Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/soundlibrary
FREE Downloadlink: https://link-to.net/63999/177
You use Amazon and want to support me? Use this link for shopping: https://amzn.to/2DeVUlj
Get cheap video games: https://www.g2a.com/n/soundlibrary
Good program for editing: https://amzn.to/2BV8LbN
Professional studio headphones: https://amzn.to/2PhTnJB
Quality microphone: https://amzn.to/3i2bakb
Nice keyboard: https://amzn.to/3i2SpwX
Decent mouse: https://amzn.to/31cwywh
To download the sound you have to press on the link above and follow the listed steps. You will be rewarded with your desired sound. If the video above plays multiple sounds then you will get a folder with all sounds separated and named. Otherwise feel free to use a MP3 converter or just screen record it.
The purpose of this channel is to provide sounds for people, who need them. This ranges from transition/cutting sounds to gaming sound effects and even some royalty free music is featured on this channel.
The goal is to offer a wide variety of sounds and a well sorted platform, where you are able to search for your sound effect of desire. That’s the reason this channel has such a high output.
Feel free to use the uploaded sounds. That’s what they are here for after all!
Just don’t forget to credit the original creator, if there is one. Of course if you want, you can also credit me 🙂
Please consider subscribing to this channel! Every time you need a certain sound, you can just go on this channel and search for it. Also you could check out my big variety of playlists, which partly contain over 1000 sounds each! Don’t forget that this channel is constantly in progress, which means that every month there’re hundreds of new sounds.
I created a Patreon page, so you guys have a chance to help me out.
Since I don’t get any revenue from YouTube, because my channel is not monetized, it would be very great if you could become a Patreon and help me to maintain my extremely high output rate of sounds. You’ll get access to sound compilations and also some exclusive downloads.
This sound is most likely not produced by myself, but rather taken from somewhere else. That doesn’t mean that I stole the sound. If there is no recognizable creator in the video, it’s either Royalty free and/or falls under the Creative Commons license and/or has an unknown creator. If you produced this sound and want to be credited or you want the video to be removed, please contact me at: soundlibraryrequest@hotmail.com
1 Hour Version: https://youtu.be/g12iFTvPErs
Yo, just downloaded this & put it in a short film. You're credited in the description text. Should be up shortly after I post this. Cheers, dude
why is the heartbeat so slow? what disease did he have? Thanks to whoever will answer me😘
only FNAF players can relate to this
I never got to hear this when my grandma died-
Heart: 0:04
Also Heart: 0:17 (Went Asystole)
cool audio
I miss my grandparents so much
That's my phones ringtone
My friend said she watched her grandma die. I feel so bad for her.
When u here E sound ur gone.
FNF fans: this song is fire
The song:
When you accidentally submit the “homework” folder
0:15 – 0:21
ТитлИтМем добавил картину в мистер исключительный стареет
Exactly the sound I heard when my best friend was admitted to the ICU
Most dangerous sound throughout whole history.
Grandma: ill always be there for you. Me: grandma ill miss you grandma: ill miss you to my baby flatline doctor: im sorry but your grandma died. Me: cries
me using this for gacha:
kids the real price for the PS5 is
My OC dying from Tetralogy of Fallot belike
This is me when I’m about to win a game and the internet goes out
Thanks for the sound I will use it to my documentary, and I will credit you💙
My brother:You you are the best brother I've ever had.
Me:Don't leave me please!
H i s h e a r t s t o p s
The doctor:Sorry he passed away.