Of course we’re going to need to talk about the dynamics around the Selena Gomez vs. Hailey Bieber (and Kylie Jenner, kinda) beef! Instead of rehashing the event for the thousandth time, I want to talk about what it means to be a “mean girl” and where that thought comes from. Join me in overanalyzing another petty drama!
Other Required Reading:
Instagram was Meant to Die https://youtu.be/_od52yRlHXo
The Obsession with Being Unique https://youtu.be/XRbJF1_JSkU
Have video ideas or suggestions? Email me!
For more information regarding the Selena v. Hailey Beef:
Video Chapters
0:00 Introduction
1:40 The “Pretty Privilege” Conundrum
5:17 Bimbo-ification
11:46 The “Mean Girl”
18:38 Conclusion
Hey guys! You guys seem to like the top quite a bit 😆Here's the link where I brought it: https://www.target.com/p/women-s-bell-long-sleeve-blouse-wild-fable/-/A-87219034?preselect=86953345#lnk=sametab
It's on sale right now! The link isn't affiliated and will NOT provide me with any type of commission <3 Enjoy!
I love that your shirt matches the little peak of brallette. Something about matching a solid colour to a colour in a pattern makes me so happy
Fans get so annoying sometimes! I've been in fandoms most of my life and it always drives me crazy to see some fans make us all look bad.
Haven’t even started the video yet i just wanna say that top looks PHENOMENAL on you wow
Why do people care about people who dated when they were teenagers?! They were like 16 at the time. Selena is 30 now. Everyone let it go. Go outside, put the phone down. Look at the trees.
this is beside the point, but this top is so fire on you! <3
I almost got your shirt at target the other day
As someone with pretty privelege I intentionally don't wear makeup, cut my hair short, and wear comfort clothes. I intentionally try and make it so I don't have pretty privelege.
Being Transmasc made me very uncomfortable with the comments people give me. Comments like "you're so cute when you're angry" or "you sneeze like a kitten" always annoyed me. No one ever took me, my emotions, or my intellect seriously when I was more femme and took some care at my looks.
I also had no idea if people prized me for my looks or my brains. I didn't and still don't know why people want to date me.
You aren't taken seriously if you're pretty. You aren't treated with respect or dignity. That and people both idolize and look down on you.
Its way less fun than just trying to make myself as normal looking as possible and being treated human.
Long story short is pretty privelege qint always worth it.
Ok top!!!!!
I’m obsessed with your videos. Your analysis and explanation is so spot on and thought provoking every time!!
I am so glad YouTube recommended me this, and I chose to watch it. I was excited to check out a creator I'd not discovered before. But this really blew me away. So much food for thought packed into less than 20 minutes. I'm looking forward checking out more now.
this video is very good!! i’m not at all aware of this drama but i’ve heard it is going on, and everything you say is very much applicable to both celebrity/influencer spaces and within our own lives. when you mention how parasocial relationships have much more to do with ego, that really clicked for me, considering i had spent my entire teenhood inthralled in ones with youtubers, internet influencers, and kpop idols. things started to change when i realized their fan service and personalities are commodified, and especially with kpop. capitalism is in everything!!! but also thinking about the ego and how i’ve changed with my healing alongside the “mean girl” behavior i’ve dealt with from others helps me think a lot differently in my personal life.
I’m so out of the loop on this stuff I thought Hailey Bieber was Justin Bieber’s sister
I LOVEEE that top. OMG. It brightened my day! Where can we find it? It is beautiful.
i have been thinking about this so much lately, as a person who’s friends with a lot of hyper feminine girly women, sometimes i feel alienated because i’ll see people in public show them more respect/ kindness just because they’re wearing a little dress and natural makeup. god forbid a man hold a door open for my goth ass
Love so much that you give us your sources ♥️ like this is a so good and make it formal but entertaining research essay video
Your outfit is so cute!
i genuinely appreciate the insight that i get from your videos. keep doing what you do!!!
Your video really made me think for a moment because one “cat fight” in a womens career will define that woman for the rest of her life depending on what side she comes out on.
Love your videos!!! Can I request you to analyse zoeunlimited’s channel? I found her video essays and diet videos very…. weird and her recent video on blackpink was so bizarre. I’m interested to hear your thoughts on everything
Yesss I was hoping youd talk about this! 🙌
Commenting for engagement!!!
I hope all women watch this
thanks for the nuance and the great quality video
Appreciate that at least for the context of this video, you present Pick Me's as people who seek general approval and social status rather than just girls who want male attention. I always found that to be a regressive and simplified interpretation of them that refused to empathize or understand how these women came to be. The Pick Me almost feels like a scapegoat to not address men's role in the problem.
not gonna lie i assumed hailey bieber was justin bieber's sister for awhile </3
I'm so excited to watch the whole video but first I just gotta say 10 seconds in, you look amazing, sis!
Love your point about how the trivialization of female issues lowers the threshold of ppl willing to engage in girlfights, and how the assumption of emotional intelligence in women preempts opportunities for women to take agency in their emotional development.
I think another very prominent characteristic of the male conceptualization of girlfights, especially in Western culture, is this fallacious, aspirational notion of men's comparative stoicism. Not only does this offload "emotional labor" (as much as this term is abused) onto women, but I think it lets me off the hook way too easily.
I like how you want more for women, but men are throwing literal nukes in twig houses in comparison. When it comes to "boy fights", we are choosing the literal nuclear option when we're not getting in weekly barfights and spree shooting. Twitter drama seems healthy in comparison lol.
I think when women emulate this revisionist male gaze; it's especially fascinating how profoundly ppl like Selena project wanting peace while sublimating her transparent pettiness into subliminal tweets.
I always love your videos because you always have such incredible eye-opening takes, even on these seemingly insignificant subjects. I'm always learning from you and I love it!!
The "mean" comes out as well in relationships between emotionally immature women when one doesn't behave as the other wants or expects. I have noticed this manifests with the lack of modeling of healthy interaction and communication, especially by caregivers