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#boruto #naruto
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Um wasn’t this a Power of one of the “Full bring arc”in Bleach lol.
Personally I believe Eina's eyes are like the final evolution of Byakugan, like it just makes sense
This is really starting to get more & more interesting .
& I hope Naruto eventually gets a new form or power jump .
This is why boruto fucking sucks
boruto can use every chakra nature naturally i think that was huge..
BORUTO: Shinden or something like that. I really wanna see the character development and how Sarada and Sasuke are gonna be involved in all of this.
Boruto shippuden would be dope if revolved around Rouge Boruto being hunted by everyone, kind of like John Wick.
"That day, if our positions were switched… Would our fates be different? Would I have your life, and you mine?" – Virgil DMCV
The Fanbase: Show me your motivation!
The Writers: Kawaki:
Naruto the Next Generations
The Fandom: 😮
This has that DAWG in it.
What if Boruto's left eye was actually something like eidas, he hasnt unlocked it yet. Reverting the reality from eidas reality
When madara started the 4th shinobi war and decided to end the shinobi era I thought he was crazy, but NO!!! He's a hero he was trying to save us from the abomination called boruto 😭😭
i think the hyuga clan won't be affected cuz they have sort of otsutsuki blood cuz of byakugan
I wonder if boruto sister was affected too
They hinted at this from the beginning it's genuinely not surprising
My guy makes bank, real life almost 4 milli subscribers…. great job man 👍
Bouruto straight up sucks
I like this reverse story thing
The reason is the writers are gonna show us how fucking OP boruto and his abilities are
We wouldn’t see his true potential u less he’s fighting the leaf village muahhaha
Got an intel that he'll be with Kojin in next few chapters
Naruto had kurama
Now boruto have momoshiki😄alone partners
They better not fuck this up cause this is genius
Yo, is this about Ninjas anymore? 🤣
Jesus loves u (aka Yeshua ) not religion relationship with God
I guess female characters are not effected by Eida power. Sumire and Sarada still are same. Plus Naruto and Hinata are on dimension where you dont age or need to eat. To sty alive .
Like bleach, We have Tsukishima2.0
Sounds like the Author doesn't have the plot planned out like what happened with that popular Lost TV show.
Are we ready for 8th Hokage Sakura?
Ada is basically the Scarlet Witch, and she pulled a "No more mutants". I dont know if I like this. The twist is cool, but it fails in the execution.
There is an entire arc centered about Wanda's ability to warp reality, how she does it and why she does it, before the reality rewriting event in House of M, so that as the reader you understand where it comes from. But in Boruto they're like "Hey, here's Ada, she's all seeing and all powerful. Why? BECAUSE!".
To quote the modern philosopher and millenial genius Deadpool: "Well, that's just lazy writing".
I tuned out of this show for almost 200 episodes. I guess I have a lot of catching up to do so over 80 hrs of content I need to watch. Long but not impossible.
Imagine if Boruto runs into Kashin Koji whilst going rogue then gets trained by him
Still Eida can't change the title into Kawaki : Next Generation 😂😂 She is not Almighty enough
Such a genius story went to waste with this animation