We’ve compiled the best—no, worst selfie shots into one compelling compilation video. The video starts with the top 10 selfie deaths, followed up by other selfie-takers who survived their selfies gone wrong.
Here are a couple safe selfies tips: Cliffs, bridges, planes, and polar bears are all things that do not mix well with taking a selfie—the same goes for Pharrell’s hit song “Happy.” If you’re about to take a selfie, have a look around to make sure there isn’t a corpse or body part in the shot.
We here at TomoNews did our best to warn you of the dangers of narcissistic photography—what you do with that information is on you.
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Please watch: “Crying dog breaks the internet’s heart — but this sad dog story has a happy ending”
Love seeing these young narcissists off themselves and improve the gene pool.
I remember seeing a video of a girl in i want to say Indonesia or india she was on her roof with her friend taking pictures of her for instagram but do to poor public planning some electrical wires were dangling right across the corner of the roof the girl was next to and she stepped just a little bit to her left and got completely fried as her friend was recording and someone across the street recording a few seconds before the zap and the immediate aftermath
The world is a better place without this shitheads: CHANGE MY OPINION.
Wow that's creepy
That Anna chick has the biggest forehead I have ever seen.
Be safe stay at home
That’s why you don’t be on your phone while driving. But for real be safe.
I feel so bad for the kids to witness their parents death
Combine the mind of a young person who feels invincible, with a high vantage point, and a cell phone during the era of the selfie and you have an endless supply of these tragic stories. Their whole lives ahead of them.
Nasty and doesn't wash hands after bathroom
Starting drama and fights. Being a catty women that thinks she knows everything and slanders etc
They did it intentionally and in purpose LOL. Right back at you. Not so funny on life support for mocking and lying to my face then listening to hate saying I'm crazy and then being impartial and agreeing with them. Dakota is Dakota Minnesota a county
"Those two women literally said they hate disabilities and autism" cough up poison
ironic, the nursing student can save lives of others, but cant save herself
Don't text and drive
APPERENTLY it's not common sensne to not use ur phone while driving!
I hope the Oregon man that died in Washington was originally from California.
Natural Selection.
666 comment
God people got sad lives over doing selfies 24/7 🤦🏻♂️ selfies are ok to do if you have to but atleast do it in a safe environment
14:47 the funniest part in the video! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ANY crapAss digi animation fing sucks maaan.
Whenever she got electrocuted and the front just fell from the Train I can't believe that power line use the dark side of the force
That's a little Star Wars joke I made for no reason
ALL GUNS ARE LOADED. There have been way too many deaths occurring from people holding a gun to their heads, saying "relax, its not loaded…see?…" then pulling the trigger.
Love this video 😍
6:10 she died and only got 10 likes for that status.. and one lousy comment.. and it was probably just "lol" or something like that..
all these are sad and I get a lot of the selfie deaths been well bad luck but the ones who are driving and video them self well……. what can I say ( they are to blame ) that's just straight up stupidity do they not have common sence
*cries in selfie*
Shaq why
10:01 omg i frickin love this guy 🤣
Why can't people just focus on the fu##ing driving instead of taking selfies🙏😣😣😡take them after driving..