Two Men Get Into Knife Fight On The Street

Two Men Get Into Knife Fight On The Street
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  1. When I was in prison I had multiple knives. Poker, flat blade, and a lawnmower blade that my roommate had left me when he went to lock up. but I promise you it was to defend my self from situations just like this, this is terrifying. I absolutely believe any sane American citizen should be allowed to exercise their 2nd ammendment. Hope this guy is okay, but I highly doubt that.

  2. I watch these to keep my ego in check. I like to think I'd stand up to anybody but in reality your gna end up as a Stat. It ain't worth it guys. Keep it in your head.

  3. What I will never get: getting so fed up with a random stranger, that you decide to kill him. What is wrong with people nowadays? Sure you might have an argument about some crap, but killing someone over anything like that? Just awful

  4. Great lesson John. Victim may have been going to ask the perp something reasonable, you're blocking my driveway, please move.
    But when the perp come out with the knife it's go time! Run away. Break it off. If he persues use a tool.

  5. Yea, when you get stabbed in the subclavian artery 10 times, to the point where the blood spurts out so much you can see it on camera 80 feet away…and then for some reason you decide to run and get your heart pumping….there is zero chance of survival.

  6. No BS Krap Maga is gonna help you against a knife attack. It is always staged in class, but never the case in the streets. Just run or escape.

  7. One time i was alone in a bus station, and a group of like 7 dudes come to rob me but they didnt come all at once at me, i already had my knife open in my pocket , the second they saw my knife they all start runnin away from me and went to grab rocks, then was my turn to run away

  8. I cant get my girlfriend, my sister, or mother to watch these things. To learn to remain calm and walk away from a bad situation. They dont seem to understand that the world is very different then it was 5 years ago. Its a very deadly place and no one gives ground. All 3 of them have a mouth and think because they are middle class white woman(I hate saying it but they can be Karens) in Los Angeles that they can say and do anything, and they will be fine. They get into arguments with other woman and sometimes men all the damn time, and its over nothing, cutting in line, talking loudly, using foul language near my niece. I carry(yea LA so not "legal") but that just means they could get me thrown in prison for their egos. It does go both ways. Ive witness people talking smack on them first(mostly race based), but they wont back down and let it go. Everyone is so angry all the time and its so easy to get into an argument. Its almost as if people cant help themselves. Like its a drug they are addicted to. I try to get them to just walk away from it as it is happening but then Im the problem I wont "support them" "why wont I defend them?" becomes the argument…now a days I need the valium and the white wine. and now Im venting

  9. Wow seems to me the white guy was all too willing to stab the black guy, but as soon as he gets stabbed back that’s when it’s too much 🤦‍♂️

  10. 14 stabs Deep lesion tissue first dismembered falls apart 15 seconds later usually you recover but he lost his arm and possibly life that will shock and bleed possibly the dying moments of his life with a quarter of recovery

  11. Holy crap.. This is why, like you said, keep the ego on check.. I bet this could have been diffused with dialogue. This is murder and it never had to be. RIP.

  12. Love the references to Jesus you occasionally put out. So important that we get right with God and our loved ones. Not an easy video to watch.

  13. I saw an interview with a green beret. He said there’s no way your going to get out of a knife fight without being cut. It’s very hard to defend against a knife without being cut.

  14. First mistake he made was getting into it with someone who has a weapon. Second mistake and the biggest one eas taking his eyes off the weapon, for that mistake he paid the price

  15. That wasn't the dude chasing him after he been stabbed, what people failed to realise was that a ghost was chasing it killer. Sad end.🙏🏿

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