Every afternoon I would feed the vulnerable dogs around the area.
when we were about to return home, we met this dog, I called him Franka.
This little soul was dying from the poison.
First we had to tie Franka’s muzzle back because he was biting in pain, otherwise it would be very dangerous for us.
During my rescue dogs, many times I came across the case like Franka’s.
Thanks to the previous times for giving me valuable experiences.
Fortunately, I always carry the necessary medicine to detoxify Franka.
Franka’s life would be very dangerous if left more than 5 minutes later.
After nearly 30 minutes of struggling and running against time I think we helped him out of his crisis.
Let’s see if he can survive.
You can see from these eyes strong infatuation.
I don’t think he understood what happened to him and where he was.
But he was clearly being cared for.
Franka was still weak, unable to stand up, the boy was still unable to eat or drink except milk.
the boy received intravenous fluids.
The danger was almost gone, but he still had a healing process ahead.
He would have to re-learn how to eat, drink, walk and trust people.
He was doing really well. He could eat and drink by himself without help.
He started to notice other friends in my house.
Come to the youtube channel: Pitiful Animal, you will see touching videos about the journey to rescue street dogs.
Like many others, I only fought for the sake of justice.
If you love our videos and sympathize with these poor animals, please click the subscribe button to the channel and share the videos so that we have the motivation to help more people in need.
Thank you very much!!!!!!!
Subscribe to Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR3KpJr7gVkJLInRjCWoz-A
If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove them. Please contact my Email: minhlongnhat123456@gmail.com
Thank you for watching!
Спасибо за спасение собачки
Thank you so much for helping that dog. God bless you.
What kind of medicine detox an animal what kind of poison
Bravo merci le paradis vous et du
I hate society. Evil
how long does it take to take the dog imidiatly in ,in a towel or so ,not keep filming and filming it struggling!!!! Whats wrong with you!!!!!!!????
И пожалуйста делитесь в каждом усиленном ролике! Чем лечили как спасали! Что помогло!
Какие меры надо принять немедленно!
Напишите что ставили ? Как нейтрализовать яд?
Всем пишу! Если увидели в таком состоянии! Срочно в ближайшей аптеке купите спирт он есть! И влейте! В течении часа можно спасти! И сразу в ветеринарку! Все кто прочитал запомните
GOD all of you kind hearted soul..May Yuor kindness being repeated by The Al mighty for beautiful heart and Souls 😥 It's the mereacle of each and individuals of you all it's brought him to life
Дай вам Бог с вами ни жить не помирать не страшно будьте здоровы
Salve, perché far vedere questa bestiolina sola li in terra e nelle condizioni in cui versa per tanto tempo prima di intervenire ? C'è un motivo per cui viene tenuto bloccato in terra ? Grazie grazie, vi ammiriamo sempre e comunque. 😊
Спасибо Всем Вам, кто помогает животным💖💗👏👏👏
What the heck I can’t even say humans treat an beautiful animal like that he’s got a heart like we have wtf is wrong with low life so called humans they our so cruel probably to humans and animals 😂😂😂😢😢
what poison was he dying from and what do yo mean by detoxifying him
When you see a dog like that STOP FILMING and help the dog, GEEZ!!!! Also why are there so many dogs poisoned? What is going on in this area?
Personas maravillosas como ustedes,hacen falta muchisimas😢
Some human races…..are evil……i'm sick….of this shi………f….u…..bad people!!!!