Check out these 4 paranormal encounters that might keep you up at night, in this The Proof Is Out There compilation.
0:00 – Intro
Chapter 1 – 0:16 – Dogs Frozen in Time
Chapter 2 – 05:06 – Ghost Ship Spotted on Lake Superior
Chapter 3 – 09:17 – Strange Wiggling Light Pole
Chapter 4 – 13:02 – Randonautica App Taps into the Power of the Mind
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The Proof Is Out There investigates the world’s most mysterious videos, photos, and audio recordings, and uses the best technology and experts to render a credible verdict. Each episode analyzes and passes verdicts on several seemingly impossible things “caught on film,” including giant beasts, UFOS, apocalyptic sounds, hairy humans, alleged mutants from the deep, conspiracies, and many other cases. Host and veteran journalist Tony Harris takes nothing for granted in a quest for answers, tracking down eyewitnesses, putting each photo or film through a battery of tests, calling out the hoaxes, and highlighting the most credible evidence in an attempt to better understand our world.
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Watch all new episodes of The Proof Is Out There on Fridays at 10/9c, and stay up to date on all of your favorite The HISTORY Channel shows at http://history.com/schedule.
Heavy sigh. I’d load these so-called cases of paranormal activity when there is a perfectly logical explanation for some things, That to call them paranormal seems absolutely insane.
Vizslas are hunting dogs. They are bred to instinctually stop whatever they’re doing when they hear prey in a bush. Education is your friend
I'm gonna have nightmares after watching these 4 horrifying paranormal encounters
The owners could have at least waved their hands in front of the camera to show it's real or maybe move the shrubbery a bit. Then again, if it really happened, I doubt that would be in anyone's mind.
There’s no such thing as coincidence 😊
not to be a buzz kill but there's nothing wrong with the dogs there what us hunters call pointing its a genetic Trate for hunting
1:26 Why did you put that special effect before they started moving again? You killed the moment, I really wanted to see that but you had to put that stupid effect 🙄
I'm shivering
The frozen dogs is very obviously a glitch in the matrix. 😂
that pole was cold…
I trained hunting dogs and the dogs hit a scent I have had hunting dogs who can hold a pose for several minutes and it is an instinct that they are born with…they have the ability we alter it in training to make it worthwhile.
Video Number 2 : It’s not being bent back up over the “curvature of the earth” due to atmospheric (oxymoron) refraction. It’s called flat earth. You see it because it’s THERE! 🤦🏻♀️
Not to be rude or anything but You guys obviously don’t know hunting dogs that point instinctively when they’re hunting or scared of something.. maybe you should have asked someone that had hunting dogs …
Lol Randonautica is literally a “cold reading” in app form
I encountered something similar in the Caribbean one drizzling morning at about 9 am. But the dogs were both barking at something across the road in the woods. I stopped to see what the fuss was about expecting to see a cat or other animal. After standing there for what seemed like five minutes with the dogs constantly barking and both looking at the same spot in the woods, myself looking at the spot the dogs were barking at. I was looking 100 meters into the woods, then suddenly I saw what looked like something out of movie “Predators” move only 10 meters in front of me on the other side of the road, which made the bushes on the other side of the road appear 1 inch out of phase as an object moved in front of them. The object appeared to be hovering. This matter was reported to the UK MOD almost 10 years ago. Only now is the American government (MOD) declassifying a fraction of what they know. Maybe the UK MOD will do the same one day. Needless to say, I never walk down that road at night because it has no street lights and if I was abducted by aliens the only witnesses would have been two dogs.
I think this is also an alien encounter. The aliens have learned that dogs can detect them.
Double your dogs and hope it rains.
The first clip shows the dogs 'pointing' and freezing – waiting for the hunter to release them or shoot the prey
History channel posting a Tik Tok video lol
They was hunting the birds
LOL , Hungarian Vizsla is hunting dog . This dogs obviously sensed some wildlife nearby and reacting as any other hunting dog😁 and yes , this dogs can be still for much longer time , until they receive the order from owner to move toward game and that is in there blood 😊
what kind of idiot believes this?
Dog stance, it's in their genes. My two Patterdales do it.
I think that English woman's voice was the scariest thing in this video.
Not horrifying, nor will they give me nightmares!
Hunting dogs acting like hunting dogs. History Channel: must be paranormal!!!
Its death
Blender skills
Plants and animals don't have souls just like humans don't but the same breath of life that animates us also animates them. "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." We are living souls or beings; we don't have an immortal soul. The concept of the immortality of the soul is an ancient belief embraced by many pagan religions.
Synchronicity effect= thinking about that song before you click on YouTube, then YouTube having it waiting for you when you pull the app up, happens at least 4 to 5 times a week for me.
That light pole was very cold! Give him a jacket.
Them dogs were doing the mannequin challenge
The dogs is a freeze frame in 3D.
This video was so scary it turned me into a newt!