Spread The Viralist

The following video contains stories dealing with the paranormal and the unexplained. The stories featured in this video deal with Zigmund Adamski, Granger Taylor, and Alan Godfrey. Thank you for watching Paranormal Rising.

~ Zombie Hoodoo, Thunder Dreams, Long Note Two, & Heartbreaking by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100167
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
video footage: videoblocks
photos Pixabay.com

check out our site: https://paranormalrising.com/


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About the Author: Paranormal Rising


  1. THUMBS DOWN You have so much flem in your throat that you have a flem rattle when you speak. You need to clear your throat continually lie most of us have to do. The rattle is annoying. You also need to slow down and speak louder. Your data is interesting it's simply that I can't listen to the flem rattl so I clicked out.

  2. I'm going thru an illness right now and I'm in constant anxiety and pain from It I've only been able to peacefully fall asleep to your show. Thank you and keep up the great work I hope I'm around for many more years to hear more

  3. Wow I've never heard of Granger, that's fascinating. Very well described and narration was on point. It really helps us understand who he was, which makes the whole scenario very probable.
    I've always had a strong notion most UFOs we see are the doing of the govt or military. But I find it unlikely they've created them, reverse engineered, yes.
    Grangers story makes me feel he certainly wasn't planning suicide or a new identity. He's acting as someone who knows he's leaving, his stuff has no use to him, nor does money. Granger fully believed he was going on a voyage. Honestly I cannot say I doubt him. I guess it's one of those things you'll have to wait and see. Maybe….maybe not types lol

  4. i like to imagine that, after having explored distant parts of the universe for a total of 42 months from his perspective, he will return to find earth at a time several centuries or millenia removed from 1980. his poor parents though…

  5. Perhaps he was tricked into becoming another abductee of the nefarious SSP (Secret Space Program), because of his notoriety for being a mechanical genius.

  6. Good old Alfie. He wasn't always good old Alfie. He was a bit a goer our oul Alfie. At court he was big into, pass the Hankie and swallow the eel but that was only rumour., 😏☘️

  7. You tend to drone on with the narration, you need to change the pitch, and inflection of your voice, and slow down your speech, stories and research into them are great, but after all the videos you have created, you'd have thought that you might have noticed by now.

  8. He delivers again ❤️. You have made my morning/ day much better. Lupus flare up pain is helped by your voice. Thanks 🙏❤️😀

  9. Love ALL your videos, particularly the ones about glitches! Listening to this at 530am while waiting here at the airport. Leaving TX for few days to visit my good friend. You're keeping me entertained!

  10. @PR Please could you provide more info about the truck driver getting abducted on Burnley Road near Todmorden? I haven't heard that one and am eager to read more about it

  11. I lived in Todmorden 2001-2021 and now live in my original home town of Halifax nearby, so this one is a local story for me.

    The feeling in Todmorden is that Godfrey is honest (that doesn't mean people necessarily believe he was abducted by aliens but rather that they believe that he believes he was).

    I believe him outright: I think his account is genuine. By all accounts he’s a regular guy

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