Which of these other animals could I take in a fight?

Which of these other animals could I take in a fight?
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  1. i am assuming all of the fights u get put in a position where u can fight it without the environment being completly overbearing. i.e the squid. theres no circumstance where u get into a scrap with a squid coz it just swims away. but assuming the gods that put you in the position to fight a squid allowed for that and yall are in a cube, and u have access to air. and with that in mind. its not even close. ur so completly out of it's weight class and it doesnt have poisons. it can't hurt you.

  2. Starfish are actually really hard to kill because they can regen back into a full star as long as they have a single arm and atleast some of their core intact. Starfish that have been torn into multiple pieces can regen into multiple starfish. So you could kill the starfish but it's individual pieces would regen into multiple starfish and then after killing those starfish they would regen into more starfish and eventually the exponential growth of starfish would become too many to kill.

  3. I think a fair way of thinking about the underwater matchups is having them be in 4 feet or slightly deeper water with the exception of the massive ones like (killer) whales.

    Also, this tier list makes me think about how much of a difference having just a pointy stick would make.

  4. Amazed at how people think they have the pain tolerance to somehow tank a wolf bite and then concentrate enough to kill it whilst their arm is being ripped in half.

    Seems like a lot of people haven't seen those videos of police dogs that send large men flying across the ground after pouncing onto their arms.

  5. Whoever made this quiz needs to think long and hard about why they put a "don't fight it" category in a quiz about what would happen when you fight an animal.
    "What would happen?"
    "Well I'd die, so I wont fight"
    That means you'd die….

  6. "If an elephant is the giga-deer, then a sheep has to be the micro-deer"
    New favourite NL sentence ๐Ÿ˜€

  7. As with the previous list, i agree with most of these. But the eagle… we have to talk ๐Ÿ˜€ they accelerate to over 100 mph while going down on their prey. The closest comparison to an eagle attack is 6 knives homing in on your face at over 100 mph… youre toast mate

  8. Extra Credit:
    Could an absurdly strong human with only leather gloves and clothes equipped. (6โ€™8โ€ 400 pounds) rip a malnourished/starved and parched asian lionโ€™s jaw in half (220 pounds).

    Not would it happen, but is it humanly possible to achieve such a feat.

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