From freaky footage that might show a ghost in a dark building to a scary video of possible paranormal activity in a haunted house, help! Does this freaky footage really show ghosts? #Ghost #Paranormal #SlappedHam
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7. Still not sure what this was. I made it larger so you could see it better. https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/11nraud/still_not_sure_what_this_was_i_made_it_larger_so/
6. Dark silhouette in background of photo (more info in comments) https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/11mi5wz/dark_silhouette_in_background_of_photo_more_info/
5. A photo of my brother, my dad and myself in Sanatorio Durán, Costa Rica. A nun appeared… https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/11l4agr/a_photo_of_my_brother_my_dad_and_myself_in/
4. It happened again! I created a post a couple of months ago… https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/11gb3gi/it_happened_again_i_created_a_post_a_couple_of/
Neighbours CCTV Caught something strange, just looking for an explanation https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/zxq1mo/neighbours_cctv_caught_something_strange_just/
3. Picture taken by my very catholic aunt, portraying a white photobombing entity https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/11n4nw5/picture_taken_by_my_very_catholic_aunt_portraying/
2. I was recording a game night with a bro with my webcam and this thing came behind me https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/11ehfg7/i_was_recording_a_game_night_with_a_bro_with_my/
1. Freaky photo.😱 https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10229849500169982
Dopplerette by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100659
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
I’ve seen white mist in my living room at night enough for me to get up and see what it might be. I definitely think it’s energy from past loved ones.
The all white fig has pointed ears an horns even its mouth an eyes
The one outside next to grill if you look at top screen you can see fog in air more in sec clip an the sidewalk looks damp and wet on second vid so it's the fog….
Freeze the vid at 4:37 at that point in time I can see 7 various entities that should be considered poking at to determine if they are just pareidolia or might just be something to run from screaming into the night!
👌👌👌 Pure video, No Ads #PureTuber
Slapped Ham? Have you always been a fan of the Paranormal? Or did something happen to you that made you interested? I’m just curious, maybe share a personal experience that made you believe. I’m pretty sure your audience would love to see a video of you explaining an experience. ☺️
There was a guy on one of these paranormal sites who once commented that his uncle was a cameraman? or soundman? on one of those bs British paranormal investigator shows back in the early two thousands. He wrote that the investigations were totally staged bs. His uncle told him that there was however one investigation that scared the $ out of him because it was real? He stated that the whole crew was freaked out, and just left the premises, with the show content mysteriously deleted????
Just a side note, all videos are produced, written, directed, and created by Kallen,. A bald domed-shaped head? Hmm sounds a lot like??? lol. Slapped Ham is slowly becoming like Mrballen content, kind of that mailed-in quality? Still fun to watch like a movie on tubi
That is a wire hanging from the ceiling.
Going through the comments it seems that more and more Slapped Ham viewers are starting to wise up to the fact that 95% of these video's are edited hoaxes! Still fun to watch though just to see what utter bollocks Kallen has to say about "Is it a jin or is it just a homeless person?" 🤦🤣🤣
The ghost on the foto looks like a old man with round glases and long jacket.8:06
first one is totally a cable or wire
Wire hanging down, definitely. And the white mist in the backyard looks like it could just be someone sitting on their back patio having a smoke or vape 😂
5:45 it’s a dude with a vape
4:50 Anyone that has seen The Nun can answer this question.
Just because someone is or has been a nun doesn't mean they are good people.
Some people get into religion for selfish reasons just for the power and influence.
what does O.P. mean
That's what that person actually looks like but we see them with our eyes as a regular person
#4 that could be a sprinkler on the far side of the house
Demon, djinn same thing
Yo insane
the recurring mist in the yard seems to be the results of the newly turned dirt directly underneath. If they had just added some fertilizer/compost to it they both create their own heat and when the rain hits it, it forms the misting.
Lmao 1st clip is a wire you can see it before he gets close
It's a wire obviously like you can't tell come on
Love watching your videos hope you have a great year this new year
Anyways I hope to see more new videos this year
I think the mist in the backyard is a horrible damp fart.
The gamer is a possible insect, I don't believe anything paranormal.
Great video my friend!!
The photo with the white shape at the front looks goblin like .
Just the opening credits got me hooked love and looking forward to this mr kallen sir and slappedham just like this oink oink oink 🐖🐖🐖🐽🐽🐽🐷🐷🐷
6:14 that’s somebody blowing smoke out the window