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Shocking Footage of Natural Disasters Caught on Camera
Eruption, Sel, Landslide, collapse, Avalanche,Tsunami, Fire, Tornado, Blizzard, Grad, Drought, destruction, Explosions man made natural,natural disasters t he, what,
disaster, natural disaster, what are disasters, what is natural disasters, what are natural disasters disaster meaning earthquake man made disasters, types of disasters Damage, rain, hail, snow,nuclear strike, nuclear disaster, nuclear, MOTHER NATURE, Moments, Caught On Camera, tornado, natural disasters caught on camera, nature camera
Innaillaihi wa innailaihi roji'un
Allahım günahlarımızı afet merhamet 🙏
Where was the volcano located?
Interesting they call nature being nature and the arrogance of man disasters 🙄
Демоны рождаются в такую погоду!!!
Man made structures that fall due to mans lack of understanding, yet is awed at like some higher intervening power from a god..
And what does man do.. ..rebuild on same foundations in same atmospheric or terra altering areas..
Genesis 1:1-27. Psalms 53:2-3. Genesis 6:5. Psalms 97:1-6. Wisdom of Solomon 5:17-23. Isaiah 29:6. Hebrew 4:12
Merităm așa ceva din partea naturii către omenire ca omul să realizeze să nu mai vândă apa lui Iisus Hristos ce apărau toate viețuitoarele pe pământul lui creatorul și încă o dată vă mai spun merităm așa ceva voi ce credeți oameni merită sau nu meritam așa ceva e doar începutul va urma
Allah Akbar
Dieu n'est pas content 😌😌
❗️Look out for children people. Natural disaster places attract preditors who's hunting for children to enslave them.child s*xual exploitation❗️
Only those who call on the name of Jesus Christ will be saved therefore call on Jesus Christ Amen
La gente de las desgracias que está pasando está llegando la hora del final se está acercando la venida del señor Jesucristo y así da miedo de nada se burlan se ríen todo lo cogen como una burla como una risa lugar de pedirle al señor y arrepentirnos de de burlarnos de él y de burlando de él cómo se hace que pide misericordia el ya de nosotros bozal del señor no se juega el tupper venir viene las cosas del señor no se eres una persona seria y delicada lugar de nosotros burlando de él pedir misericordia y mucho clamor a Eli que se se apiada de nosotros respeten la ira del por favor respeten la ira del señor
La pampa es un lugar hermoso
Е аллох,кудратлисан икки олам сарвари,икки олам эгаси,гунохларимни кечир,кечир,кечир!
Кахрингга олма,мехрингга ол,узингга тасанно,узингга офарин! Узингдан бошка ишонганим,суянганим йук,калбимда узингдан бошкага нуктадек жой йук! Узинг хоконим,узинг халоскорим,кечир,кечир,кечир!
Veni a vivir a la pampa
О,всесильный дух,прости мои грехи,каюсь и молюсь
Прости,прости,прости меня и помилуй,спаси моих детей и близких,помилуй!
Аллаху акбар,аллаху акбар,аллаху акбар(бог един,всемогущий)
Felaketin felaketi Avrupa
Amin Allahım müsalmanları qoru amin
اين تاريخ كل حدث وفي اي دولة… ولا هو بس عبي عبي زي مايكون
Repent and turn to God. Amen
Triste demais, pior nem saber onde está acontecendo isso
Tellement impuissant face la nature , condoléances à tous ceux qui ont perdus des êtres chers 😔😪💞
OMG!!! 3:42 a poor old man asking for help as he is pulled away by water and this camera man was interested in filming the cars? 😨
The bible says there will be, disasters, disease, tyranny
lawlessness, perplexity of Nations, wars and rumours of
wars, food shortages, with civil unrest among the people
all of these things are the SIGNS of the END TIMES that
Jesus Christ warned us to look for. Look around you at the
state of the entire world, all these things ARE HAPPENING
right now right before our very eyes. WAKE-UP to GODS truth
repent, turn back to GOD through His son Jesus Christ, believe
and put all your faith & trust in Jesus alone for your Salvation
because He is your only hope to be saved. Seek The Lord with
all your heart and call upon His Holy name for remission of sins
believe that He (Jesus) is Lord & Saviour who died for your sins
believe in the Gospel of Christ, be born again and be saved to
everlasting life through Christ alone. 🙏❤
This is my LORD Judgment on the heads of the wicked nation to nation lol
what a weirdo the camera man continue filming while the other man is flowing away in the flood reaching out for HELP, camera man is like nope i need to put this on YT….wow they do their own people dirty..
JESUS CHRIST is coming back repent and beleive the gospel this isn't ay joke accept jesus christ as your lord ans saviour Roman's 10:9
You Reap what you Sow 🙏
We have to respect . And had to respect ALL THOSE YEARS ! Nature and Earth
we put everything out of them . Now the reaction is seeking balance ! 🌏🌍🌎🌏🌍🌎🌏🌍🌎🌏🌍🌎🌏