled through she will be in shock after such a terrible trauma
Takis always to the rescue. Thank you Takis!!
Que bien !!!!! TAKIS ,que alegría más grande e sentido cuando e visto a nuestra niña , no se dejó vencer ,a tenido la suficiente fuerza ,para salir adelante es una gran perrita valiente ,linda ,adorable ,preciosa ,con tu gran ayuda y los veterinario ,gracias a Dios a salido de todo mal ,ahora a tu lado se recuperará del todo ,y cuando te la lleves a tu refugio paraíso ,será feliz con todos sus amiguitos que le estarán esperando ,con usted ,y voluntarias/os .
Me alegro tanto ,esta mañana los 4cachorritos y ahora nuestra niña ,tengo tanta alegría DIOS gracias .
Hayer fue un día muy malo ,con el atropello y el pobre perrito que falleció ,luego nuestra niña ,más tarde los cachorritos ,y el único vídeo más amable fue el de mi viejito ELVIS ,y mi linda Rosemery de darles las buenas noche ,hayer reze por todos ellos y me arte a llorar ,y le pedí a Dios que se salvarán ,y esta mañana me encuentro que 4 cachorrito estaban bien y felices tomando el sol ,y dejándose a caridia por usted ,y ahora veo este otro vídeo de nuestra niña que tanto temblaba y se nos iva , muchísimo mejor ,fuera de peligro ,DIOS que alegría más inmensa .
Gracias TAKIS ,DIOS y ANGEL de los animales ,gracias ,gracias ,no hay como pagarte lo que haces por todos los animales ,ojalá todas las personas del mundo tuviera el gran corazón que tiene usted ,la bondad ,la sensibilidad ,el amor ,el cariño ,la felicidad que le da a todos los animales que usted y su equipo rescatan .
🐕🤍🥰🌹🌺🌷👼❤️🥰🌹🌺🌷Hoy a salido el sol en el refugio paraíso de TAKIS 🌞❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💐🌳🌷🌺🌹🪴🌵🌴🌳🌲☘️🍀🌾🪷🌸💮🏵️🌻🌿
Poor baby is traumatized. I hope he finds a patient owner who will love him until he heals.
I could burst into tears every time I see that fear of a human hand in a dog's eyes. Lucky that you exist, Takis!
Thank you ❤
Such a beautiful dog!
God bless you taki you are indeed a hero.love you
Takis, thanks so much for helping to save this dog. It broke my heart when I heard the sounds coming from the poor dog, and I thought it would not survive. Thanks!
She’s sooooo pretty❤
So glad the little dog survived. Thanks to everyone involved in saving her. Takis voice sounds happier.
Danke,großartig. Das Trauma überwindest du.😘
Quanto timore in quegli occhi dolci.. 🥺
Τυχερούλα!! Σώθηκε! Και είναι στο καλύτερο καταφύγιο τώρα!❤🐶❤