Nukes Top 5 SCARY videos of GHOSTS caught on camera ! Over 30 minutes of scary ghosts, creepy apparitions, poltergeists, SCARY tiktok videos, AND ghost hunters investigating HAUNTED houses. As always, we check out the full list of paranormal activity, including evp s, poltergeists, and the bizarre and supernatural in some of the creepiest scary videos on the internet.
An Indonesian ghost hunter experiences poltergeist activity and evp s and sees multiple apparitions while investigating a haunted house. A Youtuber camps out at an abandoned place in the scary woods and ends up filming a very scary video. A strange figure of a child ghost shows up in a guy’s haunted house. Ghostech Paranormal goes on a paranormal investigation at a haunted abandoned house and, by complete accident, captures supernatural evidence. Zark Scary Haunting ends his channel. And finally, a reddit user catches a paranormal apparition in his apartment. And alot of other scary videos that I’m probably not remembering! 😉
If you enjoyed this top 5 ghost video, you should also check out these other Nuke’s Top 5 parnormal video lists TOP 20 SCARIEST Ghost Videos of the YEAR ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi0WAVT2KjM
And also!
Top 10 SCARIEST Ghost Videos of the YEAR ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nt7ic6JJNZ4
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Hey Nuke, have YOU ever seen something paranormal personally??
That first guard where the mannequin falls that raspy voice at the end is saying something try speeding up or slowing down. I can’t do that on my phone but someone please find out what they are saying in that very low raspy voice and let me know if it really does say something I’ve tried but I listened to it several hundred 😂 times and I need someone with good ears.
😂😂😂 tiktok videos are faked😅
I think the 2nd video was absolutely fake 😅 that video was obviously edited 😂😂 . That video was having a cuts , post and play 😂😂
A john wick ghost, cool!
Hey all, I'm researching a very real phenomenon and hoping to get your inputs. Everytime I watch one of Nuke's videos, I forget everything I've seen within a day, as if I dreamed it. Anyone else experience this?
Honestly, I don’t blame the security guards him for quitting his job like it’s just so dumb that industries like that one where he used to work at have creepy paranormal sightings. If I was working a night shift, I rather work with three people instead of by myself. I don’t like doing that. Has to be honest with you even though yes, you need money, but I don’t like working by myself.
Andrew Tate needs to go to this same place that Choo went and meet the ghost.
So we can see him use his phrase "Slap, Slap, Grab, Choke, S-U-B, S*x".
But seriously, RX Files Explorer channel is full of scary content which sometimes has kinda funny reactions too.🤣
Nuke should pay more attention to it, it has good content. Every video almost made me shat my pants but I can't stop binge watching them.
Bro jumped to that ghost that some serious fast decision he make that send chills down my spine 😂
Do you guys remember the japanese guy who had a screaming ghost lady outside of his home? He poured boiling water on it. Nuke covered that video also. The crying lady in the woods, sounds sooo similar to that. It is so weird
18:05 i also experienced this shit more than 10 years ago. I was alone in my room around 11pm i heard a weeping woman, i tried to located where the sound is coming from so i put my ears on the wall coz the room next to mine was my parents and i dont hear any sound coming from there. Went back to bed and the weeping sound came back, went up and opened my window to see and hear if its coming from outside ,again i heard nothing. Whenever i stand up the crying lady just stops when i go back to bed it start crying again. Im just glad it only happened once. One of my fdk up experience ill never forget 🤣, though i have a couple more experience aside from that.
4:42 anyone else see the top of the boys head and ear in the underfloor area?
Yo the mannequin cheeked up asf tho
That would be great if he heard someone reply to his hello “Do you know how to get to Bells Canyon” 18:17
By now Nuke has become a channel that advertises other channels. We already know that the videos he shows us are all fake, but he didn't do all of this before
advertising. I was right not to follow him anymore, total disappointment
Ook,!!!!it's so weird and terrifying I love it😍😍😍😍
Nuke I gotta say, I love the music in the first one, I’d use that more often, such an awesome atmosphere
The low, unintrusive ones are the best
31:26 yeah my bad guys I didn't warn y'all, came to visit that's all.
Please support the Persian revolution and uprising for freedom from the clutches of the illegitimate dictator of the time. Forty-four years old, they forcibly and chosen countries to destroy Persians and destroy the country's culture and resources, and from day one country's prosperity and tranquility destroyed the people of Fars. people of Fars, from the European Union ،TV want to add of to blacklist world sanctions all names individuals and groups (both real and legal) who under the rule of Iran and the exterminating group (IRGC) and all those who cooperate with them in any.
It was the wailing women in the woods for me!
Didnt timsaver fall off the ladder after his first video and get hurt? Im glad to see hes doing okay.
These are some of the best videos I've seen
Hmm I think Tim got a friend in a hoodie at the end. Waited too long to put the flashlight on if he saw those hands
Indonesian one could be very easily staged. He shake the camera on purpose when running towards her to avoid letting the viewers see the girl escape by ducking and running out from the room. The moment she ducked away, he kept his camera pointed on the floor for a few seconds to be sure she wont be seen when he turns around.
The next visit the girl was already in the room, put a white gown over a chair, she sits on the chair without showing her body because its covered by the white gown and simply lean backwards with her head towards the camera.
This episode gave me the chills of all your previous episodes
The “somebody help me” scream reminded me of when a parrot copies a person. They’re making the sounds but not saying the words. Not that I think it’s fake but it’s like the scream was a sound in nature not coming from a person.
😂 Nuke these suck man! I mean I understand your going through a hard time right now but anyone with brains can see the tricks And manipulation that these creators are pulling off…. All total BS. It's all good though!! 👍
That's Jesus in the end clip
"As Phil get touched , I hear a man laugh"
Yes we live in a perverted world
Best video car mechanic talking to unseen ghost.
13:57 i bet he is dancing and dehydrating quickly and his is always beating over 150 bpm, where is his water tho?
bro its a photo of a sus guy sleeping with his dog man
my heart aches when i see a child roaming around as ghost
the feminine urge to 16:00
After that hospital video, I can’t sleep with my lights off. They were off but not anymore.
was that jesus
If Gaz had Captain Price with him they could have taken the ghost on for sure.
The mechanic in the beginning is like “oh… Well ghost or not I see you right in front of me you better pay me for these repairs cause I ain’t done all this for your ass not to pay me!”
the indonesian was fake… they live and gaining gift for it
One of the best videos👌👌 worth the wait
The ultimate weapon of evil spirits against you is your own fear, be brave and he won't touch you, you don't need god or anyone
does anybody remember the mine with the voices of a French lady and siren I can’t find the video
I'm happy! Who's happy?
With A.I. getting crazier and crazier it's hard to trust any of these videos anymore.