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Patreon is a platform that allows people to support creators on a recurring basis. Your contribution is an investment in the creative freedom of my channel and enables me to keep my content authentic and uninterrupted. Your donation allows me the time and resources to create more videos for you. We also have some pretty sweet rewards, exclusive to Patreon Bestys. » http://bit.ly/BestEverPatreon
Our VIP Patrons: Susanne Smarr, Jim Klingsporn, Leo Lui, Sam Cassidy, Venetia Edmunds, Jack Murray, Eimile Nakoma, Jack Li, Stephen Balasta, Louis Chisari, Ryan Rhodes, Paul Citulski, Matthew Holden, David Baliles, Jackson Li, John Logan and Summer & Grayson Stumpf.
Hey, I’m Sonny! I’m from the US but I’ve been living in Asia for 10 years and started making food and travel videos to document my experiences. I travel to different parts of the world, hunting down and documenting the most unique food each country has to offer.
If you see any factual food errors in my videos, please feel free to politely let me know in the comments. I’m a huge fan of trying different, interesting foods in each country. My show is from a Western point of view, but more importantly, MY point of view. It is not meant to offend any person or culture.
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HOST » Sonny Side
EPISODE EDITORS: Dương Quốc Huy, Lê Anh Đỗ, Ngọc Lê Hồng, Thái Đỗ
COLOR & MASTER » Quí Nguyễn
PRODUCER » Liz Peterson
LOCAL PRODUCER » Gauih + Marita (Faroe-Ice Productions) | @faroeiceproductionz
Selected tracks via Audio Network
For business inquiries: marketing@befrs.com
YES, this is a repost.
Youtube removed the original video after it had already amassed 2 million views.
The reasons are complicated, boring and dumb, but I’ll explain.
We used some footage from a channel that labeled it as “Creative Commons” meaning anyone can use it in their edit.
Then we got a copyright strike on the channel for using that footage.
It turns out, the footage we used wasn’t Creative Commons. Some YouTube channel had just reloaded this footage and labeled it as such.
Sadly, this means youtube’s Creative Commons labeling system is useless, because anyone can just load someone else’s footage and label it as such.
So, in order not to waste our extraordinary effort in making this video, we’ve reedited it, having taken out those handful of clips we’d used.
That said, the strike still remains on our channel. Fun, right?
The channel whose footage we inadvertantly used refused to make any type of licensing deal with us. Oh well. That’s their right.
Brand New Videos Coming Saturday!!!!
Thank you for your patience.
Making whales look DELICIOUS!
I thought about all the blood from the pilot whales, innocent animal killed for no reason. Horrible sight, where can I report this in their defense , that is the question
Do a video with solotravelblog please! ^^
Dude EVERYBODY loves Sonny!!
I feel like I should be paying for this omg
Andrew Zimmerman lost weight And put on a bandana
I am Murat, I love potato chips, please sell me many potato for chips.
This is vikings place
1:18 WFT is a dude holding a rifle in an inflated pontoon boat riding in rough seas?
Amazing video, as good as anything from BBC or Discovery Channel, maybe even better ❤
❤❤❤ lovely video .. thank you Sonny and team.
To the people that disagrees with there way of life pull your head in and go back to your tack away shop because you having forgotten your passed
Halfway through this video, I have watched dozens of ads already, YouTube is crazy! Great video though.
Ok so i want to move in the Faroes! ❤
how can i live and work there? im from philippines. haha
you need to get some new content your REPEATS ARE GETTNG ANNOYIING 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 GET SOMME NEW STUFF 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
go to mizoram in the north east india
anyone criticizing whale harvesting is a hypocrite. why is killing and eating a whale any different from you buying beef or pork from the supermarket? cows and pigs are intelligent animals to… yet we slaughter them in the billions. If these people are sustainably harvesting whales without harming the whale population. I don't see any problem at all.
Yall trippin on that whale shit. Let em eat. Humanity is pathetic
Whenever they come within the shore, they kill them. That is sure to decline the entire population within a certain region eventually. They just travel and hunt for food. It's a bit fucked up honestly, not to let them live every now and then just in case, that would surely at last slow their decline if there is a decline. This type of behavior suggests the supply of food is limitless! They aren't even considering over-harvesting. It's a detrimental mindset, the Faroe islands will lose valuable luxuries in the future if nothing changes.
800 whales a year hunted here is 2.8 whales every day. you think more than that are born every day? It takes 16 months for a pilot whale to give birth. Then it takes several years for them to grow.
Pilot whales have one of the longest birth intervals of the cetaceans
Female pilot whales mature at about 7–12 years of age.
Females have calves every 5 to 8 years.
Each FEMALE Pilot whale might give birth to two or three at most whales in her entire lifespan.
That roughly estimates to 1,000 new whales a year.
They hunt 800 of them a year.
We are in the danger zone.
I fucking like you. Don't stop making videos, especially those 100$ Challanges. Peace
I always enjoy your videos learning new things and culture always amazing
This man is insane 😂
sunlight hahaha
History of Japanese eating Whale is less than 150 yrs.
People at Faroe Islands has long history from viking era.
Dis on Japanese gov not people of Faroe Islands.
Majority of Japanese don't even have culture to eating big Whale anymore tho,
Our fascist gov still pays out subsidy to the Whale hunting industry
keep lying it's our traditional culture.
Go ahead and sink all the Japanese whale hunting ship they are disgusting.
I'm Japanese.
Really another video popping up for me to watch "New" meh. Kind of annoying. Yeah tell those idiots to stop eating whales. We know you want to!
hey sunny come hang out in rhode island and eat clam cakes and chowda and hot weiners
Omg Sonny you cant just ask people why they look different… smh…
Seriously, how many times do creators need to get f#@ked by yt before they do something about it. Yt will never change anything as long as they keep making billions. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that if my favorite creators would post to another platform, as well as yt. I would definitely watch it on the other platform.
It's not the whale, fermented sheep or puffins. It's the friends you meet along the way.
Definitely different foods and culture along with some controversial methods of living. Above all, Sonny it’s time to lose the skinny jeans. It’ll be back in style again soon like the mullet. Not hatin’, just sayin’. Beyond that I love all your shows. Look forward to seeing more soon.
🚫 👖
I would go there to die …..
The food isn't important, the culture is
Thankful for the re upload cause I haven’t seen this upload! Love <3
Montis is one hell of a guy, handsome too! Definitely living his dream I'd say.
Mainland indians visiting europe: whoa!! Yummy!! Very exotic!!
Mainland indians visiting ne india: yuck!!
Please let me experiencea day to this place … PLEASE
Nice video nice food review❤
this place looks so beautiful and homely
What an amazing channel
Tradition is tradition, but killing whales or even worse, Dolphins.. Is honestly terrible. It doesn't matter that they do kill them painlessly. Their intellect and emotional maturity IS the problem, and the fact that they travel with family mixed together. These animals experience their family being murdered infront of them, while being dragged onto the beach themselves.
Legenda em português por favor 🇧🇷🇧🇷
This is the best part of the (old) travel channel meets, bizarre foods meets the original food network. ❤
Where have you been in my life? 😊
This show is what I've been missing. Thank you for all you do. Please continue your wonderful videos.