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In this video, we will be taking a look at some haunted homes with very creepy paranormal activity and entities inside as well as scary TikTok ghost videos, a picture taken of a man sleeping from a doppelganger entity, an intruder hanging on the top of the barn and a creepy humanoid creature in the woods, scary ouija board summonings and many more. 5 SCARY GHOST Videos That Will Make You VULNERABLE To EVIL!
The Depths of Despair brings you the best of the best scary, horror videos including, ghosts, demons, entities, monsters, shadow figures, paranormal events, supernatural events, mythical sightings, aliens, Mysterious, weird, and horrific scenes, unexplained footage, UFOS, deep dark web content and the rest of the creepy content out there to be seen. We have it all!
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All Music: Kevin MacLeod & vivek abhishek & myuu
License: CC BY 3.0 (http://goo.gl/BlcHZR)
Download: http://incompetech.com/
Music provided by “Vivek Abhishek”
myuu – Underworld https://soundcloud.com/myuu
Music promoted by Just No Copyright ツ https://youtu.be/sh5at6yUJ7Y
Marc v/d Meulen –
CO.ag Music –
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All third-party content used is in compliance with fair use and is used for educational purposes. If you believe we have infringed on any of your copyrighted content then please contact us via email: depthsofdespairbusiness@gmail.com
Some people are more naive than brave as they don't know what kind of troubles they can cause when they communicate with spirits, they don't even know who they are communicating with
Poor rory all the responsibilities he has and he sits there all day and watches them weird ghosts messing with the house what a brave cat.
Lol..outta no where … depths of fishin
"Unseen Force" = String.
I've seen the one where the 3 guys go in the basement where the hanging dolls are. John, the one
that was screaming Get it off me Get it off me , would not talk about what happened to him. So he got out but that's all I ever heard about this in incident. This video always scares the shit out of me sooo badly!!! But the guy really sounds like something is on him!
Found out their channel is called TIM, JOHN AND BEN. The clip is almost 10min long. Probly a demon was playin leapfrog with John. Poor dude! That's some scary shit. They found what they were looking for, at least.
Id like someone to see someone hang crosses with strings so if a coved is opened the cross swings so it can come in contact with the spirit to see if it has an effect on it as it passes through it.
I would never leave anyone behind no matter what happens
I think they are punishing these people for some reason
. We will find out later
Something is cursed in the house.
I wouldn't open the door first thing and I would of said go back to sleep please and thank you
that video at the 18 minute mark wtf was he recording with holy fuck that was absolutely terrible that legitimately sounded terrifying it would’ve been nice to see what was happening even a little bit
Always and most people go checking their homes and house with lights out? Is it just to add drama ?
Lol piano man was there
The lady at the end deserved it. Disrespectfully walking over the top of a grave. No respect.
Love the videos keep em coming
Hello boss
Yo did they just leave their friend?
#3 is from a channel named Tim, John, Ben and the video actually ends with them getting into their car. John, the guy heard screaming makes it to the car and was so traumatized that to this day he refuses to talk about it.
Nuh uh, he just straight up looked at the cat like he did it.. I'm dead!!

Can't stand to see Cats on the Table or counters! Grosses me right the hell out! Cats go in the litter box play with their own shit then walk all over your food prep areas!
Superb channel. Love it to bits
Love this channel. But yeah bro about 96% of paranormal vids are indeed a ruse
5:35 we're watching someone watching someone on TV who's watching TV… lol
The Bible said those who are dead are resting unconscious until they are resurrected. They do not live , think or speak. ( could be something else )
You should not be talking or calling out to the dead.
Ghost: In danger
person goes anyway
Ghost: Run away
person continues
Ghost: ….
person sees something scary
Person: shocked pikachu face
Man I love your channel, you even make that fishing game promo sound scary
Rory has a house on the fridge
eh eh singapore ghost sia
What if you didint run? what if you're not a coward? what happens if you're not gonna run away? what if you're just gonna stand right there? what if you let them get you. what if you let them TRY… WHAT IF YOU LET THEM RUN AT YOU WHILE YOU STARE AT THEM WITH NO FEAR IN YOUR FACE?
ANY equipment that is used to get a yes or no answer is an Oujia Board